Mr. Darwin can you explain....?

Actually it was an ancient greek that first came up with the idea of evoloution.

Evolution is not so much a modern discovery as some of its advocates would have us believe. It made its appearance early in Greek philosophy, and maintained its position more or less, with the most diverse modifications, and frequently confused with the idea of emanation, until the close of ancient thought. The Greeks had, it is true, no term exactly equivalent to " evolution"; but when Thales asserts that all things originated from water; when Anaximenes calls air the principle of all things, regarding the subsequent process as a thinning or thickening, they must have considered individual beings and the phenomenal world as, a result of evolution, even if they did not carry the process out in detail. Anaximander is often regarded as a precursor of the modem theory of development.

The Ancient Greek philosopher Anaxiamander (611-547 B.C.) and the Roman philosopher Lucretius (99-55 B.C.) coined the concept that all living things were related and that they had changed over time. The classical science of their time was observational rather than experimental. Another ancient Greek philosopher, Aristotle developed his Scala Naturae, or Ladder of Life, to explain his concept of the advancement of living things from inanimate matter to plants, then animals and finally man
Actually it was an ancient greek that first came up with the idea of evoloution.

Hey PM, I love your personal "evolution", here.

First, you didn't' believe in evolution,
Then, you believed in evolution,
Now, you (the Greeks) invented evolution :D

Actually, I agree with you on the Greeks having these early ideas consistent with evolution :).

By the way, I like your pi avatar.

So did the Greeks invent cherry pi ?

Naa, maybe the French or Brits ? By the way, do we have any French posters on this forum ???
haha that letter is pronounced 'be' instead of 'pie' in Greek. I think they say Pie cause of Pythagoras name. The guy was pretty talented even by todays standards.

His birth was prophesised, his mother was told she will give birth to a man supremely, wise, and beneficial to humankind.

He was one of the first to propose that the thought processes and the soul were located in the brain and not the heart.

He also believed in the Agnostos God.

Now who invented pie

At some point between 1400 B.C. (Greek settlements) and 600 B.C. (the decline of Egypt) the pie is believed to have passed on to the Greeks by the Egyptians.

Close ;)
haha that letter is pronounced 'be' instead of 'pie' in Greek. I think they say Pie cause of Pythagoras name. The guy was pretty talented even by todays standards.

His birth was prophesised, his mother was told she will give birth to a man supremely, wise, and beneficial to humankind.

He was one of the first to propose that the thought processes and the soul were located in the brain and not the heart.

He also believed in the Agnostos God.

Think for a moment that none other than a genius would be the first person to figure out that the ratio of the perimeter of a circle to its diameter would be a constant, pi, 3.14159...., Eurika :D. Such foundational thinking comes about every maybe few hundred years !!