The Truth: The Mathematical Proof of God, The Holy Trinity.

I see was posted all over the net. Same issue on most sites, taken down as no introduction and a link in first post.

The Numbers are an interesting aspect, as numbers have great spiritual meanings.


666 = 6+6+6 = 18 = 1+8 = 9

144,000 likewise = 9

1260 likewise = 9

Thr Significant of 9 can be read here at this link

Regards Tony
I have a better one, which does not depend on a particular Bible edition and is not only valid for Christians:

Count the number of sacred books you have studied.
Divide it by the number of sacred books you have studied.

You will get 1 for the One God.

Except you haven't read any sacred books or you think there aren't any. Then you get 0/0 which is undefined, meaning you are an agnostic.
I have a better one, which does not depend on a particular Bible edition and is not only valid for Christians:

Count the number of sacred books you have studied.
Divide it by the number of sacred books you have studied.

You will get 1 for the One God.

Except you haven't read any sacred books or you think there aren't any. Then you get 0/0 which is undefined, meaning you are an agnostic.
I would not restrict the importance of numbers just to the Bible, all the God given Messages contain the foundation of numbers, the key is not to over state the importance of them

Many great scholars of the past have used numbers from Scriptures and there is a lot of material available on this topic, many from Jewish, Islamic, Hindus and Buddhist sources.

From a Baha'i perspective we have guidance, such as this.

"The Master (Abdul'baha) has said that there is a certain amount of truth in Numerology, physiognomy etc. but it is too much exaggerated by those who advocate them." Shoghi Effendi, Lights of Guidance, p. 516

This also applicable for Baha'is, that spiritually, we do not really need to pursue this course of enquiry.

"There is nothing in the teachings which leads us to believe numerology or astrology are needed by the believers to guide them in any way." Shoghi Effendi, Spiritualism, Psychic Phenomena and Related Subjects, p. 3

Personally I see it as interesting and harmless fun, as when looking into it, there appears to be a lot of hit and miss results.

Regards Tony
Personally I see it as interesting and harmless fun,
Hi Tony, perhaps not always so harmless.

On the 28th July 1986, Suzy Lamplugh, a London Estate Agent went to meet a potential client at 37 Shorrolds Road. She was never seen again. Her car was later found in Stevenage Road.

28 = 2 + 8 = 10 = 1. The same applies to 37. Shorrolds and Stevenage both nine letters. Ninth letter of alphabet is I.

July is the seventh month. Seventh, Suzy, Shorrolds, Stevenage all begin with S.

28 and 37 give us two 1’s. The two roads give us two nines = the letter I. If figure 1 and letter I are used interchangeably we have enough to spell ISIS ISIS.

The main suspect was John Canaan. He was convicted of the murder of Shirley Banks and suspected of the murder of Sandra Court. Two more S words. Around the same period another woman was murdered, the killer never caught. She was a Solicitor, a nine lettered S word.

Finally, if we suggest that Suzy died the day after her disappearance, then she would have died on the 10th anniversary of the 1st Son of Sam killing. Another two I/1’s and two S’s.

So, cult killings, coincidence or cherry-picking? But it just shows what you can do with numbers when so inclined.
Wait, who missed what?
What was posted was nothing to do with any beliefs that I hold. I hoped to show that with a will, numbers and words can be made to indicate all sorts of things. Analysis has to be very careful. Personal bias can creep in.

Who knows, but the fact that I have had very personal run-ins with both of those who seem to have problems with the post make me feel that personal bias is an ongoing factor here.
Hi Tony, perhaps not always so harmless.

On the 28th July 1986, Suzy Lamplugh, a London Estate Agent went to meet a potential client at 37 Shorrolds Road. She was never seen again. Her car was later found in Stevenage Road.

28 = 2 + 8 = 10 = 1. The same applies to 37. Shorrolds and Stevenage both nine letters. Ninth letter of alphabet is I.

July is the seventh month. Seventh, Suzy, Shorrolds, Stevenage all begin with S.

28 and 37 give us two 1’s. The two roads give us two nines = the letter I. If figure 1 and letter I are used interchangeably we have enough to spell ISIS ISIS.

The main suspect was John Canaan. He was convicted of the murder of Shirley Banks and suspected of the murder of Sandra Court. Two more S words. Around the same period another woman was murdered, the killer never caught. She was a Solicitor, a nine lettered S word.

Finally, if we suggest that Suzy died the day after her disappearance, then she would have died on the 10th anniversary of the 1st Son of Sam killing. Another two I/1’s and two S’s.

