!!......The Di Vinci Code......!!


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Basically, it’s a book released by an author from the USA, New England. And it’s become a world wide best seller. Apparently Leonardo Di Vinci was part of a secret society which harboured the Holy Grail and that actually the Holy Grail was not a cup but the child of Christ. In French the word Holy Grail is spelt San Grale But if you are to move the letters round to SanG rale it means Royal Blood.

Part of this secret society are the blood line of Jesus Christ and it was found that even Isaac Newton was part of this society. The author claims that Leonardo di Vinci left secret codes in his work that Jesus and Mary Magdalene were an item. I must say very fascinating, but I was watching a TV documentary that discredited the whole theory and claimed to be a hoax, however there seems to be two sides to this spin.

Personally to me, it’s just an other sign that this world is leaning towards the Anti-Christ attitude which was prophesied.
Dear PM

The book is and was meant to be fiction so it amazes me how people have taken it so literally.

To me the anti-christ is anti-love and there is nothing more wonderful and loving then 'relationship' it is obvious from scripture that Jesus really did love Mary Magdalene, his deep affection and love for Mary really comes across in the Gospel of Mary and Gospel of Thomas.

An open mind and heart is a loving mind and heart.

Love beyond measure

Jesus should be devoted to God and know one else, also staying virgineus
throughout life for a man was to remain pure and devoted. He wasn't sent as a man, he was sent as a divine man, in the image of God.. And he was.
Sacredstar said:
Dear PM

The book is and was meant to be fiction so it amazes me how people have taken it so literally.

To me the anti-christ is anti-love and there is nothing more wonderful and loving then 'relationship' it is obvious from scripture that Jesus really did love Mary Magdalene, his deep affection and love for Mary really comes across in the Gospel of Mary and Gospel of Thomas.

An open mind and heart is a loving mind and heart.

Love beyond measure

Jesus would have to be careful here. If not, he would violate His own rules. One can not love another human being more than God. If Jesus chose the path of normal men in love for a woman, then He would have violated the very precepts He was trying to teach us.

Not that loving a woman is a sin, by any stretch of the imagination :D

Jesus just could not in good conscience pick a single person to love, in a special way. Think about it. He even refused to acknowledge his own mother as his, at one time. As he died, he placed the care of his mother into the hands of another, and that was the end of it (the end of his familial relationship with her). And he did it just that fast.

Jesus was different, is different, will be different.

Sacred, It may be easy for you to consider yourself the "Bride of Christ" one day. Men don't have it so easy...but we try.


Quahom1 I agree with every word.

Leonardo di vinci was a controversial homosexual anyway... Not an insult to him, he was indeed a great man but the fact that people take Leonardo di vinci's work and say it holds historical work is idiotic.


Apprently the person next to Jesus on the left is a female, the V shape formation is for sign of the female and birth and The M shape they make is for Mary Magdalene.
see this thread too:


personally, i find it rather peculiar that a thirty-something man in 1st-century judea wasn't married. most men would have been married off by about 18 at the latest. it was (and still is) considered very wrong indeed to try and be celibate, as one's love for G!D is most properly demonstrated and symbolised by one's conjugal relationship. there were of course weird sects like the essenes and the qumranis who only really approved of sex for procreation, but they are far from mainstream beliefs.

postmaster - i thought that greek orthodox priests still get married, don't they? what do you think about that?


Dear PM

Postmaster said:
Jesus should be devoted to God and know one else, also staying virgineus
throughout life for a man was to remain pure and devoted. He wasn't sent as a man, he was sent as a divine man, in the image of God.. And he was.

Not Jesus but all of US here is a quote for you:

"Love with all your heart but your soul belongs to GOD".

One can remain pure and devoted and still have human relationships as well as a relationship with GOD and all his/her creation. We are all sent as divine man, in the image of GOD and when humanity wakes up to this fact a great deal more will be done and peace will reign on earth.

The secret is not to put any human being above GOD and here is where the devotion comes.

GOD bless

postmaster - i thought that greek orthodox priests still get married, don't they? what do you think about that?
It all depends, if you marry and then decide to become a priest this is allowed. But if you devote to priest hood before you get married then you will not be allowed to get married. But Priests follow in Jesus Christs steps and image however they know that they are human. ;)

Christianity wouldn't have made it so far if Jesus was a hypocrite it’s not possible. If it is, I will not take any religion seriously let a lone Christianity.

Dear Q

Quahom1 said:
1) Jesus would have to be careful here. If not, he would violate His own rules.

2) One can not love another human being more than God. If Jesus chose the path of normal men in love for a woman.

3) then He would have violated the very precepts He was trying to teach us. Jesus just could not in good conscience pick a single person to love, in a special way. Think about it.

