The Death of Jesus In The Qur'an



The following Quranic verse is incorrectly translated:

3.55 Behold! Allah said: "O Jesus! I will take thee and raise thee to Myself and clear thee (of the falsehoods) of those who blaspheme; I will make those who follow thee superior to those who reject faith, to the Day of Resurrection: Then shall ye all return unto me, and I will judge between you of the matters wherein ye dispute.

They key words here are : Ya Isa, inni mutawaffika wa rafi’uka ilaiya [font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
[size=-1]Meaning: "O Jesus! I shall cause you to die and I shall exalt you towards me….."[/size][/font]

The key word here is "wafat" . The most correct meaning of "wafat" is death, or take away soul. If soul is taken away from a person, it is nothing but death. The problem arises with regards to this verse, when Muslims refuse to interpret the meaning of "wafat" as death. Irony is that all scholars who translated the Holy Quran do agree "wafat" means death. Each and every scholar translated the word "wafat" as death in at least 20 different instances in their translations. However, in this particular verse, they interpreted the meaning as ‘take away’ and insinuate physical ascension. These translators did not hesitate to twist the actual meaning of the word of Allah to support Christian faith and to some extent weak Hadith narrated by Wahab bin Munnabba, Kab Akbar and one isolated Hadith by Abu Hurairaa.

Comments welcome.

For more information what else quran says about Jesus please visit this page and download a document named "Christ in Islam" written by Ahmed Deedat. It will give you a detailed information about Jesus (Peace be upon him) and will answer all your questions that you have in your mind (with biblical and quranic references).

If you are interested in video debates then I can also give it to you.

Actually, this looks like a subject that could be nicely developed on the Islam board - the subject of Jesus from a Muslim perspective, according to the points raised.

I'll move from the Comparative Studies board...
So let's get this straight, an Arabian man of the name Muhammad is born 600 years after Christ to tell everyone that he was not chosen by God and that in fact he himself was. I would argue that Muhammad had no choice but to include Christ as a prophet because Christs popularity started to make way towards the East. Muhammad to me was just as Satanic as Alexander the Great just one big poltical game.

I found an interesting article
Postmaster.. peace to you.

Jesus, peace be upon him, of course, was chosen by God. All of Gods prophets and messengers were chosen by God. Mohammad was sent as the LAST prophet to all of mankind. Accepting Mohammad, peace be upon him, as the last Prophet of God, means accepting all the Prophets that came before him and their message. All prophets taught that there is only one God, and God alone should be worshipped. People altered scripture and went astray from the truth. The last Prophet was sent to clarify and complete Gods message to us. Mohammad taught the believers to NOT put one Prophet above another. Muslims love and believe all of Gods prophets.

All of Gods prophets were special and unique and able to perform miracles. Noah lived to be over a 1000 years old, Solomon could speak to animals, Noah built an amazing Ark, Moses had numerous miracles, a stick that turned into a serpant, a golden hand, and Jesus’s birth was a sign in itself, he was born without a father, and also performed miracles, like healing the blind and lepers. Jesus’s birth does not mean that God is his “father“, God can create whatever he likes, its all simple for God, after all, Adam was created without a mother or a father. Mohammad also performed numerous miracles and his biggest miracle was the Quran. Allah/God promised in the Quran that this last book shall never be altered by the hands of man as the previous scriptures were. To this day, the Quran is still preserved in its original Arabic text and no one can prove its been changed. The Quran was revealed to Mohammad, a man who could not read or write. The angel Gabriel was sent to teach him Gods word to man which is The Holy Quran.

Muslims do not worship Jesus, peace be upon him as God. Jesus is creation and God is the creator. To say Jesus is the son of God is to say God is man-like. We believe God to be above all things created, all time and space. We cannot image what God is as we do not have the mental facilities to do so. We do not believe that man was created in Gods form, and that none of us can know Gods form. God is above our comprehension.

The Quran says: “Praise be to God, the one and only God, he begets not nor is be begotten and none is comparable to him.”

So please do not call the beloved Prophet Mohammad “satanic”. He never did anything satanic and was a very blessed holy man.
A mercy to mankind, a mercy to the universe.
Reply on Postmaster
So let's get this straight, an Arabian man of the name Muhammad is born 600 years after Christ to tell everyone that he was not chosen by God and that in fact he himself was. I would argue that Muhammad had no choice but to include Christ as a prophet because Christs popularity started to make way towards the East. Muhammad to me was just as Satanic as Alexander the Great just one big poltical game.

If any Muslim speak like this about the prophet Jesus ,will you allow him to do that ?????
Mohammad (PUH) is the last prophet sent from Allah to explain the truth about all previous prophets .we Muslims believe that Jesus or Issa (PUH) is a prophet sent also from our God "Allah " but he faced his enemies whom harmed him and corrupted his religion for their benefit . the evidences is very clear about their evil touch on the Jesus message
for more information all of those interested can visit this informative site
Postmaster wrote

"So let's get this straight, an Arabian man of the name Muhammad is born 600 years after Christ to tell everyone that he was not chosen by God and that in fact he himself was. I would argue that Muhammad had no choice but to include Christ as a prophet because Christs popularity started to make way towards the East. Muhammad to me was just as Satanic as Alexander the Great just one big poltical game....."


