Buddha vs. Jesus (comparative study)

Dhammañāṇa Bhikkhu

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Aural mountain, central Kampuchea
Why should I follow Buddha's way of morality, in stead of the moral standards of Jesus?
Buddha is dead, Jesus is alive.
Buddha left his wife and family to seek the answer, Jesus gave His life to show us the answer of everlasting life.
Perhaps you can tell me why I should follow Buddha ISO Jesus.
Atma thought that some might like to go into such comparative topic.

Just leaving "no should"s but "if, then" as additional teaser.
So then, good OupaPiet: Why does one follow Jesus and not the Buddha? (Or vici versa)
Without going into the detail, which will be numerous threads on this forum,
He appeared 2 000 years ago in the Jewish environment where there were ancient books saying
He will be born from a virgin,
will teach the will of God,
Will do wonders.
will be killed for claiming He was the Word of God incarnated on Earth,
will remain in the grave for 3 days.
Will ride from the dead to be evidence that He destroyed "Death" and that whoever believes in Him, will also gain immortality in the presence of God.

Now, the above was witnessed by more than 5 00 people, of which His Mother, brothers and apostles.
3 of His disciples wrote their recollections in the 'Gospels" and one apostle had someone writing the 4th gospel down for him.

There are prophecies in the Jewish scriptures detailing Jesus as the God who will come to His people on Earth.

OK, so how can we trust the Jewish TANAKH (Scriptures)?
Easy, there are no nook on Earth that has the history of 4 000 years written down, which was comfirmed in every detail in archaeology.
Places, Names, events... more than 3 000 such instances are confirmed by archaeology.

OK, so what? It can be only a nice historical book!

Yip, but then again, the description given by this God of the Bible on the origins of the Universe resulted in the cosmological sciences we have today.
Even Emmanuel Kant wrote his thesis on the history of the Universe on the principles of Newton in 1775, where he gave the exact Nebular theory, which was confirmed in 1925 by Hubble.

Guess what?
The atheist scientific world hates it when you show them these facts., because they will have to admit that modern scientific understanding of the Origins of the Universe came from Genesis 1!

This is what Kant says in one picture. Note I took the picture from Nigel Hennbest's book who explains the Nebular theory.


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Simple for me. Jesus is God Almighty. Buddha was not. Jesus is alive Buddha is dead. Imo

Does good householder know them, or better what they told, tell?

A great reason to embrace the One God with many names and many dawnings points. When we do, the Sun that rises in each new day, is the same sun that arose in the "days", centuries and aeons gone before

Regards Tony