A Christian Revival is underway in Britain


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a figment of your imagination
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"Tom Holland recently invited me to attend a service of Evensong with him at London’s oldest church, St Bartholomew the Great.

Holland, who co-hosts the phenomenally popular The Rest is History podcast, has been a regular congregant for a few years. He began attending while researching Dominion, his bestselling book which outlined the way the 1st-century Christian revolution has irrevocably shaped the 21st-century West’s moral imagination. It also recounts how Holland, a secular liberal westerner who had lost any vestige of faith by his teenage years, came to realise he was still essentially Christian in terms of his beliefs about human rights, equality and freedom."

Well that's the thing, you can't keep the dignity and grandeur of the outer symbols -- the churches and art and music -- to say nothing of the essentially Christian values around 'human rights, equality and freedom' while taking away the foundation they stand on.

In trying to replace religion with logic, the scientific atheism of Richard Dawkins and others leaves an emptiness in the heart that reason and logic cannot fill?

Besides which -- religion 'faith' does really work. It brings genuine peace of mind, often healing too and transformation.

Nature abhors a vacuum.You just get Brave New World?
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"Staff at Westminster Cathedral were compelled to turn away people hoping to attend Mass due to reaching full capacity over the Easter weekend.

Westminster Cathedral, which is the mother church of the Catholic Church in England and Wales, and has a capacity of 3,000 people, was unable to let any more people in for its Good Friday liturgy on 29 March.

“This Easter morning our hearts are full of hope and joy – so too is this Cathedral,” said Cardinal Vincent Nichols two days later during Easter Sunday Mass.

Robert Stephenson-Padron was one of those turned away on Good Friday by staff at Westminster Cathedral. “It’s like everybody is becoming Catholic,” he told the Catholic Herald. “Easter 2024 is very special. [It is the] first time I can recall since my baptism in 2006 where it seems there is a flood of new converts into the holy Catholic Church. So much so, that it appears to be widely noticed.”
Catholic Herald, 2 April 2024.
he was still essentially Christian in terms of his beliefs about human rights, equality and freedom."
If Christians are for human rights equality and freedom than the US is definitely not Christian and no nation which claims so would accept slavery.

In trying to replace religion with logic, the scientific atheism of Richard Dawkins and others leaves an emptiness in the heart that reason and logic cannot fill?
You can't be serious. You really believe i and every atheist on this board have an emptiness in our heart? Richard Dawkins doesn't represent all atheists....just as I would not name Donald Trump as representing all Christians.
If Christians are for human rights equality and freedom than the US is definitely not Christian and no nation which claims so would accept slavery.

You can't be serious. You really believe i and every atheist on this board have an emptiness in our heart? Richard Dawkins doesn't represent all atheists....just as I would not name Donald Trump as representing all Christians.
Wil.. you do know that the US is not the only country to have had slavery in its history? Do you know that there is still slavery being practiced all over the world? I agree that the US is not a Christian country.. if it ever was it's not anymore.
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If Christians are for human rights equality and freedom than the US is definitely not Christian and no nation which claims so would accept slavery.
Would that include the African nations that still practice slavery to this day?
You can't be serious. You really believe i and every atheist on this board have an emptiness in our heart? Richard Dawkins doesn't represent all atheists....just as I would not name Donald Trump as representing all Christians.
No I meant that if you take away the religious art and literature and architecture, society has an emptiness, and Richard Dawkins agrees.

So it's like wanting the art and buildings, but not the divine awe at the heart of them. Enjoying the fruit but not the tree, imo

It even applies to forums like this one. Without others' faith the divine, the forum atheists would have nothing left to shoot at, lol
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So it's like wanting the art and buildings, but not the divine awe at the heart of them. Enjoying the fruit but not the tree, imo

It even applies to forums like this one. Without others' faith the divine, the forum atheists would have nothing left to shoot at, lol
Lol is right! Without religious art or architecture the world would be a place of folks laying in the crass reveling in all the universe has to offer.

Exploring science and nature without someone ranting about ancient texts...folks making art and nobody telling them it is against scripture.

Yes, this forum would not be required!
I am against ownership of people anywhere...

I surely hope that does not surprise you.
Since I don't own, have never owned, what's more my ancestors never owned a slave of any kind, I know you have ZERO "white guilt" to place on me. Don't even try.

But if you are against slavery everywhere, as you claim, how come I NEVER hear you, or any like you, preach your message to those still holding slaves today?

Lol is right! Without religious art or architecture the world would be a place of folks laying in the crass reveling in all the universe has to offer.

Exploring science and nature without someone ranting about ancient texts...folks making art and nobody telling them it is against scripture.
Yes. God's done nothing but harm to the world in all history. If not for temples -- like Gobleki Tepe and Stonehenge and Notre Dame and all the Buddhist and zillions of others -- we'd all be much better off just be lying in the grass looking up at the stars -- no war or disease or hunger or poverty ... I get it

No Da Vinci, no Christopher Wren ...

No Jesus, no gospels, no Bhagavad Gita etc -- heaven on earth and peace for all ...
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Yes. God's done nothing but harm to the world in all history. If not for temples -- like Gobleki Tepe and Stonehenge

I love how folks go for the nuclear option!

However if you insidt, I will agree God has done nothing...and all the temples were made by men.

I love how folks go for the nuclear option!

However if you insidt, I will agree God has done nothing...and all the temples were made by men.
But you say more. You say the world would be a better place. I don't agree. So ...
People are people. Nobody is so specially intelligent to judge others who don't share their own ideas. Nobody has the right to tell another person their beliefs are useless and unintelligent
People who have directly experienced the power of the divine know what it is. Nobody who hasn't seen the colour red can tell someone who has that their imagination is too active and their deductive capacity too inferior to understand