A New Creation for our age.

No...you said it is part of prophecy...part of your end plan?

Therefore if it don't happen your perceived utopia doesn't occur.

Thank me!
Yes it will occur, it is part of Prophecy, but it is noted as the wrong choice, a choice that will fail to produce the desired result. We do not have to make that choice, but many will.

P/S, it is not my plan, it is God's.

Regards Tony
Reminded me of this passage in the Quran.

And (the unbelievers) plotted and planned, and Allah too planned, and the best of planners is Allah.

Regards Tony
Yes, alright..
..but that is not to say that G-d planned the evil deeds that mankind are guilty of.

Divine destiny is not a straightforward topic, imo.
I am inspired to post this OP from the responses to replies in another OP about a 'New Creation'.
OK, that's me ...

In this age, a New Creation requires the embracing of the Oneness of God and humanity.
Well that's been the requirement throughout the ages really, so I honestly don't see anything new there – it may be new to you?

It requires us to embrace all God given Faiths in the same light of Love, to remove the predudices of religion, of race, of gender.
Then please do, but tidy your own house before telling others what to do.

Love us, don't lecture us.

Personally, I favour a more workable example of the message from the Dalai Lama –
He was approached by someone who said they wanted to become a follower of his, because they found their own religion deficient. He advised the young man to go back and look again, with the advice that boiled down to:
a) No authentic religion is in any sense deficient in what is necessary;
b) If you can't find it in your religion, you won't find it in mine – the fault lies with you.

– A salutatory message – and one the Baha'i should seriously consider.


It requires us to drop national predudices and become one people on one planet, proud of the nation we were born in, recognising boundaries of Nations, but not putting up exclusive borders.
Unity in diversity ... Outside different, inside the same – yes – the many facets of the one jewel.
Lack of diversity is un-natural and runs contrary to the spirit of creation.

Is there a path to this new creation, yes indeed there is ...
AHH! So this New Creation is not here yet! Thank you – at last you acknowledge my point.

I would point out, however – which is a point I made before – the 'new heaven and the new earth' that Christ and Scripture talks about is something substantially different, which is a point you seem unable to grasp.

... the old world order is fast collapsing and a new world order is rolling out in its stead.
On what do you base your comparison?

The 13th century was far worse than this one – the Black Death started in China, decimated the population there, and then came West where it claimed almost half the population of Europe. On that scale of cataclysm, current issues are nowhere near as bad.

Having said that, I do fear we may have passed the environmental tipping point. we just haven't realised it yet. There's too many unforeseens, too many unknowns at play – The great prophet of science, James Lovelock, proposer of the authentic Gaia Hypothesis (not the New Age romance) reckons our 'new heaven and new earth' will be built by a few surviving families housed at the poles, on the bones of 80% of the population of the old who will succumb to the catastrophe ... I hope and pray he is wrong, but so often he's been proved right.

Right here, right now, I see no sign of any real appetite to 'bite the bullet' of necessary change which will hurt us all.

I am compelled by the events that surround us, war, tyrants, dishonesty on a scale never before witnesses ...
are you sure about that 'never before'? I'm not, and those who are ignorant of history are doomed to repeat it ...

... to say we are One, God is one, we are all part of a New Creation, playing the part we choose.
In which case, please allow us to dialogue with our God in the ways our God gave us, and stop trying to imprint everyone with yours.[/quote][/QUOTE]
..are you sure about that 'never before'? I'm not, and those who are ignorant of history are doomed to repeat it ...
Well, I'm not sure what Tony is referring to, but I would say that we live in unprecedented times..
eg. industrial revolution, computer-age, climate-change

..and all the calamities associated with the above.
Planet earth is accelerating into chaos due to mankind's endeavours, imo.

The underlying cause is the distribution of capital i.e. financial system
Well, I'm not sure what Tony is referring to, but I would say that we live in unprecedented times..
eg. industrial revolution, computer-age, climate-change

..and all the calamities associated with the above.
Planet earth is accelerating into chaos due to mankind's endeavours, imo.
No argument there ... but to say these are 'the times' is something said in every age.