4) He even refused to acknowledge his own mother as his, at one time. As he died,

5) he placed the care of his mother into the hands of another, and that was the end of it (the end of his familial relationship with her). And he did it just that fast. Jesus was different, is different, will be different.

6) Sacred, It may be easy for you to consider yourself the "Bride of Christ" Men don't have it so easy...but we try.Q

1) what rules? he made no rules in this respect
2) correct, it is true man does not understand what real love is but Jesus did and the proof of his love for Magdalene is in the Gospel of Thomas and the Gospel of Mary, some of the apostles complain that he loves Mary above them, the apostles were also jealous of his favour towards Thomas. Why do you assume that for Jesus to have a relationship with Magdalene that he would put that above GOD? Is this because you yourself do so? Jesus loved everyone and some more then others but yet nobody came before or equal to GOD. And GOD said to me 'man can never love you the way we love you, man can never make you feel the way we make you feel'.
3) I have thought about it, I have taken the trouble to study it, the greatest place to learn unconditional love is in the family setting.
4/5) Interesting that he oftens brings her with him when he visits me especially when there is serious situations on the planet like the Iraq war, and so his relationship as never ended with her, they work together a lot to help us all.

6) here is his reponse about men/brides of christ from an excerpt of the Sacred Union with the Divine Article by Kim©2004

Christ would like you to know that this is the true Passion of Christ, and that he is your shepherd and your slave, your beloved friend walking side by side, he is your shadow and your heart and through this recognition you can create the will to good.

During your emergence you will understand how you can create miracles, merging together and melting into universal consciousness and unconditional love. There are no limitations when you truly accept at the depth of your soul this is truth. Christ is the seed within you, that returns to grow into the fullness of GODs creation and perfect marriage. The love flowing through you is beyond measure, this love is the sweet dew gently refreshing the human race, each drop runs deep and creates a still pond of peace within.

Share your wisdom and plan for compassionate action. Many speeches to be given and parties all around, different people coming together to celebrate what is coming to be, the light is emanating like never before. Many projects will be launched, the off springs of the beloveds.

One of the challenges to overcome will be how men perceive how they can be a Bride of Christ. They are trained to be givers of love but yet to receive the sacred romance. They need to surrender control, embrace and allow themselves to be Divine Love. Surrendering one’s life to GOD is perceived as costly, but how great will be the reward of those who dare to pay the price. Replace the word ignorance with innocence and claim your birthright of blissful happiness now, the innocence of a child living in total perfection.

In (Matt 25:1-13) it says that those bridesmaids that weren’t ready missed the wedding feast. Jesus explained, “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour” (v.13). The calling of the beloveds, allow it to unfold you are the sacred heart of Christ.

And it was written that the Son of Man would send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from one end of heaven to the other. and it was said ‘This generation shall not pass, till all things be fulfilled.’ The gospel goes on to say that ‘heaven and earth will pass away’ (Matt.XXiv31-35).

For they will become one in unity consciousness and then the floodgates will open, a critical mass awakening of the love vibration, a catalyst of positive change.

Love beyond measure

Sacredstar said:
Dear Q

1) what rules? he made no rules in this respect
2) correct, it is true man does not understand what real love is but Jesus did and the proof of his love for Magdalene is in the Gospel of Thomas and the Gospel of Mary, some of the apostles complain that he loves Mary above them, the apostles were also jealous of his favour towards Thomas. Why do you assume that for Jesus to have a relationship with Magdalene that he would put that above GOD? Is this because you yourself do so? Jesus loved everyone and some more then others but yet nobody came before or equal to GOD. And GOD said to me 'man can never love you the way we love you, man can never make you feel the way we make you feel'.
3) I have thought about it, I have taken the trouble to study it, the greatest place to learn unconditional love is in the family setting.
4/5) Interesting that he oftens brings her with him when he visits me especially when there is serious situations on the planet like the Iraq war, and so his relationship as never ended with her, they work together a lot to help us all.

6) here is his reponse about men/brides of christ from an excerpt of the Sacred Union with the Divine Article by Kim©2004

Christ would like you to know that this is the true Passion of Christ, and that he is your shepherd and your slave, your beloved friend walking side by side, he is your shadow and your heart and through this recognition you can create the will to good.

During your emergence you will understand how you can create miracles, merging together and melting into universal consciousness and unconditional love. There are no limitations when you truly accept at the depth of your soul this is truth. Christ is the seed within you, that returns to grow into the fullness of GODs creation and perfect marriage. The love flowing through you is beyond measure, this love is the sweet dew gently refreshing the human race, each drop runs deep and creates a still pond of peace within.

Share your wisdom and plan for compassionate action. Many speeches to be given and parties all around, different people coming together to celebrate what is coming to be, the light is emanating like never before. Many projects will be launched, the off springs of the beloveds.

