Essay on the Eucharist


So it goes ...
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London UK
A treatise by Paul Evdokimov (Russian Orthodox theologian)

“For the Eucharist is not a physical conversion but a metaphysical transcensus which identifies the two different ontological realities”

Now is it right, is it even possible to speak of the substance and the accidents of the heavenly, resurrected and totally transfigured body of the Lord?

“At the right hand of the Father” – this is not a place but a symbol of the proximity of Christ to the Father... “Heavenly” is not a cosmological idea. The “heavenly” state of the humanity of Christ is a transcensus which prohibits us from applying cosmic ontology and its laws to him. This state is not at all a dis-incarnation but a de-materialisation. According to the fathers, after the Fall material is a condensation, a thickening of the spiritual and this is why, even after the Fall, “in sensible things, all is intelligible,” according to St John Chrysostom, the assumption of the sensible into intelligibility is normative.

The “glorified” body of Christ is beyond the still material world (1 Cor 15:40-49). It is a state in which the soul possesses the energies of corporeality. It is not that there is no more any ubiquitas or omnipresence, for the heavenly body transcends every place, it is not everywhere because it is outside of, beyond space, all in keeping the power of manifesting itself in a given place and anywhere else in space for, “All power is given to me in heaven and on earth” (Mt 28:18)

Even though Greek philosophy was familiar to the Fathers, they did not attempt any philosophical explanation or analysis of the Eucharist. Rather than going to Plato or Aristotle, they went directly to the Gospel. Rather than physical evidence, they chose the evidence of the Word. They read the text of the Scriptures and confessed the identity: “This is my body, this is my blood.”

This is a confession which, though radical, is neither simplistic nor naive. The essential position of the Fathers is to see in the word of the Lord a miracle which is not physical but metaphysical. “Metaphysics” is used here in the absolute sense of the term, beyond the limits of this world, a meta-cosmic miracle, one that is also meta-empirical. In reality, the heavenly body of the Lord no longer belongs to the reality of this world. Its transcendence poses a difference in nature between the eucharistic miracle and, for example, the miracle at the wedding in Cana, where one material, water, became another material, wine, on the same ontological plane and within the same cosmic limits.

The eucharistic miracle presents the most radical antinomy imaginable... It is evident that one cannot explain or define the subject of a cosmic material being projected, that is, raised “beyond” itself and assimilated into the transcendent. The entire action is meta-empirical, meta-logical and antinomic, for it expresses the identity and the difference of the identical.

The Eucharist, then, is not a physical transformation, where the terminus a quo passes to the terminus ad quem, as the water turned completely into wine at the marriage feast of Cana…. For the Eucharist is not a physical conversion but a metaphysical transcensus which identifies the two different ontological realities (Bread/Wine :: Body/Blood). It is not “the one in the other,” nor “the one and the other,” physically, but the one is the other metaphysically. This places the miraculous reality outside all sensible perception inherent in things of this world, such as the taste of the wine at Cana.

... During his life on earth, the bread and wine consumed by the Lord were integrated and assimilated into his corporeality. During the Last Supper, Christ extended the reality of his body beyond physical limits. He identified it with the bread and the wine and he gave them to his disciples, saying, “Eat and drink.”

Here is something infinitely greater than a simple physical change.

The miracle does not abolish the reality of the Ascension, but expresses a completely new relationship between this world and the heavenly body of the Lord. Already between the Resurrection and the Ascension, Christ was not with the disciples as in the past. His apparitions were of a different nature. Visibly, the laws of physics no longer had a hold on him. His body attained the summit of spiritualisation and deification and was going toward the beyond, the transcendent, where the disciples were not able to come.
What a long-winded way of describing a Zygote.
Thank you @Thomas. This is helpful to me as i always thought that it was physucal thing. When you say metaphysical i translate that to spiritual and that is what Holy Communion is to me. It is the body broken for me and the blood shed for me and the reminder of how sugnificant it was. I never take it unless i feel ive repented of everything ive done against Him and i never ever want to take for granted what He suffered for me. ❤️❤️❤️
I am a Catholic, and I wonder how much real faith we have in the Eucharist. In the past, we also all drank the wine from the same cup, after covid, we stopped taking the cup. My understanding is that body and blood of our Lord, can overcome any virus.
We have to be careful on that one ... people with all manner of ills receive the Eucharist, but they're not cured.