The underlying cause is the distribution of capital i.e. financial system
Absolutely, with ever more of the world's wealth in the hands of ever fewer ... but that was always the case, really.
Just a lot more people around in the 21st Century
Absolutely, with ever more of the world's wealth in the hands of ever fewer ... but that was always the case, really.
I know what you mean ..but these days it is on a global scale, being manipulated
by the wealthy nations.

In times gone by, it was more a matter of a local scale, such as Lords v Paupers etc.
Just a lot more people around in the 21st Century
That's no excuse for inequality of wealth between nations.
..but I'm not a communist and think we should all have the same amount.

I just don't agree with the rich getting richer, just by playing 'banker'.
Yes, bankers deserve wages .. but not lots more, just because they manipulate money.

I don't expect to be rich, with such an attitude, of course ;)
Yes, alright..
..but that is not to say that G-d planned the evil deeds that mankind are guilty of.

Divine destiny is not a straightforward topic, imo.
I have not offered Allah has planned our wrong choices, what I understand is that Allah's plans includes our choices both good and bad. The plan does not alter the chance we have been given to know and love the One Allah.

This Matrix is one of Opposites all relative to our rational conciousness. Light has the lack of light, darkness, Good has the lack of good, evil, love has the lack of love, hate, etc etc

I see that is the plan, to strive for the animating virtues of Allah. We are created on the edge of the darkness and the beginning of the light, we can choose to walk towards the light, or fall back into the darkness.

Regards Tony
Well that's been the requirement throughout the ages really, so I honestly don't see anything new there – it may be new to you?
Knowing of and understanding the requirements may be the issue for all of us Thomas. Before I knew of Baha’u’llah the oneness of humanity was in my thoughts, I had experienced many diverse religous cultures as a young child and thought if there was a God, then God was found in all those cultures, but I never pursued religion.

What is new, is knowing that all the Major Faiths are from the One God, the realisation that God is the Shepherd and God has many folds, this being the time they come together to become one flock.

Regards Tony
The Message from the Universal House of Justice contained this paragraph.

"...Releasing such power has implications for the decades to come. Every people and every
nation has a part to play in the next stage in the fundamental reconstruction of human society. All have unique insights and experiences to offer for the building of a unified world. And it isthe responsibility of the friends, as the bearers of Bahá’u’lláh’s restorative message, to assist populations to release their latent potentialities to achieve their highest aspirations. In this effort, the friends share this precious message with others, strive to demonstrate the efficacy of the divine remedy in the lives of individuals and communities, and work together with all those who appreciate and share the same values and aspirations. As they do so, Bahá’u’lláh’s vision of a unified world will offer a hopeful and clear direction to peoples whose perception has been distorted by the confusion prevailing in the world, and a constructive path for cooperation in the search for solutions to long-standing social maladies. As the spirit of the Faith increasingly permeates the hearts to enkindle love and reinforce the shared identity of humanity as onepeople, it instils a sense of loyal and conscientious civic responsibility and, in place of the pursuit of worldly power, redirects energies towards disinterested service in the pursuit of thecommon good. Populations increasingly adopt the method of consultation, action, andreflection to displace endless contest and conflict. Individuals, communities, and institutions across divers societies increasingly harmonize their efforts in common purpose to overcome sectarian rivalries, and spiritual and moral qualities foundational to humanity’s progress and well-being take root in human character and social practice.."

A new creation is unfolding.

Regards Tony
I learnt a new word or two tonight and had to laugh, it described me to a tee.

.".....Through the clearness and steadiness of their vision, through the unvitiated vitality of their belief, through the incorruptibility of their character, through the adamantine force of their resolve, the matchless superiority of their aims and purpose, and the unsurpassed range of their accomplishments, they who labour for the glory of the Most Great Name … can best demonstrate to the visionless, faithless, and restless society to which they belong their power to proffer a haven of refuge to its members in the hour of their realized doom...."

Of course the last paragraph of that will raise some eyebrows.

Regards Tony