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Abstract: This article is written in order to provide proof regarding what is happening in reality compared to what we human beings imagine that is happening, as well as why this is something that is important to know.
The text below will take you approximately 10 minutes to read. Please spend the time if you have it available.
We start our discussion by noting the difference between something that is dead and a human being that is alive, conscious, and healthy. When something is dead, it has no freedom to act, and behaves again and again according to the laws of the universe. This is something that has been observed since the beginning of human beings for the dead. For example when you throw a ball on earth it is subjected to the laws of gravity as well as air resistance, according to which it draws its trajectory.
When a human being is alive, conscious, and healthy on the other hand, the laws of nature are made known to the human being through its senses either instinctively or through thinking, but the human being has freedom on what actions it wants to choose, being guided by its senses at all times, or even try to go against the laws of nature (which has negative results for the human being as the dead behave exactly as the laws of nature dictate). For example a human being is diving from a height into a swimming pool. Its senses guide the human being to either jump or not, and fear is present in order to provide information to the human being on the possibility it has to do the jump correctly or not. Regardless, the human being is free to attempt the jump and choose to be courageous and ignore fear or not.
We continue our discussion by introducing the following perspective for human beings. It is you, and then it is what is not you, meaning it is the rest. What is the rest? The rest is everything minus you (rest= everything – you). Why are we using this perspective? Because you don’t know exactly where you stop being you, and the rest begins. On your skin, there are old little parts of you (cells), which have already disconnected from you, they have died. Now, they are simply physically attached to you until you clean yourself (shower/bath usually), when some of those old little parts of you get removed. But there are not just little parts of you which live on your skins, there is other small life living on your skins as well. Within some limits, this is what constitutes a healthy you, outside of those limits unhealthy things happen to you. This perspective helps differentiate between a human being and everything else excluding the human being, from an individual’s viewpoint.
So, we will say the following. When you are conscious, your imagination is still working to guide you to specific ends you are looking for within yourself or within the rest (rest = everything - you). For example, any movement that you do with your body, requires more imagination if it is a new move, less if you have done something similar to this movement before, up to the point where your imagination meets your emotions/senses/instincts. You can verify this yourself by moving around in the place you are. When the ends towards which you are using your imagination are fun in reality to you, your imagination works best, and your emotions/senses/instincts are free. What this means is that your emotions/senses/instincts guide you towards the ends that you are pursuing, and you don’t feel limited by them. When these ends that you are pursuing are not fun to you in reality, your imagination gets stuck, as your emotions/senses/instincts are trying to find something fun to do. What this means is that you get signals from your emotions/senses/instincts that something is not right with what you are pursuing at the moment. For example, in the first case you imagine eating an ice cream, and feel free to eat one in reality as your senses signal to you that you are hungry, and don’t need a diet. In the second case you imagine eating an ice cream and feel guilty about eating one in reality as you are overweight and are not hungry at the moment. Your emotions/senses/instincts are there to let you know what is and what isn’t fun to you when you are healthy, and when you pay attention to them. You may still be overweight and choose to ignore the emotion of guilt as you are free to choose how to act when you are a human being that is alive, conscious and healthy, but you still get emotions of guilt if you pause and think about your decision, meaning your senses are still guiding you to what is fun for you.
At this point we will note the difference between imagination and reality by writing down that the same laws are happening again and again in reality while humans are free to imagine whatever they like, and also write down the following. When you imagine something, something else is happening around you in reality. If what was just written wasn’t true, then when you imagine something, something else isn’t happening around you in reality, but then it doesn't seem to me where inside you are really imagining something. You have to be inside the rest to be able to freely imagine something, and as you have freedom to imagine whatever you like, you and the rest (=everything-you) are not the same. If you and the rest were the same then you wouldn’t be able to imagine freely, as what you imagine would have to be happening also in reality at all times, and as you probably know at this point in your life, you are really free to imagine things that are crazy in reality. However your imagination can still be close to reality. For example you imagine walking, you initiate moving in your body, and your movement can get close to what you imagine. But, to do complicated moves like an acrobat does, you have to practice over and over in reality, and you need lots of patience to reach that level of dexterity. Another case is you imagine a solution to a problem in reality, and you can either be close to a real solution which really works, or you may need to think again and again the problem until you really solve it .This is the first way that we will use to prove that something else than what you imagine is happening in reality, and that this has been happening since the beginning of time, and will continue until the end of time.
