Idolatry in modern day


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If we are told not to worship Idols in place of our god, how come we have so much of it today in our churches? Such as the cross, west wall in jerusalem, our virgin mary, star of david, budah, and etc.. Why are these things needed for our worship of our god?
Namaste jwcouch,

welcome to the forum and enjoy your stay.

well.. first things first...

Buddha Dharma does not have a God or Gods to worship, so this prohibition isn't really appropos for us Buddhist types.

nevertheless, the Buddha is not worshipped, nor are the statuary and other iconic things venerated. in our tradition these things are external reminders of internal mental states, aspects of consciousness, if you will.

i would venture to say that within the context of the Semetic traditions, there aren't any of them that are engaged in "idol" worship. in all cases that i'm aware of, these symbols are meant to signify certain aspects of the practice and teachings.

i suppose it's possible that some beings can become confused in this regard and end up mistaking the image with message, but that is more of an individual thing and not really something that we can make a blanket statement to cover.

as they say, broad brushes are good for painting houses, not so good for converstations.
Not everyone has to believe in a single diety, or believe in a diety at all. It's unfair to simply dub everyone who doesn't agree with your idea of divinity an "idolator" because it suits your purposes.
Dear jwcouch

hmm..well my sweeping statement is that we are probably seeing more direct communion with GOD then at any other time in the history of religion. Helped along by books like 'Conversations with GOD' and the continual opening up of the psychic centres and spiritual awakening that is going on currently on the planet.

Religion as always had it's mediators and GOD as always used human and divine messengers. Last year while in Florence I witnessed an american priest giving a sermon on praying to Mother Mary for help from GOD, it was quite fascinating listening to this charismatic priest deliver this talk to the tourists.

Blessings in abundance

PS But I agree we do not need anything to worship GOD in fact GOD doesn't even wish to be worshipped. Life can be a prayerful meditation in oneness with GOD, that is the communion and the sacred union with the divine. When you see GOD in everything and everyone, in co-creative relationship it becomes a love union.
Thank You for your reply sacredstar. I have begun my journey to enlightenment. I am researching different aspects of my religeon in order to gain self awareness. I posted this line to see what type of responses I would get. Needless to say, I have recieved one response that gave direction in a non argumentative way. Thank You
jwcouch said:
Thank You for your reply sacredstar. I have begun my journey to enlightenment. I am researching different aspects of my religeon in order to gain self awareness. I posted this line to see what type of responses I would get. Needless to say, I have recieved one response that gave direction in a non argumentative way. Thank You
P.S. There were two of you that gave good food for thought.
Knowledge and truth is great,
but it takes experience to truly integrate it.
Then it becomes pearls of wisdom.

When you live the wisdom and walk your talk
you have begun the path to enlightenment.

If one can achieve peace of mind
then enlightenment springs from the well of peace.

Enlightenment is like ten pin bowling.

Knocking down the skittles one at a time.

You could knock them down all at once,

but what fun would there be in that?

Enlightenment cannot be achieved

through desire or aspiration.

For one has to surrender one's own desires to

achieve it.

To have no desire,

is true liberation.

The resurrection is the rebirth

from human self to divine self,

where the two become one in

total reconciliation with that part of you

which is GOD. ...

From 'Sacred Words' Kim©2004

GOD bless you jwcouch on your journey of self discovery, awareness and path to enlightenment.

Namaste jwcouch,

thank you for the post.

you found my post to you to be argumentative?

interesting. it was not intended in this fashion, it was, rather intended to point out that your assumptions about the nature of religious praxis are inaccurate, especially when it comes to the Buddha Dharma.

to echo bananabrain, my non-argumentative advice:

there is no doer
and none that reaps
constituant parts roll on alone
this, alone, is right discernment.
Just a passing thought, perhaps the most tempting idolatry in this modern day is the idolatry of self?
