Bible Scholars of Many Kinds

I don't quite understand.
Wouldn't it make sense to think of the bible in terms of the thoughts and understandings of the culture that produced it?

As a Christian, I believe it was inspired by God and written down by the Scribes...

2 Peter 1:21
"For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost."

They may not even have fully understood what they wrote.
As a Christian, I believe it was inspired by God and written down by the Scribes...

2 Peter 1:21
"For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost."

They may not even have fully understood what they wrote.
Another way of looking at it is that it was written by community leaders for their communities, and has been translated often out of context and with something lost in translation ever since...
This bible scholar has many interesting videos. His channel used to be called "Bible of Color" but he has recently changed to his name AB Higashi.
Here in a 10 minute video he talks about the process of interpreting a passage in the bible "negotiating with the bible"
I really like AB Higashi, I listen to him often.
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This bible scholar, Sam Burke, who is a Christian believer, a pastor, and a scholar, here presents his review of a Complete Jewish Study Bible, which is as he states a Messianic Jewish work. The idea was to re-insert the Jewishness of the biblical writings as much of that has been lost in translation in most translations of the Christian bible. I really like Sam Burke, I listen to him often as well.
Here is his website which he refers to in the video Sam Burke
10 minute video of his review of The Complete Jewish Study Bible (Messianic)
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This is Colin Connor from The Bible Uncut and Unfiltered
He is a therapist as stated on his website, and a self described "bible nerd" He is a Christian believer. He has his own fresh take on things due to all his study and reflections. I do not know if he is a professional bible scholar or theologian, or even a pastor, I think he is a committed amateur or nonprofessional in the arena, but he is extremely professional in his insights and presentation. I like him a lot and listen to him often.
Many of his videos are an hour or more long, where he goes in depth on topics.
Here in this 5 minute video he presents his view of bible interpretation.
Oh, darn. I hoped you might...
I have three of his books:

'Are Yahweh and El Separate Deities in Psalm 82 and Deuteronomy 32?'

'The Divine Council in the Pentateuch: A Conference Paper.'

'Does Divine Plurality in the Hebrew Bible Demonstrate an Evolution from Polytheism to Monotheism i Israelite Religion?'

Thought provoking works.
This is Colin Connor from The Bible Uncut and Unfiltered
He is a therapist as stated on his website, and a self described "bible nerd" He is a Christian believer. He has his own fresh take on things due to all his study and reflections. I do not know if he is a professional bible scholar or theologian, or even a pastor, I think he is a committed amateur or nonprofessional in the arena, but he is extremely professional in his insights and presentation. I like him a lot and listen to him often.
Many of his videos are an hour or more long, where he goes in depth on topics.
Here in this 5 minute video he presents his view of bible interpretation.

My analysis on the video...

Yes, Context is Key. This is very important. Do not 'cherry pick' a verse.

Often, I use the entire Bible as my context. What is true in Genesis is true in Revelation and everywhere in between.

Just beware of these 'Ancient Near East' teachers. Like I said, sometimes they come to very false conclusions. Honestly, there seems to be an agenda lately to push this dogma. I keep seeing it more and more. I do not trust it as it has already produced bad exegesis.

When Michael Heiser began talking about a hard 'Glass Dome' over the Earth, I lost trust in him. Honestly, that is a ridiculous thing to even bring up. But, because the Simpletons long ago were ignorant of Cosmology, then we must interpret the Bible in that way because 'Ancient Near East' bla bla. That is pure rubbish.

The Bible does not teach of a Flat Earth with a Glass Dome. Yet, they use that as a strawman and say, 'we know better now'. In other words, God is an idiot for writing all that (even though he didn't), but Man knows better... i.e., the Church and so called 'Scholars' know better.
Another way of looking at it is that it was written by community leaders for their communities, and has been translated often out of context and with something lost in translation ever since...

Yes. That is the point. Either one believes that every word came from God, or they do not.

If you wish to believe that the Bible was a bunch of made of stuff from Simpletons and Sheep Herders, then that is your choice.

One will get out of the Bible what they put into it.

Garbage in garbage out.
Simpletons and Sheep Herders,
Nobody called them that except you
then that is your choice.
Belief is not a choice. I do not know where people get that idea
One will get out of the Bible what they put into it.
You could say that of any field of study. What has that got to do with whether you see it as supernatural or not?
Garbage in garbage out.
You said that. Not me. I don't even know how that applies here.
When Michael Heiser began talking about a hard 'Glass Dome' over the Earth, I lost trust in him. Honestly, that is a ridiculous thing to even bring up.
He doesn't think that is the case AFAIK
I lost trust in him
You probably don't have enough information yet to know whether or not to gain trust in him, much less to lose it
The Bible does not teach of a Flat Earth with a Glass Dome.
Some people get that out of it one way or another. I think there have even been a few people on this forum in my year or two here who have claimed to think that.
'we know better now'.
We know a lot of things better now
so called 'Scholars' know better.
I don't know what you mean by "so called" but I sense a hostility you are bringing into this.
Yes, scholars do know better than most people, that's kind of the function of studying something so much, to know it better.
Scholars are not "so called" (depending on what you even mean by that) scholars are people who study something professionally and have the credentials to back up their claims that they have studied and studied under other well studied people. Why would that be a problem.
I don't know what you mean by "so called" but I sense a hostility you are bringing into this.