One of the challenges to overcome will be how men perceive how they can be a Bride of Christ. They are trained to be givers of love but yet to receive the sacred romance. They need to surrender control, embrace and allow themselves to be Divine Love. Surrendering one’s life to GOD is perceived as costly, but how great will be the reward of those who dare to pay the price. Replace the word ignorance with innocence and claim your birthright of blissful happiness now, the innocence of a child living in total perfection.

In (Matt 25:1-13) it says that those bridesmaids that weren’t ready missed the wedding feast. Jesus explained, “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour” (v.13). The calling of the beloveds, allow it to unfold you are the sacred heart of Christ.

And it was written that the Son of Man would send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from one end of heaven to the other. and it was said ‘This generation shall not pass, till all things be fulfilled.’ The gospel goes on to say that ‘heaven and earth will pass away’ (Matt.XXiv31-35).

For they will become one in unity consciousness and then the floodgates will open, a critical mass awakening of the love vibration, a catalyst of positive change.

Love beyond measure

Hello Sacred,

1. Jesus' Bride is the Church. The Bible repeats this over and over again. He left us to prepare a place for us, then will return like a thief in the night, and we (the church) better be ready for Him. If Jesus was not faithful to his declared bride, how could he expect his "Bride" to remain faithful to him, or even choose to remain His Bride?

2. I must admit my being taken aback by your accusative concerning where God may be in the pecking order of my life. I don't believe I deserved that. That said, I also opine that you have answered your own question about Jesus' relationships. As jealous as his followers were over Jesus' attentions, how much more so do you think they would have been, had Jesus paired up intimately with Mary Magdalene? That may have killed the movement He was trying to start up.

3. Try working in a soup kitchen, or an old veteran's home/hospice...you might reconsider.

4/5. I am not qualified to comment on this, since I have no reference for comparrison.

6. That is an intersting and lovely take on the relationship between Christ and the Church (people). Perhaps when I am older and more mature (less macho), I will be able to appreciate it more fully. For now however, I am a military man, who happens to think of the Lord in a different way. It is personal, and I'm not obliged to go into details at this time. But I don't think He is disappointed too much.

Men, want respect above all else Sacred. We are wired for it. God designed us this way, and points it out throughout the Bible. In fact, God commands men to love their wives (which is what women need), and wives respect their husbands (which is what men need).

However, I am certain that Jesus has a plan to make the entire "Church" ammenable to the relationship with Him, after this current life.


Postmaster said:
Quahom1 I agree with every word.

Leonardo di vinci was a controversial homosexual anyway... Not an insult to him, he was indeed a great man but the fact that people take Leonardo di vinci's work and say it holds historical work is idiotic.

Apprently the person next to Jesus on the left is a female, the V shape formation is for sign of the female and birth and The M shape they make is for Mary Magdalene.
Hello Postmaster,

Leonardo di Vinci was a genius as well. He also had such artistic flare and of course artists do take liberal license sometimes. I thought that Judas sat to Jesus' immediate left? Did Jesus not lean to Judas and whisper that what he was about to do (turn Jesus over to the authorities), that he should do quickly?

I do see that there is a hand in the picture that belongs to no one in particular. That is interesting. However, Picaso liked to get sureal in his paintings too.

I'm pretty certain there was no table in the upper room that looked more like an oversized "Catholic" alter, just like I'm sure Jesus and his "troops" were not lily white in skin color, nor had long flowing redish hair like a celtic warrior.

It is a beautiful piece of art, that I appreciate as such. But you are right Post, in suggesting it is not historically accurate.


Dear Q

I agree all human beings are the temple (church) it was never meant to be a church with walls.

For you are the temple of the living God. As God has said: "I will dwell in them And walk among them. I will be their God, And they shall be My people." (2 Corinthians 6:16)

As far as soup kitchens are concerned I would say this is where one can learn and exprience compassion, if you knew my activity this week this statement would not have come to mind, but hey we are here to share our love and pure intent, but unconditional love is sorely tested in the family and personal relationship environment not in soup kitchens in my experience. I honestly know very few people that have truly integrated unconditional love and most people are not aware what real love is.

I will start another thread on love and those that are interested can join in if they wish.

Thank you for sharing Q.

being love

kim xx

Respect is a state of being
when one respects the self
one does not look for it outside
of oneself.

GOD says approve of yourselves there is no need to prove your worth to GOD or anyone else.

There is no need for self validation when one truly values the self.

GOD bless

This was a real good post Q. I appreciate your understanding of this. God broke the mold after he made Jesus and there will never be another one just like him. Different as different can be. Nice.

