Dangers of Covid Shots

Since then I've personally known one old guy who almost died of, or with, covid in spite of having had the vaccine, while his wife did not get vaccinated and did not get covid -- and an 85yr old man reduced to skin on bone by cancer whose death was recorded as due to covid

When I was tired and exhausted for theee months with 'long covid' like symptoms, the vaccination area on my left arm was sensitive, and I spoke to people about it.

I can accept that ' long covid' symptoms may in fact be 'long vacc' symptoms
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I don't even like taking aspirin unless I'm that sick
Makes total sense, no reason to take it unless you are sick.

I am happily one of half a dozen people I know that have not got the bug yet.

And I am happily not one of the dozen folks who are dealing with chronic coughs, brain fog, hair thinning, malaise, dizziness (had most of those long before covid showed up) I'll vax till long covid is not an issue.

I was completely anti docs and big pharma until I spent a few months in hospitals, coma, ecmo, 2 open hearts, 4 strokes nearly six years ago was my road to Damascus....

So, I believe in half a dozen surgeons, a plethora of staff, modern medicine and science now...

It is gonna take a bit more than that to believe there exists a G!d...but I believe in the vaccine.
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Makes total sense, no reason to take it unless you are sick.

I am happily one of half a dozen people I know that have not got the bug yet.

And I am happily not one of the dozen folks who are dealing with chronic coughs, brain fog, hair thinning, malaise, dizziness (had most of those long before covid showed up) I'll vax till long covid is not an issue.

I was completely anti docs and big pharma until I spent a few months in hospitals, coma, ecmo, 2 open hearts, 4 strokes nearly six years ago was my road to Damascus....

So, I believe in half a dozen surgeons, a plethora of staff, modern medicine and science now...

It is gonna take a bit more than that to believe there exists a G!d...but I believe in the vaccine.
Ok but then @wil it puts you in the same place as someone who finds a church in desperate need and prays and is rescued by a miracle, who then subjects to everything else that church tells him, no questions asked?

Doctors are busy, practical people. Things may come out in the future about covid that busy working medical professionals weren't thinking about back then?
I'm not clear on vaccine safety or effectiveness. There are real questions. But I don't think it's deliberate or a conspiracy -- just unscrupulous folks out for the quick opportunistic buck

Undeniable, imo

It's like Brexit. Is there anyone doubts that there are those who will play with the lives of 65 million to line their own pockets?
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just unscrupulous folks out for the quick opportunistic buck
John Hopkins, NIH, out for quick buck?

Or internet influences trying to make a name for themselves...

Hmmm....who should I trust?

I'll lose no sleep on my choices, nor succumb to peer pressure from this thread. Just a nonbeliever...lol
puts you in the same place as someone who finds a church in desperate need and prays and is rescued by a miracle, who then subjects to everything else that church tells him, no questions asked?
I recall folks here getting upset I did not praise the lord when I came back from my departure...

And no questions asked? We had multiple companies come up with viable vaccines that were tested for safety and effectiveness prior to release and have been only updated and improved since then. I've seen a few antivaxxers die....but personally know none (I am sure there are) that have avoided the bug.
I'm not anti-vaxx. The covid vaccine was rushed out in a time of necessity. There have been short-term complications for a percentage -- not just allergic reactions -- as well as unknown long-term effects.

To me the issue is that instead of these being open questions, they are pushed aside and labelled as trouble-making conspiracy theory. Nor is this to deny that conspiracy theories do swarm around covid.

Pfizer and other groups have good reason to put-out the line that the vaccine is perfectly safe and effective because they would be open to legal action if they admitted concealing evidence to the contrary -- which includes concealing it from doctors and health agencies.

I think there's still a lot to be said -- right or wrong -- and the issue is around the questions being stamped down as conspiracy theory
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I'm not anti-vaxx. The covid vaccine was rushed out in a time of necessity. There have been short-term complications for a percentage -- not just allergic reactions -- as well as unknown long-term effects.

To me the issue is that instead of these being open questions, they are pushed aside and labelled as trouble-making conspiracy theory. Nor is this to deny that conspiracy theories do swarm around covid.

Pfizer and other groups have good reason to put-out the line that the vaccine is perfectly safe and effective because they would be open to legal action if they admitted concealing evidence to the contrary -- which includes concealing it from doctors and health agencies.

I think there's still a lot to be said -- right or wrong -- and the issue is around the questions being stamped down as conspiracy theory
In the United States Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, and Moderna are free from ever facing lawsuits for Covid. That might be different where you live.

But I agree. There were a lot of questions about the vaccines that were pushed aside. If anyone was skeptical about the vaccine, they immediately were considered conspiracy theorists. For example, I used to work in the medical field. I learned about Corona viruses. I already knew that they mutated very fast, so I originally assumed that no vaccine could even be made. I talked to a panel of medical professionals about this and about immunity from getting the virus. I asked 2 questions. 1. Since Corona viruses mutate so quickly, is there even a guarantee that the vaccine would be effective? I followed this up with a statement about how possibly a vaccine could help prepare humans for this virus because Covid19 is so different from the common Corona viruses we are used to. 2. I asked if there was a point to getting the vaccine if we just recently contracted Covid? Our current antibodies should theoretically fend off the virus better than any vaccine.

They told me that I don't read medical journals (untrue) so I don't know what I'm talking about. Others wanted answers to my questions and they wouldn't answer them. They also wouldn't tell us what was in the vaccines. Just that they were safe. This is where conspiracy theories start. If they had just answered the questions, even with a "we don't know", we might have been less hesitant. So, being an educated conspiracy theorist, I didn't get the vaccine (seeing as I recently had Covid) and because my father was almost killed by the vaccine. It actually left him blind for a few days (blood clots).
Wow! Hopefully he recovered fully?
Yes, thankfully he recovered. But it was very scary for him. Thankfully he recovered so he was able to see his baby grandson a year later.
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Wonderful legal ruling against mandated shots:


"An appeals court late Friday revived a lawsuit challenging the Los Angeles Unified School District’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate. The court said the school district misapplied the precedent-setting Jacobson v. Massachusetts ruling because unlike “traditional” vaccines, the COVID-19 shots don’t prevent infection and transmission."
It were useful when it was needed....Lee's death, less long covid, yay!

Updated January 2, 2024

With the end of the COVID-19 public health emergency, many states are winding down COVID-19 vaccine mandates. Additionally, some states are moving to limit the ability of state and educational institutions to require COVID-19 vaccinations in schools, both for students and faculty.

But since uncertainty around COVID-19 vaccines early on in the pandemic, these shots have saved at least tens of millions of lives. What's more, massive studies have decisively demonstrated that the severe risks from the vaccines are extremely rare, especially in comparison to the ongoing and accumulative risks from contracting the virus.

The new study suggests we now have even more reason to keep up those regular boosters.
