I live in a small college town with a big university. When the kids go on break town is noticbly different.
Current Census Data.... racial/ethnic groups White (38.7%) followed by Black (23.8%), Hispanic (19.3%) and Asian (13.4%)
The students at uni are 40% White, 19% Asian, 11.7% Black or African American, 8.99% Hispanic or Latino...
Found a survey that indicates we are 46.0% religious..11.0% Baptist, 0.6% are Episcopalian, 10.0% are Catholic, 0.6% are Lutheran, 5.5% are Methodist, 1.6% are Pentecostal, 0.5% are Presbyterian, 0.8% are Church of Jesus Christ? 12.9% are another Christian faith, 0.2% are Judaism, 1.4% are an eastern faith, 0.9% affilitates with Islam
What does your community look like?
Current Census Data.... racial/ethnic groups White (38.7%) followed by Black (23.8%), Hispanic (19.3%) and Asian (13.4%)
The students at uni are 40% White, 19% Asian, 11.7% Black or African American, 8.99% Hispanic or Latino...
Found a survey that indicates we are 46.0% religious..11.0% Baptist, 0.6% are Episcopalian, 10.0% are Catholic, 0.6% are Lutheran, 5.5% are Methodist, 1.6% are Pentecostal, 0.5% are Presbyterian, 0.8% are Church of Jesus Christ? 12.9% are another Christian faith, 0.2% are Judaism, 1.4% are an eastern faith, 0.9% affilitates with Islam
What does your community look like?