you use it in ceremony and how?
I know some light a candle as they focus to meditate.
Others light a candle prior to prayer or for a departed loved one.
Of.course there is the menorah, yule, and Kwanzaa candles.
In Unity we have an annual burning bowl service where folks either write down on slips of paper things they want to let go of, burn up, or release to the heavens.
I do that often sitting around a campfire...
I've built a number of temples at burns where we build a structure and folks write notes all over it for similar purposes, or bring in mementos or pictures of lived ones to be consumed by the flames.
Do you or your tradition use fire ceremony and how?
I know some light a candle as they focus to meditate.
Others light a candle prior to prayer or for a departed loved one.
Of.course there is the menorah, yule, and Kwanzaa candles.
In Unity we have an annual burning bowl service where folks either write down on slips of paper things they want to let go of, burn up, or release to the heavens.
I do that often sitting around a campfire...
I've built a number of temples at burns where we build a structure and folks write notes all over it for similar purposes, or bring in mementos or pictures of lived ones to be consumed by the flames.
Do you or your tradition use fire ceremony and how?