When venus transits your horoscope


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Haelen,the netherlands
The esoteric knowledge was necessary for the people born in the sixties.

We recieved the extra Ray knowledge.
As an astrologer I work with that.

I did do some alchemie. I like alchemy.

I meditate on venus.
A way to know about planets.

Gemstones answer people's questions if people listen and stop their will power as in 'I want'.
Never look at gemstones colors to think it belong to certain Chakra because that is not true at all.
Hold a gemstone in your hand and feel where the energie you can feel go to.
If you feel nothing buy not the gemstone.
A gem stone goes often to more then just one Chakra.

But in alchemy you can learn about planets.

I learned venus , when it transits your horoscope, knows what for your soul, so for you is important.
You receive a gift a soul gif from venus.

Venus is the same as the God of Jesus or even Jesus christ him self.

It could be saturn God and ruler planet saturn when Jesus leaves his father's house as a Jew as we see in moksha.

Sons leave their parent and get married so saturn means parents who care and can be strict.

A parent say ' be careful my child'.

We wish you well for your parents.
I can look it up for you.
You can look it up for yourself when venus transit your horoscope. Sometimes people receive a gift and don't understand it. But later in time they do.
So if the horoscopes were made ages ago...and their relationship has changed as has the calendar...

How does when I was born have to do with stars that are not only light years from me...but light years from the other stars in the constellations they are in?

And they aren't even the same shape from earth perspective as when they were named umpteen centuries ago.
So if the horoscopes were made ages ago...and their relationship has changed as has the calendar...

How does when I was born have to do with stars that are not only light years from me...but light years from the other stars in the constellations they are in?

And they aren't even the same shape from earth perspective as when they were named umpteen centuries ago.
Since those tiny lights are in the universe mentioned to have awareness they must be eyes using their will power staring at us forsing to do as they please, as some belief to be passive a victum, I belief that that is not true also. But astrology works and has nothing to do with old horoscopes.
Astrology has nothing to do with old zodiac signs?
tiny lights are in the universe mentioned to have awareness they must be eyes using their will power staring at us forsing to do as they please
So does our sun have awareness to make the beings on planets light-years away do its bidding... worse than the impact of solar flares or the day hundreds of millions of years from now when it vaporizes us?

The light itself from the horoscope isn't where it is in the sky on the day it affects us? But started that effect before we were born?
Astrology has nothing to do with old zodiac signs?
So does our sun have awareness to make the beings on planets light-years away do its bidding... worse than the impact of solar flares or the day hundreds of millions of years from now when it vaporizes us?

The light itself from the horoscope isn't where it is in the sky on the day it affects us? But started that effect before we were born?
For time to travel it needs no time, like the same way you get it, it just hits. All I know is a tested astrology and it is remarkable good. To me astrology is the only thing that truly gives answers. Therefor I think it is our original church, religion and temple. Not to worship but to tread it with respect because it is respectful.