My dad believed, didn't heal his heart condition. My mum believed, didn't heal her dementia ... Not everyone who touched Jesus was cured ... but we all believe it's the body and blood of the Lord.
I am a Catholic, and I wonder how much real faith we have in the Eucharist. In the past, we also all drank the wine from the same cup, after covid, we stopped taking the cup. My understanding is that body and blood of our Lord, can overcome any virus.
Does it overcome the virus though?

If it doesn't, then putting that meaning on it may miss the point.
I can see the temptation to think that if touching only the hem of his robe in the gospels made someone well, then surely consuming his flesh and blood should do so too... but maybe that is not what it is for on this side of the resurrection and ascension, but something else.
Not everyone who touched Jesus was cured
Faith and trust in God is a profound subject. The readings from yesterday almost show; that it was the blind person's faith that healed him. Jesus only did as the blind men believed.

As Jesus passed by, two blind men followed him, crying out,
“Son of David, have pity on us!”
When he entered the house,
the blind men approached him and Jesus said to them,
“Do you believe that I can do this?

“Yes, Lord,” they said to him.
Then he touched their eyes and said,
“Let it be done for you according to your faith.”

And their eyes were opened.

Both the Forbidden Fruit and the Fruit of the Tree of Life are symbolic of Zygotes. In other words, they are Ovum fertilized by Male Seed.

A person becomes born again... as in literally re-conceived as a new being... by partaking ether one.

All of us here partook of the Forbidden Fruit in our mother's belly to incarnate. Yes, we pre-existed and made that choice. Hopefully you know who fertilized the original Forbidden Fruit that started it all.

What Jesus describes in verses like these...

John 6:54-56
"Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day. For my flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed. He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, dwelleth in me, and I in him." the opposite of the Forbidden Fruit. The Eucharist is an attempt at mimicking some of that, but they cannot quite figure out the Mystery, hence the long-drawn-out mental gymnastics and Mystical woo.

Jesus is Abraham's Seed, as in literally his semen, and it fertilizes Sarah's ovary on the Tree of Life. Thus, in order to be 'raised up in the last day' one must literally partake in a similar manner as we did when we were conceived here. It is flesh and blood.

Remember, Sarah is the 'Mother of us all'. It is literal...

Galatians 4:26
"But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all."

The Marriage Supper of the Lamb is all about Heavenly sperm (Abraham) meeting Heavenly ovum (Sarah).

If you really want to know what Jesus was hinting at, look at the contents of the Golden Cup...

Revelation 17:4
"And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication"

It is literal, as in sperm and ovum. The Golden Cup is the Forbidden Fruit. Again, we all partook to be conceived. People have no idea what they are reading.

Jesus is symbolically describing the opposite, the Fruit of the Tree of Life that is fertilized by his 'Blood'.

Now that you know that the Golden Cup is sperm and ovum mingled, what do you suppose this Golden Cup and Wafer represent?


Are we looking at the Golden Cup the Harlots holds (Forbidden Fruit), or are we looking at the Fruit of the Tree of Life? I am not trying to be disrespectful, but there is a reason I left Catholicism after four decades.
Too long, didn't read...

"Two different ontological realities”

Forbidden Fruit = The Zygote you partook of to incarnate here.
Fruit of the Tree of Life = The Zygote you can partake of to escape this prison.

Again, you all partook of the Forbidden Zygote... as in REINCARNATION.

You better be damn sure you know what you are being taught to partake of because it could happen again and again.
Both the Forbidden Fruit and the Fruit of the Tree of Life are symbolic of Zygotes. In other words, they are Ovum fertilized by Male Seed.

A person becomes born again... as in literally re-conceived as a new being... by partaking ether one.
Forbidden Fruit = The Zygote you partook of to incarnate here.
Fruit of the Tree of Life = The Zygote you can partake of to escape this prison.

Again, you all partook of the Forbidden Zygote... as in REINCARNATION.

You better be damn sure you know what you are being taught to partake of because it could happen again and again.
Are you sure this is what these things mean?

There is something that reminds me of this Who Is Allan Cronshaw? and his several other affiliated sites.
Are you familiar?
“At the right hand of the Father” – this is not a place but a symbol of the proximity of Christ to the Father...

Sorry, but the above is sort of baloney. I have no idea if any of you can even understand what I am about to say, but I will say it anyhow.

