I wish I, the me of today, the therapist I am today, could be a persistent resource for my Younger Self.
If only I could be on some kind of forum to the past for my younger self, something Teen Self could have accessed -- I don't know how as we didn't have forums in those days and we (our household) didn't have a computer anyway. I have heard of people writing letters to their Younger Self but that would be best if they were something that my Teen Self could actually read and open and use. Really I wish I could be on a live forum with Younger Self on the regular answering my/her questions. Teen self needed more helpful adult input and moral support.
I wish I could tell Young Self specifically Teen Self things that would actually help re-frame things and minimize distortions and negativity. Maybe persist more on the meditation tapes my mom was doing so well.
I would tell myself not to put so much energy into building social connections at school, and not to put any more time into that Methodist youth group. (The experience discouraged me from making efforts with anything church related later in college, which I wish I had done)
I would tell myself to make some rearrangements in my learning strategies at school and on my own as follows:
Put more time into the piano lessons I waited my whole childhood to finally have as a teen, and make different decisions about art and music electives in school.
Push to join interest groups when I was in Jr High instead of accepting that you had to be in high school to do them, because by then they were gone. And not bothering with some pursuits that ended up not being positive.
The difference produced by these seemingly mundane things may have been profound to my spiritual and mental health.
I also do know that if I did some things differently, it is at least
possible I could be saying the same things now but in reverse.