The physics of enlightenment

I believe the biggest obstacle we face is agreeing on what is real and what isn’t.
I believe the biggest obstacle is accepting what someone else believes even when it conflicts with our own beliefs.

If there is an element of 'truth' or 'reality' in both, then the challenge (rather than obstacle) is to find that common ground and take it from there.


In my view, the only thing that is truly real is consciousness or awareness.
In my view, the only thing that is truly real is that we call "God'. Consciousness or awareness are faculties of mind, they are real in themselves, but the mind is fallible and often inclined to error ... it tends to follow the easiest path ...

Everything else is made up—it’s make-believe, an illusion, or whatever term you prefer.

The soul, for instance, is a construct; it doesn’t exist beyond being an experience.
My mind construes it differently.

As we grow, evolve, and change, so does the soul. What the soul was yesterday doesn’t necessarily mean it will be the same tomorrow.
Again, my mind construes it differently. I see a distinction between 'mind' (which is malleable) and 'soul'.

I understand this might sound a bit wishy-washy.
I wouldn't dismiss it that way. I'd say it's self-affirming.

However, this is a major reason why we can never truly know anything through the mind...
But we can learn much about it ... and if not through the mind, then what?

It ultimately comes down to your choice of how you want to experience it.
Well, not alway a matter of choice ... things happen ...

The only way to see things clearly is through awareness.
Is not 'awareness' a state of mind?

But this is when you just allow and go beyond doubt, because doubt is just a thief that steals your divinity.
Ah ... it's a bit late to introduce divinity ...

So I think it just comes down to do you think i'm crazy or not. If you think I'm crazy, that's okay have fun with that. It will not hurt my feelings.
No, I don't think you're crazy.