Well, I'd not go so far as to assume God does not love what He causes to be.That is in the Spirit and not the Flesh.
Well, I'd not go so far as to assume God does not love what He causes to be.That is in the Spirit and not the Flesh.
But nevertheless, you are about to suggest we do the latter ...
The Greek adverb καθὼς kathōs in context is translated as 'as, just as, even as, like'
Well I see Point 1 as an ontological consubstantiality in glory.
Chapter 17:
"Father, the hour is come, glorify thy Son, that thy Son may glorify thee... that he may give eternal life to all whom thou hast given him... I have glorified thee on the earth ... And now glorify thou me, O Father, with thyself, with the glory which I had, before the world was, with thee... And all my things are thine, and thine are mine; and I am glorified in them ... that they may be one, as we also are ... That they all may be one, as thou, Father, in me, and I in thee; that they also may be one in us ... And the glory which thou hast given me, I have given to them; that they may be one, as we also are one: I in them, and thou in me; that they may be made perfect in one ... I will that where I am, they also whom thou hast given me may be with me; that they may see my glory which thou hast given me, because thou hast loved me before the creation of the world."
The theologian Karl Rahner (1904-1984) sees creation as receiving God's self-communication, and that the human being is actually constituted by this divine self-communication. He identifies grace – or "glory' as per John 17 – with the self-communication of God:
"God wishes to communicate himself, to pour forth the love which he himself is... And so God makes a creature whom he can love: he creates man. He creates him in such a way that he can receive this Love which is God himself, and that he can and must at the same time accept it for what it is: the ever astounding wonder, the unexpected, unexacted gift ... Thus in this second respect God must so create man that love does not only pour forth free and unexacted, but also so that man as real partner, as one who can accept or reject it, can experience and accept it as the unexacted event and wonder not owed to him ... "
(Karl Rahner (1904-1984) Theological Investigations, vol. 1, pp. 310-311.)
Colossians 1:15 refers to the Son as the "firstborn of creation" the Greek: "ὅς ἐστιν εἰκὼν τοῦ θεοῦ τοῦ ἀοράτου πρωτότοκος πάσης κτίσεως" can be translated as 'of every creature the firstborn' or 'born prior to all creation (every creature).' It goes on to say "... all things were created through him and for him; and he is before all things, and by him all things consist" (v16-17).
So here we have an ontological unity and a hierarchy – the Son is of the Father, and in like manner all creation is of the Son. Like, but dissimilar in that all creation is caused to be, whereas the Father, Son (and Holy Spirit) are eternal. (We might say that all logoi exist 'eternally', in an attenuated sense, in the Logos.)
"The glory which though hast given me, I have given to them, that they may be one even as we are one (in that glory)” (John 17:22).
Love underpins and sustains our being, we are founded in and of love. Jesus is recalling us to that ontological vocation.
That's right .. "and G-d saw that it was good" .Well, I'd not go so far as to assume God does not love what He causes to be.
The Tradition is constantly under examination – that's what makes it a living tradition.Only if you consider the tradition valid. The tradition might need to be re-examined . . .
Because that is, as you rightly observe, an illogical absurdity. So clearly something else is implied.The dilemma still stands: what kind of unity is being compared? If the oneness in John 10.30 is ontological consubstantiality, then the as in John 17 logically implies that believers would also share in that same ontological being. You haven't explained how this doesn't lead to the illogical absurdity of countless individuals becoming part of the divine essence and expanding the Trinity.
Simply quoting the text doesn't solve the logical dilemma.
I think so.Does this resolve the illogical dilemma?
The divine essence is not 'shared out' is the Trinity, but it is 'shared in' with regard to created natures.As far as I can tell, you're suggesting different levels of being of another. If the oneness in John 10.30 is ontological consubstantiality at the level of the Father and Son, how does the believers' unity in a hierarchical structure still qualify as "even as we are one" without implying a shared divine essence that includes countless individuals? Are you suggesting different kinds of ontological unity, and if so, how does that align with traditional Trinitarian theology?
