In my eyes, your belief in your GodSelf has little in common with a monotheistic or polytheistic belief. In fact, all other religions have an inner and an outer dimension, and a practice to harmonise the inside with the outside. Monotheistic belief is that there is One Spirit, God, Who is in and over all.
Indian polytheism discern various principles/deities/manifestations, which are however related, together making a whole.
Various religions discern a spiritual and a material entity, both comprising all spiritual resp. all material, having both related.
Atheist Monism assumes that all is related, but there is no Actor over all.
Central/Southern African Spiritism assigns a spirit to every individual (human, tree...) and community (people, forest...) and aims at a good relation and harmony between all.
Buddhism knows exercises on an individual level, but it has also a strong social component; the inner path shall finally lead back to society and have its fruit there.
There are monotheists, polytheists, agnostics, atheists. But all have a dimension that exceeds oneself, a kind of transcendent harmony, following an ideal of transcendental oneness.
I don't see that your path leads there. I don't see any significance in the question whether you are a theist or an atheist.