
Sacredstar said:
Best we don't go there Lunamoth big smiles!


So right SS! What could I have been thinking??? (It was late, for me anyway.) It's been a lovely thread, wouldn't want to spoil it.
Dear Lunamoth

But it is a very profound quote leaving out the big S.

Do you have any other feelings to share?

Romans 8:24 For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for?

So if it is unseen it surely must be based on trust in GOD, in the unknowing knowing all IS well?

This wonderful message comes to mind.

"It is like you cannot see what is ahead of thee, but yet in your heart you know"

Going back to Romans.

8:27 And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of GOD. 28: And we know that all things work together for good to them that love GOD, to them who are called according to his purpose. 29: For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son. That he might be the first born among many breathen. 30: Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified and whom he justified, them he also glorified. 31: What shall we say to things? If GOD be for US, who can be against us?

This infers that destiny can be pre-determined for a special purpose which infers to me reincarnation what do you think? I also received insights on the first born last year which could make an interesting thread on its own.

Wonderful thread Lunamoth thank you for helping me to make this discovery, it is wonderful confirmation.

Love beyond measure

Namaste lunamoth,

thank you for the reply.

lunamoth said:
I work on having hopes and dreams. I figure that if I don't have a destination in mind I won't ever get there. :) It's not always easy--I guess because the expectation part of the equation often seems unrealistic. Nevertheless.
indeed, you are correct. in our view, one of the things that can acutally hinder our spiritual progress along the path is to view it as something that we are achieving, or as we say, our expectations of what we "think" it should be like don't actually match up with our experience of it and this creates a certain type of tension within the being that can be difficult to overcome.

I claim to be an average man of less than average ability. I have not the shadow of a doubt that any man or woman can achieve what I have, if he or she would make the same effort and cultivate the same hope and faith.
Mohandas Gandhi

Love that BrainyQuote!

that's just one of the reason why they called him "Mahatma" :)
another wonderful quote from Gandhi

"My commitment is to truth not to consistency"

Excellent quote Ciel thank you for sharing.

Love beyond measure

Vajradhara said:
indeed, you are correct. in our view, one of the things that can acutally hinder our spiritual progress along the path is to view it as something that we are achieving, or as we say, our expectations of what we "think" it should be like don't actually match up with our experience of it and this creates a certain type of tension within the being that can be difficult to overcome.

Dear Vajradhara,

Yes, kind of ironic, isn't it :) ? Without a destination you wouldn't start out on a journey, but if you focus on the destination you'll miss it.

Hi Sacredstar,

Well, I think your first instict is correct, better to not refer to the "S" word here because it has become so charged. Best for me to just say that I was talking about salvation in this life, not the next.

Hope is the face of beauty in a lady in the corn chandlers, buying fresh seed for her doves of peace.
And Sacred Star, you responded by saying;
"Best we dont go there Lunamoth, big smiles."

Sacred Star, why?
Where is truth, when you speak of peace?

Lunarmoth, I believe your first response was the real you.
Hope is that we believe our own higher intuition.
Ciel said:
Hope is the face of beauty in a lady in the corn chandlers, buying fresh seed for her doves of peace.
And Sacred Star, you responded by saying;
"Best we dont go there Lunamoth, big smiles."

Sacred Star, why?
Where is truth, when you speak of peace?

Lunarmoth, I believe your first response was the real you.
Hope is that we believe our own higher intuition.

Dear Ciel,

We were referring to my post that faith is salvation, not to your post which remains lovely. :) Sorry about the confusion.

Dear Ciel

Ciel said:

And Sacred Star, you responded by saying;
"Best we dont go there Lunamoth, big smiles."

Sacred Star, why?
Where is truth, when you speak of peace?

Dear Ciel

Lunamoth understood that I was referring to a different thread and neither of us wished to expand on a subject that had already been covered elsewhere.

When one as made peace and found the GOD within, this in it self can produce negative reactions from others for various reasons. And when one as found that peace within, I feel it is divine love not to endanger good relations with others, sometimes there is wisdom in silence.

Allowing others to just BE, time for reflection, contemplation and peace so that they may find their own truth in their own time and space.

Blessings in abundance

Lunamoth, Thank you.
Sacred Star, apologies.
Its hope to know someone cares to realigne perspective.
Dear Ciel

No problem,

Rise Ciel!

Your question about truth as prompted a rememberance of a poem I wrote five years ago. I post it here on this thread because it is to do with hope, hope that humanity can become humans being kind to one other, true human beings of compassion and forgiveness just like GOD intended.


People hear what they want to hear. This is done out of fear
Ilusions and perceptions, mirroring deceptions
Betraying our own souls, because we do not listen to the roles.

We play the game of life, dishonesty is rife
How do we get people to listen, so their hearts will glisten
Be gentle they say, we have become fragile on our way.
Suddenly they become tough and rough, caring not what they do or say

Can anyone hear me, can you understand me?
Is it the truth, lie or a perception?
Tell me dear God, does anyone have the ears to hear, the eyes to see and the hearts to embrace?

For I know not how to be more truthful, but yet,
I feel, I have failed you.
Did you listen, did you hear me? Was it not what you wanted to hear?
How should I know when you do not speak with me
of what is in, the heart of your soul?

There is so much perception and illusion how can we ever know
the depth of your love or anothers.
You speak to us of divine love, but man is struggling with his human side,
he does not know how to make the leap in consciousness.
He only knows himself, his own needs, desires and blames others for his internal conflicts and negative traits.

Compassion and forgiveness takes a willingness that is hard to find.

Can you hear me ~ are you kind?

Kim© July 2000

Love beyond measure

The eye of the needle is a very important transition at this time.

It is very painful for some and very sore indeed for those that cannot let go, because there is no room for the old to squeeze through the eye into the new Kingdom. The analogy I was given last year was that we are birthing the 'New Adam' mentioned in Revelations and at the same time we are giving birth. So a double whammy can you imagine a baby within a baby. For some it is too much to bear their souls give up hope and many are choosing to go home.

Let us HOPE that as many people as possible will make it through the eye between now and 2012, and in so doing get the oportunity to rejoice in the Kingdom of Love.

For me it was a deep let go of everything that I had been guided to work towards, everything had to be left behind. It manifested a spiritual crisis at the time, but yet once through the other side of the eye it IS glorious.

being love

Kim xx