Nor can it, because words cannot express it.You state that Jesus is recalling us to an ontological vocation rooted in love. The problem is it doesn't define the precise nature of this ontological link in relation to the Trinity's unique ontological unity.
The point is we are not what we are wearing, the apparel is a necessary part of our development and is perfect for its given purpose, the apparel will always become outworn.Well, I'd not go so far as to assume God does not love what He causes to be.
It is definitly perfect for its given purpose, In this reality.That's right .. "and G-d saw that it was good" .
Absolutely! And such is the case at every degree and mode of manifestation.The point is we are not what we are wearing, the apparel is a necessary part of our development and is perfect for its given purpose, the apparel will always become outworn.
It is definitly perfect for its given purpose, In this reality.
The Tradition is constantly under examination – that's what makes it a living tradition.
Theosis, the logical implication of John 17, is participation in the Divine Life, by participating in does not mean consubstantial with.
In reading Scripture, one has to consider the nature of Revelation, and regard it as given that what is revealed might not fit neatly into pre-determined logical categories.
In 1 Corinthians 2:9, Paul cites Isaiah 64:4:
"Rather, as has been written, “Things that eye has not seen and that ear has not heard and that have not risen up upon the heart of a human
being, whatsoever God has prepared for those who love him.”
What both are saying here is that the Divine Life surpasses what we can reasonably imagine of it.
Paul goes on (v10-11):
"For God has given us revelation by the Spirit (pneuma); for the Spirit (pneuma) searches all things, even the depths of God. For who knows the things of men except the man’s spirit (pneuma ho anthropos), which is within him? So also no one has known the things of God except the Spirit of God (pneuma ho theos)" – Speaking of revelation, and further, (v12) – "And we received not the spirit of the cosmos (pneuma ho cosmos), but rather the Spirit that is from God (pneuma ho ek theos), so that we might know the things graciously given us by God."
I think so.
The divine essence is not 'shared out' is the Trinity, but it is 'shared in' with regard to created natures.
This totally aligns with Trinitarian theology, from Irenaeus on.
If we're talking Trinity, then we're talking Persons, and then this unity in the Trinity is 'person to person' in which both parties, Christ and creature, retain their identities, Christ as Uncreate source of all being, the Person from whom all personhood derives, and the human person as a created instance of personhood ... it is here that this unity takes place, and that which unites person and the Person, the "i" and the "Thou", is love, that is nothing other than the complete gift and complete acceptance of the one to the other ... in which, as Eckhart said, 'all distinction disappears'.
McClellan's point about the first century not necessarily operating with the strict ontological dichotomies of creator/created that underpin later Trinitarian theology is strongly supported by Paula Fredrikson's analysis as well. Fredrikson explains that the philosophical understanding of creation ex nihilo - creation out of absolute nothing - which became crucial for later classical Christology, was actually a development of the second century CE, driven by debates about the nature of matter. In the first century, as Fredrikson notes, even when thinkers talked about creation "out of nothing" (ek mē ontos), it often implied a relative non-being or unformed matter. This suggests that the sharp division between a singular creator and absolutely distinct creation, which seems to inform your understanding, was not a framework in the time of Jesus and the early apostles.
Again, your sharp ontological distinction between the Uncreated and the created is something that Paula Fredrikson argues was not as clearly defined in the first century CE. The fully developed concept of creation ex nihilo, which strongly reinforces this dichotomy you present, was a later development of the second century and beyond.
Which makes me wonder how serious "heresy" can really be... nobody can avoid it for even a minute.The point here being that the majority of Christians, who were not philosophers nor theologians, believed in the Father, Son and Holy Ghost as One, but had no idea as to how technically that could be so ... and the same, I would suggest, is a general rule today in the Trinitarian churches – that ask your average believer to explain the Trinity and within 30 seconds they'll be talking heresy – I say this because that's what happened to us on our degree course.
