That is because there is no evidence. I do not find any evidence which will make me accept the existence of God or soul.
Having had a career in psychology, I cannot seem to sweat the difference between a god function and a god as an object or being. So, the issue at hand here on this thread seems to me more a matter of semantics than anything. Even if “God” is nothing but an unknown space from which we intuit new possibilities or tap into hidden potential, the effect of accessing that through prayer or contemplation or meditation seems to me so “real” that it would be throwing the baby out with the bathwater to insist that God is not real. Perhaps we could find some common ground of god-like realities such as “intuition”, “synergy,” “psychological space,”etc.?
I wrote the following poem about a god junction of a synergistic whole-is-greater-than-the-sum-of-its-parts “reality.”
It seems there is enough hidden potential in life that a “God” tag to a useful function is in order. That seems to be a baby we don’t want to throw out with the bathwater.
Lord Allofus
Each being has a little light
for us together to make things bright
and make things right.
When we pray, just who or what
do we pray to?
Even if it’s only us
(and all who’ve ever been),
maybe the best light will shine through.
And THAT is one good invisible friend.