Roots of Good & Evil

Nicholas Weeks

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A basic Dhamma booklet by Nyanaponika Thera:

His Introduction begins:

The Buddha has taught that there are three roots of evil: greed, hatred and delusion. These three states comprise the entire range of evil, whether of lesser or greater intensity, from a faint mental tendency to the coarsest manifestations in action and speech. In whatever way they appear, these are the basic causes of suffering.
These roots have their opposites: non-greed, non-hatred and non-delusion. These are the three roots of good: of all acts of unselfishness, liberality and renunciation; of all expressions of loving kindness and compassion; of all achievements in knowledge and understanding.
These six mental states are the roots from which everything harmful and beneficial sprouts. They are the roots of the Tree of Life with its sweet and bitter fruits.
A basic Dhamma booklet by Nyanaponika Thera:

His Introduction begins:

The Buddha has taught that there are three roots of evil: greed, hatred and delusion. These three states comprise the entire range of evil, whether of lesser or greater intensity, from a faint mental tendency to the coarsest manifestations in action and speech. In whatever way they appear, these are the basic causes of suffering.
These roots have their opposites: non-greed, non-hatred and non-delusion. These are the three roots of good: of all acts of unselfishness, liberality and renunciation; of all expressions of loving kindness and compassion; of all achievements in knowledge and understanding.
These six mental states are the roots from which everything harmful and beneficial sprouts. They are the roots of the Tree of Life with its sweet and bitter fruits.
The Buddha, of all people, should know that Duality is an illusion of objective reality. One man's good will always be another man's evil.
More from his Introduction:

The recent crisis of theistic faith which has taken hold in the West has brought in its trail a moral crisis as well. For many, belief in God has been shattered, and often those who lose their belief in God fail to see any convincing reason for morality without a divine sanction coming down from above. Left without a sound foundation for ethics, they either accept materialistic political ideologies or allow their conduct to be guided by self-interest. Yet we also find today a growing number of people seeking better alternatives. To them the Buddha’s teaching on the wholesome and unwholesome roots provides a criterion of good and evil that is neither theological nor authoritarian but experiential, one with a sound psychological basis offering an autonomous pragmatic motivation for avoiding evil and choosing the good.

The social and political motivations for moral conduct proposed to modern man may not openly contradict the basic sentiments of morality, but as their structures are bound to specific historical conditions and reflect the varying self-interests and prejudices of the dominant social group, the values they propose are highly relative, lacking universal validity. In contrast, Buddhist ethics, being based on psychological fact and not on external contingencies, provides a core of moral principles inherently free from relativistic limitations, valid for all time and under all circumstances.
A basic Dhamma booklet by Nyanaponika Thera:

His Introduction begins:

The Buddha has taught that there are three roots of evil: greed, hatred and delusion. These three states comprise the entire range of evil, whether of lesser or greater intensity, from a faint mental tendency to the coarsest manifestations in action and speech. In whatever way they appear, these are the basic causes of suffering.
These roots have their opposites: non-greed, non-hatred and non-delusion. These are the three roots of good: of all acts of unselfishness, liberality and renunciation; of all expressions of loving kindness and compassion; of all achievements in knowledge and understanding.
These six mental states are the roots from which everything harmful and beneficial sprouts. They are the roots of the Tree of Life with its sweet and bitter fruits.
He whom we call Buddha was an apostle of Isaiah, as I recall. Anyway, Buddha's words in the first paragraph above, are repeated by James (Yames) Chapter 4:1 From where wars and fightings... your lusts that war in your members (part or parts of your body), Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss to consume it on your lusts. 5.The spirit in us lusteth to envy.
The Buddha, of all people, should know that Duality is an illusion of objective reality. One man's good will always be another man's evil.
The 10 Commandments are for the Good of Men. Fraud, murder, theft, false testimony, adulteration of most things are all bad for the good of men. There are, in the Greek language, 2 kinds of men; Anthropos, meaning man faced or look like a man; And Anner which are real Men who honor, love and live by the Weightier matters of the Law; Truth, Mercy and Faith.
The 10 Commandments are for the Good of Men. Fraud, murder, theft, false testimony, adulteration of most things are all bad for the good of men.
I sometimes think that where the sins of Ten Commandments hurt others, the seven deadly sins hurt mostly ourselves?

