Does God really exist?

I find the opposite surprising - that we live in a universe specifically designed to not just form or develop but also sustain and progress life, but we overlook this because the extraordinary has become the ordinary to us. Don't get lost in theistic ideas of what God or the Divine or Universal Consciousness might be - the moment anyone attempts to describe It they have failed. If you want a sneak peak, though, look at any image showing the network of galaxies and streams of gas we call the Cosmic Web - it is like literally looking at the brain of the universe.
My philosophical approach to the universe and the meaning of religion is somehow the other way around: the universe is there and the rules of it are everlasting. This is the everlasting Logos, God.
But the universe is not made specifically for us, rather, we are a part of it, and life has developed to fit in the small part of the universe which is the surface of the earth. Living in the Universal Logos is a life in accordance with all around us. A part of the wisdom to do so has come onto us by the ancient through prophecy or enlightenment.
We have also new challenges in preservation of the nature and the environment we are made for and on which we depend. We know that. But instead of facing the challenge, all nations, willingly or unwillingly, prepare for war.