What are you currently reading?

Just finishing up Jewish Life in the Middle Ages by Israel Abrams.

It was printed in 1920... some of the pages hadn't even been separated since being printed.

It fascinates me that I may be the first person to read this particular copy.
I am currently reading, The Torah, A Modern Commentary by W. Gunther Plaut, the 1981 edition. The commentaries and "gleanings" are captivating.
I assume, as well, that you understand that the non-Torah, non-haftarah material is compiled, written, commented on, refracted from a Reform Jewish perspective. There are several other similar volumes, that approach the material from other perspectives.
Onto Weather Shaman!

I had started it a month ago, then lost track of it, and moved onto something else.

I found it while cleaning, put it back on the shelf, and now I'll restart.

(I do that a lot.)
At the heart of this novel is humor and the reminder to “lighten up.” Even Robbins’ description of what comes after life is humorous and witty. Jitterbug Perfume seems to suggest that when we lighten up, and remember the connection we have with our natural selves, the possibilities may be limitless.
Just read part of the Aitareya Brahmana of RigVeda and found what it said about Heliocentricism.

But during the search, I came across this reference to sun from around 800 BCE (probable date of Aitareya Brahmana). Aitareya is the oldest Brahmana text.
Is this the first mention of Heliocentric model? They, sure, did not know what is on the other side. :D
This is Martin Haug's translation of Aitareya Brahmana (1863). Thanks Martin, much obliged.
Did Marin know that someone in 2025 would be thanking him for his work after 162 years ?

Martin Haug - Wikipedia

"The notion that the Earth revolves around the Sun had been proposed as early as the 3rd century BC by Aristarchus of Samos, who had been influenced by a concept presented by Philolaus of Croton (c. 470 – 385 BC). In the 5th century BC the Greek philosophers Philolaus and Hicetas had the thought on different occasions that the Earth was spherical and revolving around a "mystical" central fire, and that this fire regulated the universe."
Heliocentrism - Wikipedia

No, Wiki. Heliocentricism was known to Indians since 800 BCE.