The 10 Commandments are for the Good of Men. Fraud, murder, theft, false testimony, adulteration of most things are all bad for the good of men. There are, in the Greek language, 2 kinds of men; Anthropos, meaning man faced or look like a man; And Anner which are real Men who honor, love and live by the Weightier matters of the Law; Truth, Mercy and Faith.
What does my reply have to do with this?
That said, if "The 10 Commandments are for the Good of Men." then why is there murder, slavery, rape, and all kinds of Evil in the Cristian bible committed by god?
The Buddha, of all people, should know that Duality is an illusion of objective reality. One man's good will always be another man's evil.
It's about having ones mind overcome by greed hatred and delusion, opening up the route for malevolent groupthink to take over.

snippet from the Kalama Sutta:
7. "What do you think, Kalamas? Does [greed, hatred, or] delusion appear in a man for his benefit or harm?" — "For his harm, venerable sir." — "Kalamas, being given to [greed, hatred, or] delusion, and being overwhelmed and vanquished mentally by delusion, this man takes life, steals, commits adultery, and tells lies; he prompts another too, to do likewise. Will that be long for his harm and ill?" — "Yes, venerable sir."​
8. "What do you think, Kalamas? Are these things good or bad?" — "Bad, venerable sir" — "Blamable or not blamable?" — "Blamable, venerable sir." — "Censured or praised by the wise?" — "Censured, venerable sir." — "Undertaken and observed, do these things lead to harm and ill, or not? Or how does it strike you?" — "Undertaken and observed, these things lead to harm and ill. Thus it strikes us here."​
9. "Therefore, did we say, Kalamas, what was said thus, 'Come Kalamas. Do not go upon what has been acquired by repeated hearing; nor upon tradition; nor upon rumor; nor upon what is in a scripture; nor upon surmise; nor upon an axiom; nor upon specious reasoning; nor upon a bias toward a notion that has been pondered over; nor upon another's seeming ability; nor upon the consideration, "The monk is our teacher." Kalamas, when you yourselves know: "These things are bad; these things are blamable; these things are censured by the wise; undertaken and observed, these things lead to harm and ill," abandon them.'​

Please explain to me how one being mentally vanquished by greed, hatred, or delusion can be "one man's good?" You might be able to make a point about raising the Shadow and being consumed by it. Is this what you were referring to as "one man's good?"
It's about having ones mind overcome by greed hatred and delusion, opening up the route for malevolent groupthink to take over.

snippet from the Kalama Sutta:
7. "What do you think, Kalamas? Does [greed, hatred, or] delusion appear in a man for his benefit or harm?" — "For his harm, venerable sir." — "Kalamas, being given to [greed, hatred, or] delusion, and being overwhelmed and vanquished mentally by delusion, this man takes life, steals, commits adultery, and tells lies; he prompts another too, to do likewise. Will that be long for his harm and ill?" — "Yes, venerable sir."​
8. "What do you think, Kalamas? Are these things good or bad?" — "Bad, venerable sir" — "Blamable or not blamable?" — "Blamable, venerable sir." — "Censured or praised by the wise?" — "Censured, venerable sir." — "Undertaken and observed, do these things lead to harm and ill, or not? Or how does it strike you?" — "Undertaken and observed, these things lead to harm and ill. Thus it strikes us here."​
9. "Therefore, did we say, Kalamas, what was said thus, 'Come Kalamas. Do not go upon what has been acquired by repeated hearing; nor upon tradition; nor upon rumor; nor upon what is in a scripture; nor upon surmise; nor upon an axiom; nor upon specious reasoning; nor upon a bias toward a notion that has been pondered over; nor upon another's seeming ability; nor upon the consideration, "The monk is our teacher." Kalamas, when you yourselves know: "These things are bad; these things are blamable; these things are censured by the wise; undertaken and observed, these things lead to harm and ill," abandon them.'​

Please explain to me how one being mentally vanquished by greed, hatred, or delusion can be "one man's good?" You might be able to make a point about raising the Shadow and being consumed by it. Is this what you were referring to as "one man's good?"
I've explained this to you for years . . . it's called The Primacy 0f Darkness . . . thanks for paying attention.
What does my reply have to do with this?
That said, if "The 10 Commandments are for the Good of Men." then why is there murder, slavery, rape, and all kinds of Evil in the Cristian bible committed by god?
Shukran for Your initial question. Duality is something folks have to deal with, whatever it's source. . . The name of the Creator is not god or God, which is a relatively recent title. In the past, I've had the same question as yours. Ultimately, how can the created accuse the Creator? Does He need our approval? We don't know His Mind and most of us cannot even get straight what He has given. Furthermore, His Word is for Aryans, and they cannot get past the sabotage of His Perfect Word/Logic, so far.