For the second way to prove that something else than what humans imagine is happening in reality, we discuss the progress in the scientific theories from the beginning of time up to now, and into the future.
In science from its beginning up until now, we start with a current theory that approximately describes reality again and again. Following this, a new theory arises from research that claims to describe reality with a better approximation. In order to verify that the new theory is true, we have to verify it by doing experiments in reality. When an experiment is conducted in reality, we can have the following three options:
● The experiment has no results, as a problem appeared during its execution. This has happened in the past, and experiments had to be run again without errors.
● The experiment has the expected results, which verify the new theory. This has happened in the past up until now, and is the way that science progresses with new theories verified in reality.
● Something else happens, meaning unexpected results have come out of the experiment in reality. This has happened in the past up until now, which is the reason why science is still in progress with theories that become increasingly more accurate in describing reality. Otherwise we would already have a single theory that described the entire reality accurately, which isn’t the case up to now.
From the above, since the beginning of science and up until now, something else than what humans imagine has been happening in reality, in such a way that it is possible for humans to discover it slowly with new theories again and again better approximating reality.
But, what is the end for this process? There are two options regarding this question. The first option is that no exact theory of reality exists, in which case in the end something else than what humans imagine is happening in reality.
But, there is also the option that there is an exact theory that describes the entire reality. Together with this theory there is at least one experiment that verifies it. But, one step before this experiment is executed this exact theory hasn’t yet been verified and still something else than what humans imagine is happening in reality. Also one step after this exact theory is verified, the theory has to include the experience of the moment one step before it is verified, as well as all the approximate theories that came before, otherwise the theory doesn’t describe the entire reality as it is experienced and cannot be verified again and again.This means that even with such a theory, something else than what humans imagine is happening in reality for one moment to pass and the next one to arrive.
Another way to prove that reality is something else than what humans imagine, is to write down the following:
Humans have been writing stuff down, and when that started happening exactly in their history we really don't care here to say. What I have to say here is that there is an impression in human beings that what they imagine, is what seems to be happening, and not that something else than what they can imagine seems to be happening, and that they can imagine how that is for the specific occasion.
Let's try to explain this with the two following cases:
Case1: Before anyone started writing something down, what was happening around anyone wasn't something that was written down, as there wasn't anything written down.
Case2: After someone writes something down, that the specific someone believes is what seems to be happening again and again, in order for the specific someone to really find this out, the specific someone has to really do experiments, and when you do an experiment you can have no results as an option, you can have the expected results, or something unexpected may happen.
Whether something unexpected may happen when one does an experiment, and that this doesn’t change in time, one can simply verify, and even simpler prove to everyone by considering the below experiment:
Pick a coin, choose a side and flip it.
After you think you can decide the side, the coin ends up facing you right all the time, and before you come back to me with long and tedious stories, I have a question for you:
Regardless of the time and space you live in, why didn't you come now to tell me about it, as I am writing this reply here, meaning if you could predict the future, then why couldn’t you predict it a bit earlier?
And that is because if reality was something that some human(s) imagined, regardless of the place and time that they lived in, and they really had a problem with me writing down that something else than what they imagined is happening, then why didn’t they come earlier to tell me about it?
Finally we can write down the following set that describes everything:
What is there in total? There is nothing, something, and something else.
Why? Because if there is something else we have already included it in our set. And what if there isn’t something else? Then you are asking the following question:
Wait a second, why did you add something else in there from the beginning?
Because it is different from nothing or something, it is something else and it needs to be included in order to describe everything.
Also something is different from nothing.
But why is it of any significance writing down that something else than what humans imagine is what is happening in reality again and again?
To start with, it is important to know that something else than what you imagine is happening from one moment to pass and the next one to arrive in reality when there are arguments with others. It is more often than not that when an argument gets heated, people have the tendency to cling to their opinion, prohibiting any possibility of something other than their opinion to be the answer to their questions, and this is something that we are all guilty of. Having the realization that reality isn’t as we imagine it to be, can help have more fruitful conversations with others, and this isn’t just important for our daily interactions, but also for negotiations either in business or geopolitical. It is more often than not that arguments in the past spoken with certainty have
shattered relationships, moved conversations outside solutions, or outside diplomacy and towards violence or war. So one has to remember that there is certainty about one thing in the world, and that is that something else than what we imagine is happening in reality.
