Hmm so some Perennialists thought Christianity had lost the truth it once held?
(More or less the message I was raised on)
More a case of the West has lost access to Primordial Truth and the fundamental metaphysical principles which authentic Traditions share in common.
The Eastern Orthodox Patriarchates were not so subject to the tides of change and the pursuit of novelty, so their relation to Ancient Traditions and insights into those principles is more evident and accessible.
Everything, in essence, is there and present in the Christian Liturgy, and the form and language of the Liturgy, the form and structure of the Church, all contribute to that.
I visited a Benedictine Monastery near where I lived. In church architecture, there is the nave, where the congregation gather, facing the altar, and behind the altar is the sanctuary, the main feature of which is the tabernacle – all Biblical references. In the Tabernacle are kept the Eucharistic wafers.
Mass used to be celebrated with the priest standing with his back to the congregation. This symbolised a collective offering, there priest officiates on our behalf. In the modern mass, the priest faces the congregation, which creates an artificial distinction. It may seem small but it isn't, and the reasoning behind the change struck me as banal.
At the Benedictine church, behind the alter, where the sanctuary should be, was a chair, where the celebrant sat when not engaged in the mass.
The tabernacle was off to the side, a safe door in the wall ... this is all so wrong ...