Reform Jew

Interesting. How long ago was that from?
It's definitely from way before my time.
I've been here for about 6 months.
The poster, Avi, clearly enjoyed his? time here... but it was not clear at least to me, from this alone, why he wanted to leave?
If you search under poster, “Avi” you will find it. It appears that Avi left because he was being persecuted by the management and posters in the Jewish sub-forum.
Hi All, who is the owner of this thread? Brian ? Take me to your leader ? 😀
As far as who would be leading the Jewish subforum, I think RabbiO
There are several moderators who I think co-own or co-manage the forum at large. Anyone with the name "Veteran Member" would be an option to talk to.
As far as who would be leading the Jewish subforum, I think RabbiO
There are several moderators who I think co-own or co-manage the forum at large. Anyone with the name "Veteran Member" would be an option to talk to.
To quote General Sherman - If nominated I will not run. If elected I will not serve. I do appreciate, however, your confidence in me.
@ReformJew @RabbiO and anyone else

I am a born Jew and spent my first 20+ years within Judaism, some years as orthodox others as modern-not-so-orthodox.
My first 18 years I went to Jewish-orthodox schools and was fairly well versed in Tanach. Later on I was in Israel where I spent some time learning in a couple of yeshivot.
During my early 20s I joined a bhakti path and I suppose, one could say that I left Judaism. Some 23 years later I left that path and am now a non-theist.

So, I am happy to join in discussions on Judaism based on my early years of education and the experience of practising.
I have seen in other places online where atheists join the Jewish forum(on the basis that their mothers are Jews), only to debase Judaism, so I can appreciate you not wanting me to post here.

Anyway, if you agree, I will participate when I have something to say.
I have a theory about why the members have disappeared. Who are the members in the background?
I think it takes a particular sort of person (of any belief) to stay and play and discuss religion relatively amicably.

We have had a variety of Jews here over the years. While renewal and reconstruction would (to me) seem most likely to embrace interfaith discussion. It seems we had conservative and orthodox hang the longest.

I think it takes both a reverence and acceptance of others beliefs and a good grounding of your own.

I personally enjoy exploring religious services and discussion....and while lean follower of Jesus (yet not Christian in many Christian eyes) feel much more comfortable in a synagogue than most.churches.

But back to your theory?
Perhaps @ReformJew is @Avi? He had some sort of run-in with Brian long ago that resulted in him being banned. The ban was lifted a few days ago.

He has recently expended numerous posts and PMs and email wanting to find out who actually owns the site -- not just who is running the site -- apparently to give one-on-one advice about how to encourage more activity in the Jewish forum.

He seemed unwilling to offer this advice to all members on the open forums.

We don't like private one-on-one Admin PMs concerning the site and prefer to have at least one other Admin involved. And anonymity is preferred on the internet with people we don't know anything about.

@ReformJew seems unhappy with the way the site is run and so for now prefers to grace us by his absence.

In the meantime everyone has genuinely extended a warm welcome and he is free to post as a registered member and hopefully we may hear from him again,?
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If @ReformJew so wishes, and if it would not upset the equilibrium of the forum, I would be more than willing to engage in private conversation regarding the forum in general and the Judaism subforum in particular.

If he is who I believe him to be, and he has all but plainly confirmed it, we have known each other for several years in a couple of different venues. Although he and I have had disagreements, including where I am positioned in the Judaism spectrum - for the record I am not conservadox - I think there is a sufficient level of trust between us and I would hope he would be open to exchanging ideas with me.