Dear Dor
If you complete your investigations and view the link I provided with an open heart and the holy spirit you may realise that these teachings were written way before the gospels written by Paul in fact evern prior to Christianity being formalised. Some of your other quotes I have addressed on the false prophets thread.
Dear FF
Faithfulservant said:
Simon Peter said to them "Make Mary leave us for females dont deserve life." Jesus said "Look, I will guide her to make her male so that she too may become a living spirit resembling you males. For every female who makes herself male will enter the kingdom of heaven..O.........k...... yeah thats real Mary is in heaven and shes a guy. Whatever. Is he going to make you a male too? Biblical transexuality.
First Jesus was being a bit tongue in cheek with the apostles that were jealous of Mary but you also have to have an understanding of how consciousness is risen and works. I do this professionally so I understand the meaning of his words and works. Both feminine and masculine energies are balanced/aligned and this determines the value of the third resulting in completion of atonement.
Jesus said ‘When you make the two One, and you make the inner like the outer, and the outer like the inner, and the above as the below, so that you make the male and female into a single one, in order that the male is not male nor the female made female: when you make your eyes into an eye, and a hand into a hand, and even an image into image, then you shall enter the kingdom’ 22.
Through healing the inner soul of consciousness and the physical reality we are able to raise our consciousness to a higher state of being, in making the two one, we align both our feminine and masculine energies, through self mastery we are able to surrender to our soul and allow it to guide our human self to wholeness and completion, once again the two become one. When this is accomplished you are ready to merge your soul with the spirit within, and in doing so you can become ONE with GOD. You wake up and your vision changes and you can see beauty in all things, your hand of action moves differently to achieve your reason for being and ultimately your image of yourself and the world that you experience becomes a Kingdom of Love and peace.
“When you strip yourselves of your shame, and take your garments and put them under your feet even as little children, and you trample them; then you shall behold the Son of Him who is living, and you shall not fear”37 “I tell my mysteries to those that are worthy of my mysteries” 62 “He who finds himself, of him the ( rest of the) world is not worthy”111.
"Do you not see that in that region alone where he sees beauty with the faculty of seeing it, will he be able to bring forth nor mere reflected images of goodness but true goodness, because he will be in contact not with reflection but with the truth? And having brought forth and nurtured true goodness he will have the privilege of being beloved by GOD, and becoming, if ever man can, immortal himself' Plato
Love beyond measure
Kim xxx