I'm Mike


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Hi, I'm Mike. I used to run a forum (now a Facebook group) called Pagan and Christian moot, which I started back in 2003. The premise of the group was to create a safe and civilised space where Pagans and Christians might discuss their respective beliefs, worldviews and the like, and it is still going strong as a facebook group, today.

I'm based in the UK and hold public roles there in Interfaith. I'd not be at all surprised to find that there are people here who know me already. :)

Lovely to see an actual forum in existence, still.
Namaste. 🙏 Greetings and salutations.

I hope you enjoy the forum.
It's a while since I've posted to a forum. I prefer the forum format to other social media platforms. But they seemed to lose 'footfall', and therefore the kind of diverse dialogue that came with it.

With regard to Interfaith dialogue, I find there's a difference between IRL dialogue and online dialogue that needs to be taken into consideration. It's the obvious one of not being in a position to hear tone of voice or pick up on body language online. But given that people's religious/spiritual beliefs are often felt to be a core element of personal identity, it makes it particularly important that online conversations concerning religion/spirituality/worldview are conducted thoughtfully. That's not to say that difficult conversations around starkly conflicting worldviews and beliefs must be avoided. But I'm a strong believer that we are responsible for our words and that it helps to be mindful of their potential impact. It's best to seek understanding of difference. Hopefully these things form a common understanding among members here. :)
important that online conversations concerning religion/spirituality/worldview are conducted thoughtfully.
Welcome :)

Good to have your interest, and thanks for the intro

We do try to be mature and considerate -- although not always successful, it is definitely the intention

Our mission statement:
"Our group seeks to fulfil a mission of interfaith dialogue and exploration of others' beliefs while being a place to discuss the intricacies of our own belief in a safe format"

Our Code of Conduct
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Welcome :)

Good to have your interest, and thanks for the intro

We do try to be mature and considerate -- although not always successful, it is definitely the intention

Our mission statement:
"Our group seeks to fulfil a mission of interfaith dialogue and exploration of others' beliefs while being a place to discuss the intricacies of our own belief in a safe format"

Our Code of Conduct
I understand the challenge with regard to achieving the intention.....emotions can overwhelm the capacity to remain considerate, sometimes.... and we can all fall victim to that. But it's good to aspire to mature, considerate and compassionate dialogue, and maybe to remember that we, too have a role to play in helping achieve the intention. :)

Code of conduct is one of the first things I tend to check out...... I've written enough of them. :) It's a good one for a forum, and I appreciate the importance of having that ultimate 'no warning' removal bit, although I am sure there's a reluctance within the admin to use it, if it can be avoided. :)
We try to keep moderator interference to a minimum, unless reacting to compjaints.

Welcome again
Nice to be appreciated from someone who understands our trials and tribulations!

Interesting that you are.active in our circle and just found us.

Validates both our dilemmas...the interest in finding more like minded people...and the issues that come with increased footfall
Nope, long term posters being rude to newbies and dictating posting requirements that aren't in the forum rules..... I can see this isn't somewhere I plan on staying.

It was a nice idea, at least.
You can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen
You can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen
There shouldn't be a need for heat, and this isn't a kitchen. But that's exactly what I am doing.

I have lots of experience in forum discussion.....decades worth. I have lots of experience in Interfaith dialogue, decades worth. I have lots of experience combining the two.... 2 decades worth. I know what works and what doesn't. Your approach doesn't work. You're not interested in Interfaith dialogue. You're interested in point scoring and conflict.

So enjoy your kitchen.
Nobody cares if it lives or dies ... it is what it is, while it is ...
Be reasonable. Do things my way, lol
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However I do apologise for my tone. I am always the first one to accept that I don't have the correct personality credentials to moderate this sort of forum.

My irritation gets the better of me when it comes to the arrogance of the atheist scientist religionists lecturing down to ordinary mortals.

But this is not addressed at anyone personally but at the smirking Dawkins, Krauss, de Grasse Tyson rat-pack of popular atheist activist scientists.

I don't believe all scientists are so arrogant

Again, my apology
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To add: I quite understand too the irritation of scientists in the US towards the noisy and powerful televangelist fundamentalist Christian churches in their denial of any science that does not suit their narrow Biblical view.

In a way the two camps create and deserve one another and the result is a war between extremists where reasonable folks are caught up in the consequences and, as always, are the ones most damaged by it all
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