It seems the ideas about the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit must have all been early ideas, but without anything in writing left by Jesus to clarify, it took centuries of philosophical development in order to reconcile the ideas. And then centuries defending them to get most people satisfied that the idea was correct - or being very harsh on "heretics" who begged to differ.1: Christianity, from the outset, can be said to declare that a belief in 'Father, Son and Holy Spirit', and a baptism in the name of Father, Son and Holy Spirit are conditional upon entering the community. In that sense, there is a body of people who acknowledge One God, and yet in effect swear allegiance to 'Father, Son and Holy Spirit', yet do not see themselves as transgressing the First Commandment.
LOL, isn't that enough? What do you think it lacks?Why are you focused on glory alone?
As said elsewhere, I find McClellan's exegesis dubious, and I find his exegesis here as silly as he does.... but McClellan's analysis of John's Gospel with his focus on John 17:11 notes the importance of the divine name in achieving unity...
I have never mentioned the Divine Name, nor do I overlook its significance, quite the opposite, but my view on that is more mystical than philosophical.You've overlooked the significance of the divine name.
Well there you go ... exit McClellan ...This vocation is not about believers merging with the divine essence.
And being.It's about being brought into a relationship with God through Christ, who possesses the divine name and authority.
It could be ...The unity in John 17, "one as we are one," could be understood as a shared divine agency and presence facilitated by Jesus's endowment with the divine name, not an ontological participation in the Divine Life in the sense you mean.
Saul of Tarsus was working from the understandable framework of the first century ... and then something happened.Or the significance of the divine name were understandable within the first-century Jewish worldview. Appealing to the idea that it defies all logic might overlook the understandable framework already present in the first century.
OK. Your opinion.The dilemma is better resolved in my opinion by understanding the Christology of John's Gospel through the lens of first-century Jewish concepts like divine agency and the endowment with the divine name, which provided a way to see Jesus as uniquely connected to God without equating him ontologically in the way later Trinitarianism defined it.
That's not my understanding.... This suggests that the sharp division between a singular creator and absolutely distinct creation, which seems to inform your understanding.
... not as sharp as you suppose it to be.Again, your sharp ontological distinction between the Uncreated and the created is ...
Do you believe in God as a substance in the material sense?The fully developed concept of creation ex nihilo, which strongly reinforces this dichotomy you present, was a later development of the second century and beyond.
I rather think a reading of a more refined ontological framework out of John's Gospel.You are reading a later, more defined ontological framework back into the first-century context of John's Gospel ...
Yes, they were.It seems the ideas about the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit must have all been early ideas ...
W-e-l-l ... the philosophical/theological development was a process over time. The basic belief in Father, Son and Holy Spirit was a given, what evolved was through dialogue and dispute regarding the nature of the relation of the Three.... it took centuries of philosophical development in order to reconcile the ideas.
LOL, isn't that enough? What do you think it lacks?
Immaterial – McClellan is arguing that oneness in the Father means consubstantiality with the Father, as the Son is, and so the Trinity becomes a multiplicity of as many as included in it ... McClellan declares this argument "kind of silly, I've never seen anyone argue for that position" ( at 5.26-32) and, as I have said, it is silly, and furthermore no-one suggests it, so this non-argument is a Straw Man of McClellan's own fabrication.By focusing on verse 22 and glory alone, you overlook the specific unity mentioned earlier in the chapter (verse 11) - the divine name.
Well, as argued above, McClellan tends to Straw Man and then offer a false dichotomy arguments. In short, I don't find his exegesis anywhere near conclusive or compelling.McClellan specifically points to Jesus's prayer in John 17.11 in his video: "Holy Father, protect them in your name that you have given me, that they may be one as we are one." McClellan's argument is that the reception and possession of the divine name is presented as the means by which this oneness is achieved, both between the Father and Son and extended to the disciples. There is no need to posit different types of oneness, and there is no need to rely solely on glory in verse 22. Rather, McClellan's view shows a unity of agency, authority, and divine presence, consistent with first-century Jewish understandings of intermediaries bearing God's name.