Jesus is his own Father because Jesus *conceived himself*. Understand? It is called Kenosis. In Heaven, there is no Jesus sitting next to the Father. Jesus is *IN THE BOSOM* of the Father... as in LITERALLY.

John 1:18
"No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him."

The Right Hand is symbolic of the same thing. What does it mean?

Jesus is the SOUL of the Father. A Soul is a living organism's Genome Sequence. The Word Made Flesh. Get it? DNA. Jesus is the DNA of the Father. The Life is in the Blood. Blood is symbolic of Soul.



The Word of God is synonymous with Soul. It is a Genome Sequence.

When Jesus goes to Heaven, he MERGES WITH HIS BODY to become One. The Slain Lamb represents Blood. Specifically, Nitrogen Bases. Stone with Seven Eyes. Nucleobase.

The Sons of God did something similar. They left their Heavenly Estates, they left their physical celestial bodies, and inseminated themselves into the wombs of Earth Women.

They are their own Fathers. Their Wives are also their Mothers who gave birth to them.

Technically, Mary is both Wife and Mother to Jesus.

The Right Hand of God is the Book of Life. It contains the Genome Sequences of all Redeemed.

Long story short, Jesus is God because Jesus is the Soul of God. Just as you have a Genome Sequence, so does God.
Are you sure this is what these things mean?

There is something that reminds me of this Who Is Allan Cronshaw? and his several other affiliated sites.
Are you familiar?

Hi @TheLightWithin . I will check out your link.

I have spent decades studying this topic. I have some videos I made here...

A popular one...

Sorry, but the above is sort of baloney. I have no idea if any of you can even understand what I am about to say, but I will say it anyhow.
Enlighten me.

Jesus is his own Father because Jesus *conceived himself*. Understand? It is called Kenosis. In Heaven, there is no Jesus sitting next to the Father. Jesus is *IN THE BOSOM* of the Father... as in LITERALLY.
So the Father literally has a bosom Gk: κόλπος kolpos?

You do realise God is not a body?

You do realise that kenosis applies to the human nature of Christ, not the Divine Nature (cf Philippians 2:7)?

You do realise that:
the Son and Spirit are in the Father and are the Father;
the Father and Son are in the Spirit and are the Spirit;
the Father and Spirit are in the Son and are the Son?

You do realise that 'at the right hand' is the same figurative language as 'in the bosom of' and by calling one 'baloney' you've missed the point and then go on to contradict yourself?

Jesus is the SOUL of the Father.

A Soul is a living organism's Genome Sequence.
No, it's genome sequence is its genome sequence. A soul is something else.

The Word Made Flesh. Get it? DNA. Jesus is the DNA of the Father. The Life is in the Blood. Blood is symbolic of Soul.
Again, no. You're attributing human attributes to the Divine.


Well it's an analogy ... but a poor one.

Long story short, Jesus is God because Jesus is the Soul of God. Just as you have a Genome Sequence, so does God.
Sorry, but no ...
So the Father literally has a bosom Gk: κόλπος kolpos?

I will respond to the rest later, but yes, the Father has a bosom. Think of Abraham. He is the archetype. Think Abraham's Bosom...

1 Abraham.png

The Redeemed are in Abraham's Bosom now. It was never 'emptied out'. That is false dogma.

To be absent from the Body is to be present with the LORD in Abraham's Bosom... symbolic of the Bosom of the Father.

The Throne Room is Abraham's Bosom. The Bosom of the Father. Look at it another way...

Revelation 4:2
"And immediately I was in the spirit: and, behold, a throne was set in heaven, and one sat on the throne."

Obviously, there is an entity sitting there with some type of Celestial Body. There is no need to assume it had no bosom.

Holy Ghost

They all sit on the same throne at the same time. That is because it is a Trinity. The three are one.

The Slain Lamb represents the Word that emanates from the Trinity. It is God's Soul. The Rainbow and Seven Spirits are obviously the Holy Ghost.

Moreover, the Throne Room is simply a manifestation of God that exists in a higher dimension.

Yes, God exists in a place called Consuming Fire. We can never see it or visit it. There is an entirely different layer to explore here.

Remember, God created the Three Heavens. What is the place called that existed before that? Do you know?

There is another layer that no one talks about.
You do realise that kenosis applies to the human nature of Christ, not the Divine Nature (cf Philippians 2:7)?

Kenosis is actually a synonym for reincarnation going from Heaven to Earth. Since Christians are told that reincarnation is not Biblical, they have trouble comprehending what Kenosis is.