Every type of people has their own relationship with the Creator separate from Aryans. The failure of Aryans is to assume that their "religion" should be put on the other races of Mankind; And that may be duality.
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He whom we call Buddha was an apostle of Isaiah, as I recall. Anyway, Buddha's words in the first paragraph above, are repeated by James (Yames) Chapter 4:1 From where wars and fightings... your lusts that war in your members (part or parts of your body), Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss to consume it on your lusts. 5.The spirit in us lusteth to envy.
Although it is not impossible that teachings of a Jewish prophet reached India, they didn't found schools of thought or religion. I have never come across clear indicators of Jewish schools in India in that time. On what base or on whose behalf do you say that he was an apostle of Isaiah?
Shukran for Your initial question. Duality is something folks have to deal with, whatever it's source. . . The name of the Creator is not god or God, which is a relatively recent title. In the past, I've had the same question as yours. Ultimately, how can the created accuse the Creator? Does He need our approval? We don't know His Mind and most of us cannot even get straight what He has given. Furthermore, His Word is for Aryans, and they cannot get past the sabotage of His Perfect Word/Logic, so far.
Every type of people has their own relationship with the Creator separate from Aryans. The failure of Aryans is to assume that their "religion" should be put on the other races of Mankind; And that may be duality.
A Creation is Only as Good as Its Creator . . .
Duality is an Illusion . . .
There is Only Harmony between Polar Extremes . . .

It is obvious that the 'Word of God' is the words of men who lived in a time that accepted Murder, Rape, Slavery, Pedophilia, and Incest . . .
Although it is not impossible that teachings of a Jewish prophet reached India, they didn't found schools of thought or religion. I have never come across clear indicators of Jewish schools in India in that time. On what base or on whose behalf do you say that he was an apostle of Isaiah?
For one thing the word "Jew" & "Jewish" has nothing to do with Biblical matters. There was no word "Jew" until about 500 years ago when it was invented by the Vatican. I cannot say for certain who was a student or apostle of Isaiah. I may even have the prohet's name wrong. But the story that a man who was instrumental in bringing what is called Buddhism to India was told to me by a Syrian Man who is a descendant of the Prophet, which Prophet I cannot be sure about after a few decades.
For one thing the word "Jew" & "Jewish" has nothing to do with Biblical matters. There was no word "Jew" until about 500 years ago when it was invented by the Vatican.
Not correct. It's true that the correct self-denomination was People of Israel. In this people, it means either the descendents of Juda or an inhabitant of the land of Juda (around Jerusalem)
The term Ioudaios was commonly used in Greek for all people of Israel. The Gospel according to John seems to be the oldest scripture that uses this term for those who follow the religion of the people of Israel but don't accept Jesus as the Messiah. The Gospel according to John around 1930 years old.
I cannot say for certain who was a student or apostle of Isaiah. I may even have the prohet's name wrong. But the story that a man who was instrumental in bringing what is called Buddhism to India was told to me by a Syrian Man who is a descendant of the Prophet, which Prophet I cannot be sure about after a few decades.
That's quite a weak reference. I think you should better ask Buddhists about what is known about the teachers of their main reference.
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I cannot say for certain who was a student or apostle of Isaiah. I may even have the prohet's name wrong. But the story that a man who was instrumental in bringing what is called Buddhism to India was told to me by a Syrian Man who is a descendant of the Prophet, which Prophet I cannot be sure about after a few
I think you should better ask Buddhists about what is known about the teachers of their main reference.

Buddhism was never brought to India, since our Buddha was born & lived his full life in India. He had three main teachers before he became a Buddha, but he left them for they were not enlightened enough. None of them were Jewish, just native Indian sages. By the way, the recent Buddha was not the only one. Many Buddhas have come before Gotama Buddha.
Buddhism was never brought to India, since our Buddha was born & lived his full life in India. He had three main teachers before he became a Buddha, but he left them for they were not enlightened enough. None of them were Jewish, just native Indian sages. By the way, the recent Buddha was not the only one. Many Buddhas have come before Gotama Buddha.
Buddhism has been around for a long time; And as with so called Christianity saturated with Talmudism, so too Talmudists have probably injected their lies too.

Thanks for the discussion. Probably not much more to be accomplished. Aufweider Sehen (At next seeing/meeting)
Buddhism has been around for a long time; And as with so called Christianity saturated with Talmudism, so too Talmudists have probably injected their lies too.
Thanks for the discussion. Probably not much more to be accomplished. Aufweider Sehen (At next seeing/meeting)
So you think that Christianity has been corrupted by evil Talmudists and you’re of the opinion that these evil Talmudists have also infected Buddhism. I wonder who these nasty Talmudists could be. Let me think about that for a minute.

Hmm. Wait, I know. Why, of course, it is those fiendish Jews……

Do you really think you can market your hate in such a way as to make it palatable to @RJM and the rest ofthe moderators?