1) what rules? he made no rules in this respect
2) correct, it is true man does not understand what real love is but Jesus did and the proof of his love for Magdalene is in the Gospel of Thomas and the Gospel of Mary, some of the apostles complain that he loves Mary above them, the apostles were also jealous of his favour towards Thomas. Why do you assume that for Jesus to have a relationship with Magdalene that he would put that above GOD? Is this because you yourself do so? Jesus loved everyone and some more then others but yet nobody came before or equal to GOD. And GOD said to me 'man can never love you the way we love you, man can never make you feel the way we make you feel'.
3) I have thought about it, I have taken the trouble to study it, the greatest place to learn unconditional love is in the family setting.
4/5) Interesting that he oftens brings her with him when he visits me especially when there is serious situations on the planet like the Iraq war, and so his relationship as never ended with her, they work together a lot to help us all.

6) here is his reponse about men/brides of christ from an excerpt of the Sacred Union with the Divine Article by Kim©2004...


...Christ would like you to know that this is the true Passion of Christ, and that he is your shepherd and your slave, your beloved friend walking side by side, he is your shadow and your heart and through this recognition you can create the will to good.
Star, I enjoyed your post also. We have to remember that each of us will see things at different times in our lives as we seek God. I dont doubt that there was affection there for Mary M. I am seeing that his purpose was greater than a mortal relationship with just one woman, so that all of us could become one as in the bride of Christ.
He would have to have had affection in order for him to understand and be a faithful and merciful high priest and to be a faithful husband to his spiritual bride. and maybe she was the one he found this special affection for while he was on earth.

I say this because we are still in the flesh and he can understand because he once too was flesh.

I dont know for sure, but if he would have sought to fulfill the earthly affection more than the affection for the spiritual woman -his eternal bride- (which we are), then maybe even Mary M. and his own Mother would have been lost.
So his purpose was an eternal purpose over the temporary purpose and he saw that the eternal purpose was greater.

You may be seeing things that others cannot see for a reason. This does happen sometimes and it can become frustrating to try and explain to others. So be patient and longsuffering with what you see, even though others may not always grasp it in the same realm.
Dear Bandit

Thank you for your understanding.

Let's look at it another way and investigate this further........for those that believe Jesus was GOD why would GOD wish to be the bride of himself? Hard for him to be the bride and the bridegroom.

For those that believe he was the only Son of GOD why would he wish to be the bride of his father?

Ah ah....the lover and the beloved Rumi writes it well, good idea I will start a thread on Rumi.

Now we all have the opportunity to be brides of christ but that does not mean that we must deny human relationships. My experience and understanding of it is, that a bride of christ puts the relationship with GOD above all else but human relationships can come second and this is how I lead my life.

Interesting that there was no mention about the Apostles becoming Brides of Christ? So is this not part of the prophecy for us now as I do not remember any scripture where Jesus says he is the lover of the beloved? But yet we know that he did have a beloved disciple at the last supper, many scholars believe this to be Magdalene.

Jesus was an amazing man and Buddha was just as amazing. Buddha taught us wisdom and Jesus taught us love a wonderful combination, and like Moses, Noah, Jonah etc GOD as sent many down the ages to help humanity. Interesting that the only prophet that Jesus is said to have honoured in the NT is Jonah. Probably because Jonah tried to run away from his mission I feel sure that Jesus really identified with Jonah's reticence hence why he chose him.

Love beyond measure

You know some people think that the mission of Jesus was easy for him because he was fulfilling the prophecy outlined in the bible and due to him being the Son of GOD, but he spent hours and hours in contemplation to find the solutions to the difficulties that he faced with the human race, it is clear from the 'what is love' thread that humanity still as not integrated what he tried to teach us 2,000 years ago - divine love.
Jesus in the temple at the age of 12 knew what his Fathers will was thus He also Knew who His Chosen Bride was to be .... The Church .

I watched the Di Vinci Code on the Discovery Channel. Found it interesting as the the alien autopsy at area 51. LOL

Certian Diesies (Not sure of spelling) in the church of rome after the the crusades got in a big competition over who held the "most sacred artifacts"
the shroud of turan one example. It seemed material evidence drew and still does people to come and SEE proof.

I am reminded of what Jesus said to Thomas and am glad God has allowed me to believe though I havent seen.

As far as the painting I laughed hard at that. Shave the beards off and they would all look like females for the most part.
Sacredstar said:
Let's look at it another way and investigate this further........for those that believe Jesus was GOD why would GOD wish to be the bride of himself? Hard for him to be the bride and the bridegroom.

For those that believe he was the only Son of GOD why would he wish to be the bride of his father?

One understanding I have of the Trinity is that this is exactly what the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost are--perfect love/unity in three persons. Why not express this as betrothed/married? This is our perfect example and the source of Love that flows to and through us.