Count your blessings


Veteran Member
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a figment of your imagination
Count your blessings
Count your many blessings
Count them one by one...

This is the cornerstone of my philosophy.

Whether it was twenty something hungry and broke me hitchhiking around the country.

Forty something recently divorced father of twins me after losing my house.

Or sixty something me laying in recovery of the latest malady that decided my body should host it for a while.

I would think...

Count your blessings
Count your many blessings
Count them one by one...

When I was down it would start with breath...

I am thankful to be breathing...
Thankful to be able to control it...

When it came to lying in pain...
I would be thankful for what wasn't in oain..
I would be thankful I found a way to roll over with only minimal increased pain...or that the pain spike was temporary and in the past, till I had to roll over again

Everytime I step into a hot shower, or sit into a warm tub...
Count your blessings
Count your many blessings
Count them one by one...
When I put my twins to bed...

Name three things you are thankful for...

Sometimes I would get a long sigh...oh Dad...

Sometimes I would get 3 rote responses...but I didn't care...(cause I know there are times that is all I can muster)

But most times I would be amazed at the responses.

What are you thankful for today?

Count your blessings!
I have an AMC theater gym membership

Well that's what I call it. Still in recovery from my ascending aorta dissecting 6 years ago sorta reaching a plateau...but hell I am six years older!

The theater of 1.7 miles (2.7k) from my house and my movie pass allows me 3 movies a I is my incentive.

Sometimes it wears me out, and I just go in the theater and I stayed awake, did grocery shopping and made it back!

It is a blessing, and I am counting it!

What can you count as a blessing today?
That I am able to reply to you, despite being ~5,000 miles away, and losing my virility. :)

this site is a blessing. The discussions we have had over the years thanx to Brian, Steve, RJM, and now Brian again... for me thanx to think arete, and zaadz evolving I was looking for another thought provoking group.

And yes, this day and time I am grateful to have these discussions from.the comfort of my home. It has been instrumental in my recovery and my understandings of the world in which we live.