Interfaith is doing fine

BTW, 'Members online' tells me that there are 343 guests at the moment and myself, the only member. I request the guests to register as members and participate in the discussions. :)
There was one flaw which I removed with this. Now, perfect, as much as God made humans perfect, "And God said "It is good"."
Kindly check it on your browsers and let me know if there are problems (Dropbox).

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Link: Dropbox (Disregard the earlier links. Two clicks on the image will show you what the page will look like in browsers)

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I am now checking on the HTML code. Kindly wait, sometimes there are 17 mistakes, sometimes just one. I will load the file, perhaps tomorrow. But as of now, it stands here (since I am not using the official Interfaith logo, I have created a new one. Two clicks to enlarge the image). Tell me if you like it (or any change that I should make). 'World's Religions' image from South-East Asia is interesting. It has a temple, a mosque and a church in the same frame.

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<The document is valid and conforms to best practices and standards!>

What one needs to do is to open this file with leafpad or any other text editor and save it as divindiv.html. Then open the html file with any browser.

Different browsers may have problems with the code. In that case, kindly inform me and let me see what I can do.
div-in-div.html, that is how I have named the file.

This is how the the suggested homepage looks like, but changes are always possible:



  • divindiv.txt
    4.4 KB · Views: 17
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Two clicks will enlarge the image to the max size possible.
(Had to make another post since the time to edit was over.
Work over. Taking off for a cup of coffee.)

Found an even better image - Temple, Church, Mosque, all in one frame: Kotaveedhi, India

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Helped me to learn a few things about page design.

Why don't we ask for donations? Even small donations will help. Our small pitcher can be filled by even by drops.
Anyone can download the file with this link at DropBox or check it there itself (although DropBox does not render it correctly).
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<The document is valid and conforms to best practices and standards!>

What one needs to do is to open this file with leafpad or any other text editor and save it as divindiv.html. Then open the html file with any browser.

Different browsers may have problems with the code. In that case, kindly inform me and let me see what I can do.
div-in-div.html, that is how I have named the file.

This is how the the suggested homepage looks like, but changes are always possible:

View attachment 5129
Thank you - I've saved a copy for when I can get around to looking more closely at it. Whatever I use has to be able to work within the quirks of WordPress. Not been a good month for me so far but I expect March to be better. :)

Only thing is that I can't use the images you suggest - I have to be extremely careful with copyright, as I've been challenged before on the issue. That means all existing images on the front site are safe, but I wouldn't add any new ones unless I got them myself from somewhere like Pixabay or Pexels where the copyright is clear.
Quite some time ago also, I was trying to improve the Interfaith homepage. Then came this nice dark homepage style which has been many forums. This image is from that time. Simple, Font - Abyssynica.