The Ambiguity of Early Christianity: How we misread Paul

But it translates to yeast ... and that's what yeast does?
ⲥⲁⲉⲓⲣ translates to 'colostrum' and 'butter' - neither of which are leavening agents.
It is scientifically impossible to make large loaves of bread from dough using these alone.
what translation are you using?
(1) Interlinear Nag Hamadi Coptic Thomas + Coptic Dictionary Online
e.g. Thomas Paterson Brown but corrected where necessary such as in the case of 'ⲥⲁⲉⲓⲣ' above.

(2) Thomas re-assembled - The evidence that Thomas needs to be read re-assembled are in Thomas #6, #14:

6. Did his pupils ask him and said to him:
You desire that we act to fast ? (referring to #60 & #27 that preceded the conversation) and what is the manner
that we be praying?
that we be giving alms? and
that we be observing regarding what and manner to eat?
Said IS: Do not tell lie and what ever you hate it, do not do (it)
For all of them will be uncovered under the sky
For there is nothing which is it hidden that it will reveal forth not and
There is nothing which is it covered that they will persist without - it - uncovering

14. Said IS to them:
If you act to fast you will give birth to yourselves sin and
if you pray they will act to condemn yourself and
if you give alms you will do an evil to your spirit and
if you go into a land so and so or you go, walk in the country
if they receive you, that which they will place it toward you, eat it
those weak in them do restore them

Also: Thomas #35+#21.b = #103 for a first-principles based imperative: Exercise one's own agency diligently.
Be self re-Agency-fied. Be not self de-agency-fied / self-incapacitated e.g. drunk

35. IS said: No power has one to enter the house of the powerful and he take his arm unless he ties his hands then he will turn outward his house. [Note: tie up = preoccupy = distract = Look over there!]
21.b: Therefore I say: If the owner in the house knows that the thief is coming he will be on guard before the thief comes. The owner will not permit the thief to carve into his house, his Sovereignty to let the thief take his belongings.
And so then, YOU keep watch against the Beginning of the Kosmos (refers to #109 money lending with interest)
Gird of yours upon your loins with your great power so that will not the Robbers find ways to come towards you because the need that you foresee they will find it. Let a man knowing, wise, prudent be in your midst
103. Abliss is the man this who knows that in what part which the thieves about to come inward so that he will arise to muster his Sovereignty and he binds it upon his loins from the Beginning before they come inward

Thomas #3, #70, #41, #67, #5 form a Core of Jesus' message (there is another Core
- together they form the Twin Truths for Mankind)
3. If they say to you viz they who go before you [i.e. those that you choose to follow]
“Behold, the Sovereignty in the sky” then surely the birds will be first wrt you of Heaven
If they say to you : it in the sea, then surely the fishes will be first wrt you
Rather the Sovereignty, it of your inward part and it of your solutions & interpretations - that untie self (#35)
When ever you know you, then they will know you and
you will know that you are the children of the Father who lives
But on the other hand, if you will know yourselves not,
then surely that you are in a poverty -- and you are the poverty.

70. When ever you bring forth that one in you, this which you have it, it will secure you
If you do not bring forth that one in you, this which you have not it, it will kill you

[Meaning: if one does not unsheathe one's own agency, it will be to one's own detriment!]

41. He who has it, he will be have more and
He who that not has it, the little which he has will be taken from him

67. He who knows everything, if he is lacking self he is in want... GIVE! all of it !
[Meaning: Lay everything! <-- click to open link:
We are conceptually tied up - we have become iconized:
self-ossified on and self colonized by concepts
To be free, know thyself - We are Conceptual Sovereigns
Let us rise above man-made concepts and [Re]Conceptualize]

5. Know the one who is in the presence of your face and before you
the one which is "hidden" from you, will uncover forth to you
for there is no one who it will not reveal to

39.a The Pharisees [The Dogmatists] with the Scribes [The The Ossify-ers/The Obdurators] (~Luke 11:52)
did they take the keys of Knowledge -- did they hide them
did not they enter and they who desire to enter did not they place them
71. I will destroy this house, and no one will be able to build it
39.b But YOU on the other hand,
be sensible (mentally present) in the manner of the serpents,
and untainted (unstained) in the manner of the doves.
102. Woe to them the Pharisees
Because they resemble a dog that sleeps in the manger of some cattle
Because it eats not, nor does it permit the cattle to eat
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ⲥⲁⲉⲓⲣ translates to 'colostrum' and 'butter' - neither of which are leavening agents.
Not quite right, as soured milk can be used as a leavening agent.

However, I looked into this, and yes, the entry indeed says 'colostrum' and 'butter'.

But, if you look a few lines down that page:

"Scriptorium tag: N
1. (En) first milk (colostrum), butter
(Fr) premier lait (colostrum), crème, beurre
(De) Butter, Rahm
Bibliography: CD 353a?; CED 160?; KoptHWb 193, 539?; DELC 195?; ChLCS 46b?"
Follow the CD353 link and that will give a fuller explanation of a possible variation of the term, including 'leaven', which is why most translations of Thomas 96 use leaven.


Thomas #35+#21.b = #103 for a first-principles based imperative: Exercise one's own agency diligently.
Be self re-Agency-fied. Be not self de-agency-fied / self-incapacitated e.g. drunk
OK ... towards what end, though? Not one's own agency for its own sake, surely?

And I still challenge the idea of Sovereignty as meaning individual agency. I'd say the sovereignty belongs to the King – God – not the individual self.

The Shema Israel calls for individual agency focussed on the Divine Reality.
And I still challenge the idea of Sovereignty as meaning individual agency. I
CONCEPTUAL Sovereignty IS Individual Agency: "But he hasn't got anything on," a little child said.

Consider this:
The Real Lesson from the Emperor’s New Clothes
What was the real issue that ultimately led to the LO$$E$
at the🔺top?
Was it:
a. the 🔺 Ruler(s)?
b. the 🔺 System?
c. the 🔺 Paradigm?
d. the 🔺 Bound: not realizing they are Conceptualizers?

Answer: d.

Had the people realized their true selves
— Innovators & (In)validators of concepts & paradigms,
not limited, nor bound by the 🔺 paradigm,
there wouldn't be a 🔺 system,
nor would there be 🔺 rulers
& thus, no LO$$ at the 🔺 top

OK ... towards what end, though? Not one's own agency for its own sake, surely?
For virtuous cycles of improvement for all - rather than vicious cycles of impoverishment of all
For Worgl 2.0: The Miracle of Worgl extended to infinity - Conceptual Sovereigns unbounded by the 🔺 paradigm

Thus the Real Good News
- Mankind are only SELF incapacitated through SELF subjugation to man-made concepts = idolizers of concepts
To be restored:
- to be delivered from this predicament
- to be unstuck from the cosmos i.e. the current conceptualization of the world
Mankind need only separate self from their wine -
Recognize themselves as Conceptual Sovereigns and to rise above their concepts
AND recognize that it is their divine duty to [Re]Conceptualize - For Paradise on Earth

But how?
This is the the second Core in Jesus' Good News