So, cult killings, coincidence or cherry-picking? But it just shows what you can do with numbers when so inclined.
That is just plain rubbish. That's all I have to say on the subject.

Regards Tony
Here's something useful:

Did you know the assassination of Martin Luther King and the death of Princess Diana were both apparently foretold in a code hidden in the text of Herman Melville's Moby Dick.

You didn't? Then good, because they're not, and you escaped one of the common roots of conspiracy theory.

The video talks about Ramsey Theory, and specifically how we have evolved to see shapes and patterns, even where none exists, or where patterns do exist, to imbue them with meaning which may well be far beyond their actuality.


Not to say there isn't anything in numerology ... just not to make too much of it.
Who knows, but the fact that I have had very personal run-ins with both of those who seem to have problems with the post make me feel that personal bias is an ongoing factor here.
Where is this personal bias against you created other than by your posts and comments?
Not to say there isn't anything in numerology ... just not to make too much of it.
Other than conjecture, what is there?

It ain't science, so are you indicating it is theology, religion or divine?

I mean numbers are a created system by man to accomplish earthly things (quantifying capitalism and debt?)
That is just plain rubbish. That's all I have to say on the subject.

Regards Tony
{\displaystyle e^{i\pi }+1=0}


where e = 2.71828... and i = √-1 and π = 3.14159...

..even Homer Simpson knows that! :)
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There is nothing in the teachings which leads us to believe numerology or astrology are needed by the believers to guide them in any way." Shoghi Effendi, Spiritualism, Psychic Phenomena and Related Subjects, p. 3

Not to say there isn't anything in numerology ... just not to make too much of it.

Numbers may have a symbolic meaning in the Jewish and Christian context, not so much in properly Islamic literature. If the number is part of the text, it's worth while considering that there may be a hidden meaning behind it (but it needn't be the case).
I don't think that you get any information from numbers you produced yourself, counting letters, words, verses or books, even less if you apply arbitrary mathematical operations on them to get the result you wanted.
I hoped to show that with a will, numbers and words can be made to indicate all sorts of things.
You did, but authors and playwrights did it first. There is all sorts of fantastic sci-fi, fantasy and mystery fiction that will take your mind spinning. It indicates drama and a reality that does not exist...the fact that it is written does not prove it exists.

Note this does not stop folks from developing religions from fictional works, we have Dudism, Jedism, Discordianism, Scientology and more.
{\displaystyle e^{i\pi }+1=0}


where e = 2.71828... and i = √-1 and π = 3.14159...

..even Homer Simpson knows that! :)
Numbers may have a symbolic meaning in the Jewish and Christian context, not so much in properly Islamic literature. If the number is part of the text, it's worth while considering that there may be a hidden meaning behind it (but it needn't be the case).
I don't think that you get any information from numbers you produced yourself, counting letters, words, verses or books, even less if you apply arbitrary mathematical operations on them to get the result you wanted.
My reply was based on stories I have read about the Writings of the Jewish, Islamic, Babi and Baha'i dispensations.

I tracked down the source and it is the Abhad system, more like a code behind the Writings. The Jews used something similar the Gematria system

Thus a passage of Writings can and indeed have contained other messages. This was used in the past.

There is also other material, but I will only discuss out of interest, I do not play the negation games, as truth is what we should all be after.

"..Shoghi Effendi explained that both Arabic and Hebrew use this system and that it was commonly used among the educated class during the time of the Báb and Bahá’u’lláh.[4] This system adds another layer of meaning to words and phrases found in the Bahá’í Writings..."

Regards Tony
What was posted was nothing to do with any beliefs that I hold. I hoped to show that with a will, numbers and words can be made to indicate all sorts of things. Analysis has to be very careful. Personal bias can creep in.

Who knows, but the fact that I have had very personal run-ins with both of those who seem to have problems with the post make me feel that personal bias is an ongoing factor here.
Maybe I missed a subtext or something, but I didn't get any of that from anybody. It didn't seem that anybody said anything untoward.
Did I miss something in this thread that was untoward?
I think that was the point @rocala was making though wasn't it? To show that you could tell almost any outlandish story with numbers?
But that's the point that @rocala was making anyway wasn't it? That numbers can be used to tell all kinds of outlandish stories?
There is a vast difference between exploring the possible deeper meaning of numbers and words in God given scriptures and pulling out random numbers in a meaningless way to refute the possibility of the former.

Regards Tony