Well-Known Member
Jesus said that we should be reborn in the spirit, having a spiritual personality besides the body which, in contrast to the body, is immortal.If so, how can that jive with the theology of substitutional atonement in which it is believed he and his Father took away our enslavement to sin?
Wouldn’t Christ have said “Let me transform you?” if the standard ransom payment thing were true?
Seems fair to say instead that he showed us spiritual growth examples and tools that we have to emulate and use in order to outgrow our brokenness (our enslavement to sin) and move towards wholeness. This might be termed “transformational atonement?”
There's no transformation. The body grows and perishes, the spirit won't perish if we take heed, but it can grow (parables of the seed)
I reject the theology of substitutional atonement.
I think that his teachings don't support the phrase "Be ye transformed". As it is in Kingjamesish, it looks like a quote. If know any tradition supporting it, which is directly attributed to Jesus, please quote it.