Aging is interesting


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a figment of your imagination
Aging, is it different than getting old?

How have you changed as you have aged?

I'd like to think I am wiser...but I really think I've just made more I make less? I don't think so.

The world keeps moving...we keep trying to keep up as we age..and fail in new ways.

I am really just learning in my mid to late 7th decade on don't always have to be right, and it isn't required or beneficial always to inform others they are wrong.

I still don't grok it...but I am beginning to see it true.
I think you are on the right track there. I suppose one could argue that aging is the process of growing over time, but getting old is just physical.

I know I have become much more patient. Having a special needs daughter sure has helped me learn how to be patient. But I'm amazed at how patient I have become over time.

I have always been stubborn, but I've learned to be stubborn when I should be. My children have tried to test my ability to hold my ground and they have lost every time. Even our 1 year old boy's cuteness can't tear me down. But I have also learned that compromise is a very good thing at times and it has helped me have a very good marriage.
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Aging, is it different than getting old?

I think aging and getting old are the same. As the artist Michelangelo grew older, his drawing hand became less stable over time. His themes shifted focus, becoming more emotionally charged and introspective.

How have you changed as you have aged?

Socially speaking, I think I have become more conscious of different personalities, so I try to behave accordingly. For example, I have a very sensitive colleague that I try to be more expressive around even though I am not usually so active in my expressions in general.

I'd like to think I am wiser...but I really think I've just made more I make less? I don't think so.

Difficult to see how most people would grow without making mistakes.

The world keeps moving...we keep trying to keep up as we age..and fail in new ways.


I am really just learning in my mid to late 7th decade on earth...

As you age, have you been inspired to learn new things that you would not have attempted to learn in your younger days? For me, I have come to enjoy learning a new language, but I absolutely detested it when I was much younger.
When I was younger I made a lot of mistakes, or at least I thought I did. Now that I am older I am realizing more and more that it's impossible to make a mistake. That doesn't mean everything goes the way that I think it should or want it to. I'm just more open to the experience of life. Sometimes I forget, but after awhile I remember all is well. When I was younger I was afraid of death and equally.
Afraid of living, Now I jusy want to breath in life. And when you're fully living your life you can't be afraid of making mistakes. It will only fill you with doubt and uncertainty and from my experience. Doubt is just a rapist who will imprisoned you in a state of not living. Sometimes you will do something stupid or even immature. You just have to laugh it off. As long as your not repeating the same immaturity over and over again and again. Then your just growing and gathering more and more wisdom, and coming to new understandings of your self.
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I think I might be aging because a few weeks ago I had to make my cursor larger. :>)
That is an issue...
When I was younger I made a lot of mistakes, or at least I thought I did.
Was just having this discussion ...thar permanent record...marked on our being...the followup of what we put in notion...I can have regrets... but if any mistake or path was changed in the past almost 7 decades, I would not be right here right now posting about the experiences I've had...

I may not have liked every moment along the way, but I am damn happy where I have gotten.