Tony Bristow-Stagg
One Planet One People Please
We need to be born again, everytime God sends a Messenger, born from the flesh and material understandings we have accumulated, into God's Word and Laws for the age we live.Born again into Muhammad (pbuh)? How do you make that one fly, Tony?
So from the year 622, everyone did need to be born again into the Word of God given by Muhammad, recorded in the Quran.
As per Revelation, the new Message is the New Jerusalem, and the New Names need to be written upon our heart, but that can only be done unto those that receive that Name in the Station of Christ, they must be born again into that Spirit.
As you are aware ibalso offe that the year 1844 again offers that opportunity and then the year 1863.
Born again unto Zoraster, or Noah, or Adam, or Jeremiah or Buddha?
Where are you getting this stuff from? Oh yes -- Baha'u'llah as the copycat Jesus...imo
Regards Tony