I'm reading the latest book by Dave Lee, "Primordial Chaos". Published on Amazon - your local bookseller might not want to order it for you for that reason, but can't hurt to ask.
It's an absolutely fascinating collection of essays and articles spanning four decades of Chaos Magic history and development.
For those unfamiliar with the intricacies of the modern occult scene: Chaos Magic emerged in the late 1970ies, if you think of it as the occult side of the Punk movement, then you've got a good working model
Chaos Magic spread less via weighty publications as is the norm in more old-established magical schools and lodges, but more via zines, music-club adjacent meetups, and lots of experimentation with pop culture and postmodern, deconstructionist philosophical trends.
If you think of Punk aesthetics, and your imagination shows you a record cover made from cut-up letters just barely aligned to be legible - then you can transfer that image to the crazily experimental, utterly eclectic, "cut-up" approach taken towards the Timeless Wisdom of the Ages
The book features some appearances of such luminaries as William Burroughs, articles that originally appeared in long-out-of-circulation zines, and also essays relevant to the magical scene today.
Sadly, it lacks an index, so finding things can be a bit tedious.
Anyway. Hope to have raised some interest. It is informative as a document, even if you never intend to put any of its content into practice.
It's an absolutely fascinating collection of essays and articles spanning four decades of Chaos Magic history and development.
For those unfamiliar with the intricacies of the modern occult scene: Chaos Magic emerged in the late 1970ies, if you think of it as the occult side of the Punk movement, then you've got a good working model

Chaos Magic spread less via weighty publications as is the norm in more old-established magical schools and lodges, but more via zines, music-club adjacent meetups, and lots of experimentation with pop culture and postmodern, deconstructionist philosophical trends.
If you think of Punk aesthetics, and your imagination shows you a record cover made from cut-up letters just barely aligned to be legible - then you can transfer that image to the crazily experimental, utterly eclectic, "cut-up" approach taken towards the Timeless Wisdom of the Ages

The book features some appearances of such luminaries as William Burroughs, articles that originally appeared in long-out-of-circulation zines, and also essays relevant to the magical scene today.
Sadly, it lacks an index, so finding things can be a bit tedious.
Anyway. Hope to have raised some interest. It is informative as a document, even if you never intend to put any of its content into practice.