As a second argument towards the usefulness of knowing that something else than what one imagines is what is happening in reality, is its relationship with classes. Humans in society have a tendency to divide themselves in different classes, and that can become problematic taking into account that humans have to face the same reality, the one that is other than what they imagine it to be. So humans may have made up stories regarding the class one belongs in, such as one’s heritage, rather than having objective criteria, such as one’s skills. Having the realization that something else than what humans imagine is happening in reality, civility may be sustained even in difficult situations and class frictions or even warfare averted. This rings especially true in our current economic situation where there is an increase in the inequality between the different classes.
As a third argument, something else being what is happening in reality compared to what we imagine, is good for our own mental health. It is more often than not, that adult people roam the earth having theories about how the world should be, and they usually end up being bitter about how the world really is, as it is something else than what they imagine . But the universe didn’t have a way to be as humans imagine, the universe started long before humans existed, so no one was there to tell the universe how they imagined it should be. Having the belief that reality is something else than what we imagine, makes us more patient with reality, as we have to constantly think whether we have found a good approximation for reality or not, more empathetic towards others, as we are all facing the same reality which is exactly something else than what we imagine, and more hopeful that we will make a world together that is fun for most, as in any other case we will end up living inside each other’s nightmare.
Finally, something else than what we imagine happening in reality is important to know for problems with leadership. Leaders are asked to provide a vision for a specific group of people together with the execution towards that vision for the group. But, reality is something else than what their vision is and they can at best be approximately correct. Not having this realization leads to more autocratic leaders with all the historically verified problems this carries, while humans understanding that reality is something else than what they imagine can help both leaders and their subordinates be more flexible, and better equipped to deal with problems that arise, as they are to be expected to arise in reality by everybody.
If you agree with the above then please share this post with five friends of yours ( to read and if they agree to share with five friends of theirs and so on…)
The text below will take you approximately 10 minutes to read. Please spend the time if you have it available.
We start our discussion by noting the difference between something that is dead and a human being that is alive, conscious, and healthy. When something is dead, it has no freedom to act, and behaves again and again according to the laws of the universe. This is something that has been observed since the beginning of human beings for the dead. For example when you throw a ball on earth it is subjected to the laws of gravity as well as air resistance, according to which it draws its trajectory.
When a human being is alive, conscious, and healthy on the other hand, the laws of nature are made known to the human being through its senses either instinctively or through thinking, but the human being has freedom on what actions it wants to choose, being guided by its senses at all times, or even try to go against the laws of nature (which has negative results for the human being as the dead behave exactly as the laws of nature dictate). For example a human being is diving from a height into a swimming pool. Its senses guide the human being to either jump or not, and fear is present in order to provide information to the human being on the possibility it has to do the jump correctly or not. Regardless, the human being is free to attempt the jump and choose to be courageous and ignore fear or not.
We continue our discussion by introducing the following perspective for human beings. It is you, and then it is what is not you, meaning it is the rest. What is the rest? The rest is everything minus you (rest= everything – you). Why are we using this perspective? Because you don’t know exactly where you stop being you, and the rest begins. On your skin, there are old little parts of you (cells), which have already disconnected from you, they have died. Now, they are simply physically attached to you until you clean yourself (shower/bath usually), when some of those old little parts of you get removed. But there are not just little parts of you which live on your skins, there is other small life living on your skins as well. Within some limits, this is what constitutes a healthy you, outside of those limits unhealthy things happen to you. This perspective helps differentiate between a human being and everything else excluding the human being, from an individual’s viewpoint.
