When adverts were enjoyable. Remember this ?

I sure do!😼😻😸😺

There was a catfood commercial in the 1980s that I remember... I have not been able to find online though trying for years.
It was a long commercial spot, with images of cats rubbing against their humans and humans taking care of cats, and with a lovely a sentimental song sung by a female singer with the kind of almost-Broadway-but-gentler voice that was common in commercials at the time.

I remember some of the lyrics:

"♫....every season every year
The friendship's there, every day,
The friendship never goes... away....♪♫"

I wish I could find it
I do not remember what brand of cat food it was promoting🫤
Yes, and I remember both the expanded version sung by The New Seekers, plus I remember when the original singers reunited, bringing their children (or were they the OS' grandchildren?) to the same place. Do you remember those?

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
I found it on youtube, but couldn't find the other one.