Yes, because I have watched countless videos over decades and can clearly see who is teaching falsely. Much damage has been done because of it. The internet is filled with absolute nonsense now when it could have been prevented. I have every right to be upset about it and call these people out. Dogma and denomination talking points is all some know how to do. It is a tragedy.

As I mentioned earlier, my comments were often deleted by Heiser and other YouTubers. Why? Because I was able to prove them wrong and they did not like it. But instead of being corrected, they chose to listen to their egos and delete me. There is a ton of research that they would have to toss in the garbage. They would rather keep their wallets fed. It is about money and reputation most of the time. Same ol same ol.
Here is the simple test @TheLightWithin . All you have to do is ask your Teacher a few important questions about certain topics in the Bible and see how they respond.

Here is a short list:

What happened in Genesis 2:17?
What is the Forbidden Fruit?
Was the word 'day' literal in the Creation Account?
Who is Mystery Babylon?
What is the Golden Cup she holds?
Who are the Harlots and Abominations she gave birth to?
What do the Seven Heads of the Dragon and Beast symbolize?
What is Hell?
What is the Lake of Fire?
What happens to the Unredeemed?
Who is the Woman on the Moon?
Was that in the past or is it future?
What were Ezekiel's Wheels all about?
Who are the Two Witnesses?

They should be able to give detailed answers on each one if they know their stuff.

Depending on their answers, you (or we if you shared their responses here) would know right away just where their Heart is.

Are they going to point their finger at the Catholics and say that they are Mystery Babylon? If so, they need to go back to the drawing board.

Will they say that the Unredeemed 'burn forever'? If so, they have no idea what they are talking about.

Is the Golden Cup the Harlot holds simply 'doctrines of devils'?

Yet, the "Scholar" in the mirror and <insert denomination here> has the correct doctrines, right? Pffft. The hubris.

Sadly, there is not one person that has things one hundred percent figured out. Not that I am aware of anyhow.
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Here is the simple test @TheLightWithin.
OK. I'd hardly call expecting detailed answers to 14 questions a simple test, but there you go.

What happened in Genesis 2:17?
Well, what the text says:
"And the Lord (Yahweh) God (Elohim) formed man (adam, a generic term) of the dust of the ground (adamah), and breathed into his nostrils the breath (neshamah) of life; and man (adam) became a living soul (nefesh).

For a deeper understand one would have to go into the meanings of the various terms I've indicated from the Hebrew, adam as a generic term for the creature and the distinctions between (ruach), nefesh and neshamah with regard to 'soul'.

What is the Forbidden Fruit?
It's never specified. The initial direction is not to eat of the tree, and later it says "And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof... " (3:6) then it's the tree that is the focus, rather than the fruit.

The Knowledge of Good and Evil – however, if one remained true to the initial covenant of the garden, then we would not know evil, and would walk and talk – that is commune – with God. In short, if we kept our will aligned to the divine will, we would be in a paradise, although not heaven. But we didn't.

It one understands the symbolism of the tree, and the mention of what appear to be two trees: "the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil" (2:9), and that the tree is a symbol of the cross, in that the trunk, the vertical axis, represents Divine Principle (life) and the 'as above so below' (in the sense that the roots are a mirror-image of the branches) and the horizontal axis, from the trunk outward, represents Divine Plenitude, then the twofold aspect of good and evil is in relation to the idea that movement away from the trunk (principle) is away from the good, towards a lesser good.

The designation of 'good and evil' signifies a moral teaching – that humanity must always be mindful to align itself to the principle and not its manifestations, no matter how 'pleasant' or beguiling they might appear ... there's a lot top unpack here, but that's the drift of it.

Was the word 'day' literal in the Creation Account?
No. The reference is not to the temporal order.

Who is Mystery Babylon?
In the Jewish tradition, Babylon emerges as the archetype of the oppressor against whom the righteous must struggle.

In the Book of the Apocalypse this symbol was carried into contemporary Christian usage. Babylon itself was long gone, but the early Christians saw the Roman Empire in the same sense, symbolising worldliness and evil. In short, wherever the contra impulse is, there is Babylon.

As in all apocryphal literature, the language is symbolic and can refer to any oppressor in any era. Hence it has been applied to the Roman Catholic Church, to the United States of America, to Corporations promoting consumer materialism, and so on.

What is the Golden Cup she holds?
This is a reference to Jeremiah 51:7 – in its own way recollects the allure of the 'forbidden fruit' – thr golden cup is pleasing to the eye, but contains poison.

Who are the Harlots and Abominations she gave birth to?
Do we need to list them? It's the principle that is the point – An archetype spawns all manner of seductions and corruptions according to its manifestations. Whatever evils attract us, whatever evils we happen to get up to.

What do the Seven Heads of the Dragon and Beast symbolize?
The symbolism of number, the use of archetype and the language of the apocalyptic have to be taken into account, in short any number of meanings.