You do realise that:
the Son and Spirit are in the Father and are the Father;
the Father and Son are in the Spirit and are the Spirit;
the Father and Spirit are in the Son and are the Son?

Sounds good to me.

You may as well have said that Jesus is God. That is what I am trying to teach here.

The Lamb is the Soul of God.

You do realise that 'at the right hand' is the same figurative language as 'in the bosom of...

Although I agree with the above, I view the Bosom and Right Hand as being representative of Identity. Look at your right hand. You have fingerprints and palm prints. That is your Identity.

Mark in the Right Hand is a new Identity. It is Transhumanism. It is DNA augmentation.

Our Genome Sequence identifies us. We know that now. They can identify criminals, etc.

Right Hand is symbolic of the Soul, again, the Genome.

The 'names' in the Book of Life are not 'Billy' and 'Suzy'. They are Gene Sequences. That is the Kingdom of God. The Seed.

Again, no. You're attributing human attributes to the Divine.

No. The Bible is...

John 1:14
"And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth."

The above is describing how DNA works. It is what it is.

The Stone with Seven Eyes is a Nitrogen Base. Seven is Nitrogen. A new Genome will be written to take away sin...

Zechariah 3:9
"For behold the stone that I have laid before Joshua; upon one stone shall be seven eyes: behold, I will engrave the graving thereof, saith the LORD of hosts, and I will remove the iniquity of that land in one day."

The verse is literally describing Genetic Engineering. That is what the Israelites were supposed to do, but they blew it. They were being trained on how to go into the Most Holy Place, the Nucleolus of the Cell and sprinkle the correcting DNA sequences. The Tabernacles and Temples are not only scale models of Eukaryotic Cells, but they were also Genetic Engineering training facilities...


Ezekiel's Temple was going to be the final lab that created the Glorified Body. The Israelites simply did not understand their mission.

Well it's an analogy ... but a poor one.

Levi is in the loins of Abraham...

Hebrews 7:9-10
"And as I may so say, Levi also, who receiveth tithes, payed tithes in Abraham. For he was yet in the loins of his father, when Melchisedec met him."

The Son is literally in the Father. Obviously, they have a Spirit. Thus:

*) Body
*) Soul/Son/Word
*) Spirit

Three in One.

Soul/Son/Word are all interchangeable.

*) The Son is inside the Father as Sperm.
*) Sperm is a Genome.
*) Abraham's Seed is a Genome.
*) Jesus is Abraham's Seed.
*) Word Made Flesh is a Genome.
*) The Son is symbolic of the Word of God.

It is all just different ways of describing the same symbolic meanings.

Even the word 'Rock' in the Bible means Sperm. Stones means Testicles. The Bible is using all kinds of symbols to describe the Soul, the Kingdom of God, the Genome.

Sorry, but no ...

Look at the symbolic meaning of New Jerusalem again. It represents the Uterus of Sarah. The Throne of God is symbolic of the Phallus, the Male Generative Principle that 'fertilizes' the Ovary Tree of Life.

I thought I posted this image already...

1 Sarah.png

On the Throne is the symbol of the Father, Abraham. Abraham's Sperm is the Lamb. The Lamb is emanating Seminal Fluid as the 'Living Waters' that fertilizes the Tree...

Revelation 22:1
"And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb."

Jesus is the Seed. Seed is DNA. This is fact. It is as plain as can be. Super easy to understand. Abraham and Sarah are making babies as prophesied...

Isaiah 54:1
"Sing, O barren, thou that didst not bear; break forth into singing, and cry aloud, thou that didst not travail with child: for more are the children of the desolate than the children of the married wife, saith the LORD."

It is describing New Jerusalem...

Isaiah 54:11-13
"O thou afflicted, tossed with tempest, and not comforted, behold, I will lay thy stones with fair colours, and lay thy foundations with sapphires. And I will make thy windows of agates, and thy gates of carbuncles, and all thy borders of pleasant stones. And all thy children shall be taught of the LORD; and great shall be the peace of thy children."

The Bible teaches that the Soul is the Genome over and over and over.

Tables of the Heart = Genome

The Law will be written in the Genome, in the Tables of the Heart. Where else would it be written? That is where Sin comes from. Sin is literally messed up Genes that causes animalistic behavior, sickness and death. We know this now.

Heart and Soul are always linked in Scripture. How can you not see it? Lol.
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