What is it like where you live?


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a figment of your imagination
I live in a small college town with a big university. When the kids go on break town is noticbly different.

Current Census Data.... racial/ethnic groups White (38.7%) followed by Black (23.8%), Hispanic (19.3%) and Asian (13.4%)

The students at uni are 40% White, 19% Asian, 11.7% Black or African American, 8.99% Hispanic or Latino...

Found a survey that indicates we are 46.0% religious..11.0% Baptist, 0.6% are Episcopalian, 10.0% are Catholic, 0.6% are Lutheran, 5.5% are Methodist, 1.6% are Pentecostal, 0.5% are Presbyterian, 0.8% are Church of Jesus Christ? 12.9% are another Christian faith, 0.2% are Judaism, 1.4% are an eastern faith, 0.9% affilitates with Islam

What does your community look like?
I live in Worcestershire UK .. it's about 85% white, including English, Irish and Polish mainly.
..followed by about 10% Asian, including Pakistani & Bengali.

It's a pleasant, hilly county, but not a wealthy one. :)
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I live in Barnet, a London borough – population 390,000. Average age 37 years.

57.7% white, 19.3% Asian / UK asian, 9.8% 'other' (a subset of which is Middle East Arab), 7.9% UK, Caribbean & African, 5.4% mixed or multiple ethnic groups.

Country of birth of Barnet residents:
55.4% UK, 3.4% Romania, 2.9% India, 2.9% Iran, 2.8% Europe (inc. Turkey)...

36.6% Christian, 20.2% None, 14.5% Jewish, 12.2% Muslim, 5.7% Hindu, 1.3% other, 1.1% Buddhist, 0.4% Sikh ... 8% declined to answer.
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The London Borough of Newham. An absolutely ghastly place.
Big city (population including those who come for jobs from nearby places, 20 million), perhaps 2.8 million cars, pollution, 5.7 million two whealers, 81.6 thousand phut-phuts, majorly battery operated, 79.6 thousand taxis, electric, 106,000 goods carriers, pollution, noise, chaotic traffic, government, business, food carts; but fun to live here. We had a hot February, a 5.1 scale earthquake and wait for a hot summer.
What are those....the internets says a phut means "breaks down"?
I have friends in your country...they went "swimming" ended the cycle of rebirth?
Three wheel auto-rikshas, no noise now since they are all battery-run, that is much cheaper than petrol.
I do not think swimming was allowed at Mahakumbh (too many people, who would guard their lives? more than 660 million people in 45 days, nearly double the population of USA, average 1.4 million people daily), so a dip in a waist-deep water.


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Ghastly is it? High crime?
High crime. Almost every pub has closed down, local industry has vanished. If you get to know anybody, they usually are gone in a few months. It feels like and resembles a transit camp.
350k people, quite the camp, I do see third highest crime rate of all the Burroughs of London...ya gotta do better if ya want number one!

40% of residents are Christian, 32% Muslim, 8.8% Hindu, 2.1% Sikh, 1.2% part of another religious group, 9.5% were not religious and 6.4% did not state their …

Ya look pretty integrated to me, reckon I might like it there...for a few months!
I live in a rural area about 4 miles from a small college town.

Town ethnicity per 2024 consensus: 91.4% white, 0.8% black, 0.5% Asian, 7.0% two or more races, 1.6% Hispanic/Latino.

University ethnicity per 2023 enrollment: 83.6% white, 4.2% black, 3.4% two or more races, 3.1% Hispanic/Latino, 1.1% Asian, 0.2% Native American.

Religious demographics 2010 per City-Data: None 40.6%, Catholic 27.9%, Mainline Protestant 15.7%, Evangelical Protestant 11.5%, Other 2.3%, Orthodox (whatever that means) 0.2%.
a look pretty integrated to me, reckon I might like it there...for a few months!
Trust me, vast numbers crammed together, do not equal integration. My family arrived here in the 1870's and I have lived here all my life. At present, out of those 350k people, I am on first name terms with 4.
I live in Glastonbury(England, UK). Population 8-9000.
Many religions are present here, both in their classical forms and (what I call) new-age forms.
There is one main street with about 12 cafes and about 6 charity shops, al of which are usually bustling.

The population is made of of born-locals plus immigrants from all over the UK and the world.
There is Glastonbury Abbey*(see below) associated with (the legendry) King Arthur) , Christians & Druids etc.
So this is a place of pilgrimage for many people who come from all over the world.
I consider it a boon that I get to meet people from all over. It's very similar to Jerusalem(in this respect) where I used to live.

People are generally friendly and helpful.
Some people call it the heart-chakra of the world.

After reading @rocala 's account, I think this might be a heaven.

*Glastonbury Abbey | Visitor Attraction | Somerset UK
Yes, it could be if you think so. Does it have four rivers flowing in four directions? Does God some times visit one of these 12 cafes?

However, in answer to question, all the gods are here drinking decaffeinated cappuccinos having satsang with everyone. The gods love it here and never leave, that's why they have neglected the world. The are lost in their own maya and not at all theistic.