Immaterial – McClellan is arguing that oneness in the Father means consubstantiality with the Father, as the Son is, and so the Trinity becomes a multiplicity of as many as included in it ... McClellan declares this argument "kind of silly, I've never seen anyone argue for that position" ( at 5.26-32) and, as I have said, it is silly, and furthermore no-one suggests it, so this non-argument is a Straw Man of McClellan's own fabrication.
He then immediately goes on to say "there's another reason we know that John 10:30 is not Jesus saying I am God" (5:32) and we may suppose this 'reason' is as silly and spurious as the one previously mentioned.
He rests his following argument on the basis that there is a distinction between claiming to be 'God', and claiming to be 'Divine', and that there's nothing wrong with claiming to be Divine, while there is everything wrong with claiming to be God, etc., which misses the point – His audience picked up stones because He said "I and the Father are one" (John 10:30)
I've already said I think McClellan's argument is a Straw Man. He says it's silly, and no-one makes it ... so why does he?McClellan says ...
I know. I think it's a false premise.McClellan is presenting this scenario as a logical consequence ...
Which no-one does ...... if one interprets "I and the Father are one" (John 10.30) solely through the lens of ontological consubstantiality and then applies the same logic to Jesus' prayer for his disciples to be one "as we are one" (John 17.11, 22).
Nor is anyone else.He is not necessarily claiming that Trinitarians explicitly argue for the disciples becoming part of the Trinity in this way.
If someone were to make that error ... which no-one does.Rather, he's highlighting what he sees as a problematic implication of that particular interpretation of John 10.30 when considered alongside John 17.
Quite ... just not what McClellan thinks it means.Therefore, John 10.30 must mean something else.
Well what other grounds re there?Your dismissal here is solely based on what the mob thinks.
Yes.They picked up stones specifically because he said "I and the Father are one" (John 10.30).
Often does not necessarily mean 'on this occasion'.Jesus often speaks symbolically and his audience takes his words literally.
Why report it in the gospel?We've already seen the theme of misunderstanding at work throughout John's Gospel. Why trust the mob? Why accept their reaction as definitive?
Again a contextual point.Jesus' saying here can be understood as an encoded reference to divine self-identification and Jesus claiming to be the authorized possessor of the divine name, God's image and agent, speaking on God's behalf, without necessarily claiming ontological identity as the singular God of Israel.
I've already said I think McClellan's argument is a Straw Man. He says it's silly, and no-one makes it ... so why does he?
And from there he derives a false conclusion, that having proved this reading as silly, the only logical one is his. It's a false dichotomy – and I don't accept his reasoning, because he's mis-directing his audience.
I know. I think it's a false premise.
Which no-one does ...
Nor is anyone else.
If someone were to make that error ... which no-one does.
Quite ... just not what McClellan thinks it means.
Well what other grounds re there?
Often does not necessarily mean 'on this occasion'.
Why report it in the gospel?
OK, I stand corrected.I've already said in my own indirect way that it is wrong to believe his argument is a straw man. It's not a straw man. He is using a reductio ad absurdum argument, which he frames using conditional arguments.
A silly argument does not affect the initial premise of the nature of the oneness between the Father and the Son.He's not saying Trinitarians do believe this expansion of the Trinity. He uses this hypothetical ("silly") outcome to argue that the initial premise - interpreting "I and the Father are one" only as ontological consubstantiality - must be flawed.
It's only problematic if one assumes 'ontological consubstantiality' ...By focusing on what he considers to be an absurd implication, McClellan aims to show us that the interpretation of John 10.30 as a claim of ontological consubstantiality - in the later philosophical sense - is problematic when considered in light of John 17. It's as simple as that.
Pointing out bad scholarship doesn't validate his own.Recall he critiques interpreting John 10.30 through the lens of later philosophical developments.
Well he's interpreting John with McClellan, let's be fair.McClellan's tactic consistently returns to the text of John itself ... In other words, he is interpreting John with John.