What is Hell?
It depend's who's hell you're talking about. I'd say the abode of souls not in communion with the Divine.

What is the Lake of Fire?
Healing and purification.

What happens to the Unredeemed?
I believe in Christ's redemption of all, therefore there are no unredeemed. It's a warning, a pastoral upaya.

Who is the Woman on the Moon?
The Queen of Heaven? Or the individual soul that overcomes 'the world' – the moon reflects the sun, so it has both a positive and a negative aspect, in the sense that the veil infers something veiled. The veil is the world of illusion, and to pursue the illusory, 'that way madness lies' and lunacy is related to the moon. As long as one bears in mind the moon is not itself the light, then seek the light, not the reflector.

Was that in the past or is it future?
Neither, in the language of symbol, there is only the present.

What were Ezekiel's Wheels all about?
What indeed ... so much ink poured out on that one.

Omnipotence, Omnipresence, Omniscience, Omnibenevolence. The four yogas. Body, mind, soul, spirit. Height, depth, breadth, width. There are wheels nested within the wheels. They all move but never contradict. Going back to the cross analogy, we have the axis and the four directions, any fourfold symbolism, really.

Who are the Two Witnesses?
The Hebrew Scriptures and the Christian New Testament? The Roman Catholic Church and the Orthodox Patriarchates?

Most likely Moses and Elijah, remembering v6 refers to the witnesses' power to turn the waters to blood and to smite the earth with every plague (as did Moses) and to bring drought (as did Elijah), coupled with the Jewish belief in an eschatological return of those two prophets, and the Christian belief of their standing alongside Christ at the Transfiguration.
I have some time to post.

What happened in Genesis 2:17?

Genesis teaches that two couples were created. The First Adam was created on the Third Day and the Woman (Ishshah) on the Sixth Day. They both died after eating the Forbidden Fruit. It was a foreshadow of the Second Death.

God then reincarnated the couple as the Second Adam and Eve. God gave them reproductive organs in the process.

Note that the Serpent was reincarnated as well. He became Sperm (creature crawling on its belly).

What is the Forbidden Fruit?

It was the Ovum of the Earth Mother, Mystery Babylon. Said Ovum was fertilized by the Serpent to become a Zygote.

All of us have partaken to reincarnate here.

Was the word 'day' literal in the Creation Account?


Who is Mystery Babylon?

The Earth Mother archetype. She represents one half of our corrupt DNA on our Mother's side. Satan represents the other half on our Father's side. Scripture is about Salvation. It is about repairing the Biology of the planet.

Her Womb is represented by Earthly Jerusalem. The Temple is the Zygote inside.

Earth drank the Blood of Abel, not Rome, not America. Go back and read Genesis. Case closed.

What is the Golden Cup she holds?

It is the Forbidden Fruit. It was there in the Bible the entire time, yet people were too full of themselves and conceited to see it.

The contents are literal. Why would they not be?

Who are the Harlots and Abominations she gave birth to?

The Human Race as well as all corrupt DNA on the planet. Yes, WE are the Harlots and Abominations. Duh. That is why we need Salvation.

Mystery Babylon will be redeemed one day and become the Bride of the Lamb. Everyone gets saved. If that were not so, then God is a liar... PERIOD.

What do the Seven Heads of the Dragon and Beast symbolize?

The Dragon is the Spirit of Satan. Each head is a reincarnation. Satan falls into a Zygote and is conceived.

They are also Seven Kings:

King of Egypt
King of Assyria
King of Babylon
King of Medo Persia
King of Greece
King of Rome

They are also Seven Mountains. Why? Because Mountains are symbolic of the Male Generative Principle, i.e., the Phallus she 'sits' on to procreate.

What is Hell?

Reincarnation as per the standard definition in Wikipedia.

What is the Lake of Fire?

The Goddess Vesta and Hestia. They symbolize the moment of conception, the final step of the reincarnation process.

What happens to the Unredeemed?

They are reincarnated.

Who is the Woman on the Moon?

She represents the 'Seed of the Woman', literally an Ovum. The Sun she is clothed with is Sperm, i.e. Abraham's Seed. The Dragon casts a flood of ungodly men, Semen, at her but is too late. He is angry that he was not able to corrupt the Seed that leads to Jesus.

The Seed of the Woman is nourished in the Wombs of various Mothers for a time, times and dividing of times beginning with Sarah and Isaac.

1260 years from the building of the Tabernacle Zygote in the Womb Wilderness to the conception of Jesus. The Sacred Ovum is protected from the 'face' of the Serpent Phallus.

Was that in the past or is it future?

Past obviously.

What were Ezekiel's Wheels all about?

Atoms, Particle Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Biology, DNA.

Who are the Two Witnesses?

This is just my opinion, but I believe they are John the Revelator and Ezekiel.

They represent two Chromatids joined together.
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Sadly, there is not one person that has things one hundred percent figured out. Not that I am aware of anyhow.
Sadly, there is not one person that has things one hundred percent figured out. Not that I am aware of anyhow.
I was going to say right, ok, cool, what are your answers, but at least you posted them. Good to follow up and show you have the answers you feel others should be judged for not having. :confused:🧐😒