Slowing Down of Site

"For larger XenForo installations, it can be advantageous to define a cache in order to save on processing time and database queries.
XenForo has the ability to store and retrieve various data from a cache, which can be configured in your src/config.php file

:) It might help .. but it could be due to processes getting "stuck", and not closing sockets to db.

Nice find, I'll look into this.
Its back to super slow for me.
That sucks.

To aid my troubleshooting:

Is it "just" slow (not to detract from the annoyance), or are you getting blank screens with a brief error message at the top, complaining about database connectivity?
My speed is still back to normal.
@muhammad_isa how is yours?

How about others?
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That sucks.

To aid my troubleshooting:

Is it "just" slow (not to detract from the annoyance), or are you getting blank screens with a brief error message at the top, complaining about database connectivity?
I sometimes get the screen where it tells me to 'reload'. I haven't got the error screen lately.