Survival of the kindest...

Anyone read about this challenge to Darwin?
I never realised Darwin promoted 'natural selection' but not 'survival of the fittest' as a theory.

I did know that the latter theory owes a lot to the predominant white male privilege thinking of the so-called 'Enlightenment'.

I had read about symbiosis – mutual cross-species interaction – as an engine of 'evolution' (I read that term to mean progress that might be towards a distant goal or up a blind ally, I'm not sure Nature's too bothered).

So symbiotic relationships I can see. 'Survival of the Kindest' I'm not so sure about as a process rather than as a human ideal?

(Having said that, of course I am mindful of the Beatitudes as a statement along those lines.)
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What makes suffering required in any of that?
Suffering is an effect of taking on what's not required, no refuge, not real, good householder.
Have I not lived life unless I suffer?
No. Desire for sensuality, desire for becoming or not-becoming, has always suffering as it's effect. What ever good householder does, moment for moment, is all just a try to escape it.
I don't have much time..I don't know where to start.
That's a good observance!

Not taking on anything that's not real, not lasting, no refuge. Abound what's unskilful, eg. doing bad, develop what's skilful, eg. doing good (by body, speech, thoughts).