Gods? Who created those?

That, is where a leap of faith really comes in. You can't believe in god or gods without first having faith that they do exist without actual, concrete proof, or a reason why they do exist. They simply are there, and you just have to trust it if you're religious or reject it if you're not. Most people do attribute multiple gods to the idea of some kind fo birth from a larger, more ubiquious, but more apathetic god/being/entity. But where THAT god comes from is largely up in the air.

In the Life of Pi, the author write that atheism is just as well a faith as well, because even that demands that the atheist takes a leap of faith into assuming that there is no god, even though there is some evidence that one might exist.
The gods primarily bring themselves into being, or can be brought into being by us or other primordal gods. When I was a young sorcerer I used to conjure up Egyptian [amongst others] gods and spirits, they came out of the primordial ocean [the void] and appeared as they did to the ancients. I don’t know if they find peace in being unmanifest, but I do know that one can make anything appear from that place just by thinking of it! E.g. if one thinks of heaven then it appears before you [the entrance] equally so with hell, but if you believe in other things then that is what you will see!

The mind is the most powerful thing in eternity. get the picture!

We must make a distinction between the Elohim and the Aelohim.

El is the basic name for God in Hebrew.

Elohim, however, when translated litterally is not God, but Gods, or even better stated, Gods and Goddesses.

Aelohim is the negation of the Elohim. The Aelohim is the Absoulte, which is related with the unmanifested prakriti, the womb substance upon which all of the manifestation is created.

The Aelohim is unmanifested, Absolute, Non-Being; it is the Eternal Common Cosmic Father. From that, the Gods emerge...

The Aelohim is to the Elohim what God is to man, or man to an animal.

Christianity transformed the Gods into Angels and Saints, and refers to the Aelohim as "Our Father, who art in Heaven..."

Buddhism states that even the Gods are trapped in the Wheel of Samsara.. which is true because they still exist (they strive to dissolve into the Absoulte Nothingness)!

Realize that by unmanifest I am not talking referring to physical manifestation, because matter is just energy.. the mind, the spirit, thought and action (karma) are all forms of manifestation. The one who is Not can, however, Become as it pleases!

Very interesting chela, I’ll have to study more kabbala stuff. The thing is that the place beyond infinity is accessible by all with a mind capable of experiencing ‘IT’, from there any thing can arise & one may journey to anywhere within the minds eye, in that way it is like an infinite door. I suppose that is the difference between Druidry and kabbala – I am not sure.

interesting stuff.:)