So, we will say the following. When you are conscious, your imagination is still working to guide you to specific ends you are looking for within yourself or within the rest (rest = everything - you). For example, any movement that you do with your body, requires more imagination if it is a new move, less if you have done something similar to this movement before, up to the point where your imagination meets your emotions/senses/instincts. You can verify this yourself by moving around in the place you are. When the ends towards which you are using your imagination are fun in reality to you, your imagination works best, and your emotions/senses/instincts are free. What this means is that your emotions/senses/instincts guide you towards the ends that you are pursuing, and you don’t feel limited by them. When these ends that you are pursuing are not fun to you in reality, your imagination gets stuck, as your emotions/senses/instincts are trying to find something fun to do. What this means is that you get signals from your emotions/senses/instincts that something is not right with what you are pursuing at the moment. For example, in the first case you imagine eating an ice cream, and feel free to eat one in reality as your senses signal to you that you are hungry, and don’t need a diet. In the second case you imagine eating an ice cream and feel guilty about eating one in reality as you are overweight and are not hungry at the moment. Your emotions/senses/instincts are there to let you know what is and what isn’t fun to you when you are healthy, and when you pay attention to them. You may still be overweight and choose to ignore the emotion of guilt as you are free to choose how to act when you are a human being that is alive, conscious and healthy, but you still get emotions of guilt if you pause and think about your decision, meaning your senses are still guiding you to what is fun for you.
At this point we will note the difference between imagination and reality by writing down that the same laws are happening again and again in reality while humans are free to imagine whatever they like, and also write down the following. When you imagine something, something else is happening around you in reality. If what was just written wasn’t true, then when you imagine something, something else isn’t happening around you in reality, but then it doesn't seem to me where inside you are really imagining something. You have to be inside the rest to be able to freely imagine something, and as you have freedom to imagine whatever you like, you and the rest (=everything-you) are not the same. If you and the rest were the same then you wouldn’t be able to imagine freely, as what you imagine would have to be happening also in reality at all times, and as you probably know at this point in your life, you are really free to imagine things that are crazy in reality. However your imagination can still be close to reality. For example you imagine walking, you initiate moving in your body, and your movement can get close to what you imagine. But, to do complicated moves like an acrobat does, you have to practice over and over in reality, and you need lots of patience to reach that level of dexterity. Another case is you imagine a solution to a problem in reality, and you can either be close to a real solution which really works, or you may need to think again and again the problem until you really solve it .This is the first way that we will use to prove that something else than what you imagine is happening in reality, and that this has been happening since the beginning of time, and will continue until the end of time.
For the second way to prove that something else than what humans imagine is happening in reality, we discuss the progress in the scientific theories from the beginning of time up to now, and into the future.
In science from its beginning up until now, we start with a current theory that approximately describes reality again and again. Following this, a new theory arises from research that claims to describe reality with a better approximation. In order to verify that the new theory is true, we have to verify it by doing experiments in reality. When an experiment is conducted in reality, we can have the following three options:
● The experiment has no results, as a problem appeared during its execution. This has happened in the past, and experiments had to be run again without errors.
● The experiment has the expected results, which verify the new theory. This has happened in the past up until now, and is the way that science progresses with new theories verified in reality.
● Something else happens, meaning unexpected results have come out of the experiment in reality. This has happened in the past up until now, which is the reason why science is still in progress with theories that become increasingly more accurate in describing reality. Otherwise we would already have a single theory that described the entire reality accurately, which isn’t the case up to now.
From the above, since the beginning of science and up until now, something else than what humans imagine has been happening in reality, in such a way that it is possible for humans to discover it slowly with new theories again and again better approximating reality.
But, what is the end for this process? There are two options regarding this question. The first option is that no exact theory of reality exists, in which case in the end something else than what humans imagine is happening in reality.
But, there is also the option that there is an exact theory that describes the entire reality. Together with this theory there is at least one experiment that verifies it. But, one step before this experiment is executed this exact theory hasn’t yet been verified and still something else than what humans imagine is happening in reality. Also one step after this exact theory is verified, the theory has to include the experience of the moment one step before it is verified, as well as all the approximate theories that came before, otherwise the theory doesn’t describe the entire reality as it is experienced and cannot be verified again and again.This means that even with such a theory, something else than what humans imagine is happening in reality for one moment to pass and the next one to arrive.
Another way to prove that reality is something else than what humans imagine, is to write down the following:
Humans have been writing stuff down, and when that started happening exactly in their history we really don't care here to say. What I have to say here is that there is an impression in human beings that what they imagine, is what seems to be happening, and not that something else than what they can imagine seems to be happening, and that they can imagine how that is for the specific occasion.
Let's try to explain this with the two following cases:
Case1: Before anyone started writing something down, what was happening around anyone wasn't something that was written down, as there wasn't anything written down.
Case2: After someone writes something down, that the specific someone believes is what seems to be happening again and again, in order for the specific someone to really find this out, the specific someone has to really do experiments, and when you do an experiment you can have no results as an option, you can have the expected results, or something unexpected may happen.
Whether something unexpected may happen when one does an experiment, and that this doesn’t change in time, one can simply verify, and even simpler prove to everyone by considering the below experiment:
Pick a coin, choose a side and flip it.
After you think you can decide the side, the coin ends up facing you right all the time, and before you come back to me with long and tedious stories, I have a question for you:
Regardless of the time and space you live in, why didn't you come now to tell me about it, as I am writing this reply here, meaning if you could predict the future, then why couldn’t you predict it a bit earlier?
And that is because if reality was something that some human(s) imagined, regardless of the place and time that they lived in, and they really had a problem with me writing down that something else than what they imagined is happening, then why didn’t they come earlier to tell me about it?
Finally we can write down the following set that describes everything:
What is there in total? There is nothing, something, and something else.
Why? Because if there is something else we have already included it in our set. And what if there isn’t something else? Then you are asking the following question:
Wait a second, why did you add something else in there from the beginning?
Because it is different from nothing or something, it is something else and it needs to be included in order to describe everything.
Also something is different from nothing.
But why is it of any significance writing down that something else than what humans imagine is what is happening in reality again and again?
To start with, it is important to know that something else than what you imagine is happening from one moment to pass and the next one to arrive in reality when there are arguments with others. It is more often than not that when an argument gets heated, people have the tendency to cling to their opinion, prohibiting any possibility of something other than their opinion to be the answer to their questions, and this is something that we are all guilty of. Having the realization that reality isn’t as we imagine it to be, can help have more fruitful conversations with others, and this isn’t just important for our daily interactions, but also for negotiations either in business or geopolitical. It is more often than not that arguments in the past spoken with certainty have
shattered relationships, moved conversations outside solutions, or outside diplomacy and towards violence or war. So one has to remember that there is certainty about one thing in the world, and that is that something else than what we imagine is happening in reality.
As a second argument towards the usefulness of knowing that something else than what one imagines is what is happening in reality, is its relationship with classes. Humans in society have a tendency to divide themselves in different classes, and that can become problematic taking into account that humans have to face the same reality, the one that is other than what they imagine it to be. So humans may have made up stories regarding the class one belongs in, such as one’s heritage, rather than having objective criteria, such as one’s skills. Having the realization that something else than what humans imagine is happening in reality, civility may be sustained even in difficult situations and class frictions or even warfare averted. This rings especially true in our current economic situation where there is an increase in the inequality between the different classes.
As a third argument, something else being what is happening in reality compared to what we imagine, is good for our own mental health. It is more often than not, that adult people roam the earth having theories about how the world should be, and they usually end up being bitter about how the world really is, as it is something else than what they imagine . But the universe didn’t have a way to be as humans imagine, the universe started long before humans existed, so no one was there to tell the universe how they imagined it should be. Having the belief that reality is something else than what we imagine, makes us more patient with reality, as we have to constantly think whether we have found a good approximation for reality or not, more empathetic towards others, as we are all facing the same reality which is exactly something else than what we imagine, and more hopeful that we will make a world together that is fun for most, as in any other case we will end up living inside each other’s nightmare.
Finally, something else than what we imagine happening in reality is important to know for problems with leadership. Leaders are asked to provide a vision for a specific group of people together with the execution towards that vision for the group. But, reality is something else than what their vision is and they can at best be approximately correct. Not having this realization leads to more autocratic leaders with all the historically verified problems this carries, while humans understanding that reality is something else than what they imagine can help both leaders and their subordinates be more flexible, and better equipped to deal with problems that arise, as they are to be expected to arise in reality by everybody.
If you agree with the above then please share this post with five friends of yours ( to read and if they agree to share with five friends of theirs and so on…)