Sad to say though that Jesus wasn't all that interested in publicity or worldly fame and Prophet Muhammad wasn't into conquests like Alexander the Great.

The devil offered to give Jesus all the kingdoms of the earth if He'd worship him but He refused.

Prophet Muhammad could have lived a life of luxery and power in a pagan Mecca as the chief of His clan, but He chose instead to follow what God had decreed and began a life where in the beginning He was rejected by most of His relatives.

Both Jesus and Muhammad had humble beginnings. Jesus was born in a stable while Muhammad was raised in the desert. Jesus knew about shepherds and flocks of sheep and Muhammad knew about caravans and herding animals.

Neither was educated in the accepted schools of men of their day..

Jesus was an obscure teacher who taught in the Galilean foothills while Muhammad wandered in the desert seeking a place He could worship God without being molested or accosted by pagans.

Eventually Jesus overcame the power of the state and church officials of His day and so did Muhammad overcome the pagan power over His people.

Satan has a way of maligning these great Prophets even today..casting offal on them and disrespect.

- Art
I enjoyed reading those articles. I had heard that the Muslim faith held Jesus in high esteem but did not realize there was so much written of him in the Quran. Your views of Jesus fall in line with mine. I find your faith to be very beautiful and I am sure it is a true blessing to anybody that practices it.

I watched a documentary on the Haj to Mecca on the Discovery Channel and i was moved by it. I could tell by the interviews that the people there were full of the spirit and truly feeling God's presence. Peace
didymus said:
I find your faith to be very beautiful and I am sure it is a true blessing to anybody that practices it.

you are welcomed to join :D ;)

i converted over a decade ago and i am still learning more and more about this beautiful and often times, very misunderstood way of life. Islam was like a bright light turning on inside of me. finally my questions answered! All praise is due to God.
Originally Posted by arthra

Sad to say though that Jesus wasn't all that interested in publicity or worldly fame and Prophet Muhammad wasn't into conquests like Alexander the Great.

The devil offered to give Jesus all the kingdoms of the earth if He'd worship him but He refused.

Prophet Muhammad could have lived a life of luxery and power in a pagan Mecca as the chief of His clan, but He chose instead to follow what God had decreed and began a life where in the beginning He was rejected by most of His relatives.

Both Jesus and Muhammad had humble beginnings. Jesus was born in a stable while Muhammad was raised in the desert. Jesus knew about shepherds and flocks of sheep and Muhammad knew about caravans and herding animals.

Neither was educated in the accepted schools of men of their day..

Jesus was an obscure teacher who taught in the Galilean foothills while Muhammad wandered in the desert seeking a place He could worship God without being molested or accosted by pagans.

Eventually Jesus overcame the power of the state and church officials of His day and so did Muhammad overcome the pagan power over His people.

Satan has a way of maligning these great Prophets even today..casting offal on them and disrespect.

- Art
Thank you for your informative comments...
Salaamu Alyckum
Originally Posted by didymus
I enjoyed reading those articles. I had heard that the Muslim faith held Jesus in high esteem but did not realize there was so much written of him in the Quran. Your views of Jesus fall in line with mine. I find your faith to be very beautiful and I am sure it is a true blessing to anybody that practices it.

I watched a documentary on the Haj to Mecca on the Discovery Channel and i was moved by it. I could tell by the interviews that the people there were full of the spirit and truly feeling God's presence. Peace
I appreciate your opinion and your beautiful words about my religion .
thanks for you .....our religion call us to respect all human beings . and we believe that Jesus(PUH) is one of the great prophets and he is so special human being as our father Adam (PUH) ...This is what Allah told us in Al Quraan Which Allah promised to save it from any corruption.

Thank you again
Sorry about that - I missed the Satanic comment.

Postmaster, have you ever read on how Alexander is regarded in the Bible and Qur'an?
Some say that Alexander the Great is mentioned in the Old Testament, I read some of what's mentioned it's hard to say he's not mentioned.. Personally I refuse to believe Muhammad was a Prophet. The Bible considered anyone not Greek or Roman barbaric. What did the Romans give the world? First of all they gave us the idea of one monogamous love (Romantic). How can you justify having more then one wife othern then for plesure? Biologically scientists discovered that humans are only designed for one love. They say it was to protect the female, to make sure she is being looked after, but people forget that the population of men and women on earth are just about the same. Who is going to deny that some of the verses in the Qur'an are negative? I know people believe that there is a lot of propaganda in the west towards Islam and there probably is.. But when has any individuals from the west, set out of there way to kill themselves and thousands of other people in the name of his religion? In the west it's done in the name of politics and greed without the intension of killing. I'd hate to imagine if the Islamic countries were the dominate and powerful nations of the world.
PM, you seem to be educated at times but then you throw a comment out there that begs to be challenged. You state what type of religion would kill others in God's name? Have you read about the history of Christianity? Christians have killed hundreds of thousands if not millions in the name of God. You must be aware of this. Do I need to go through the specific events or does it suffice to say that it is indeed true?
Biologically scientists discovered that humans are only designed for one love.
This has been proven, we release a chemical in our body when we make love.. The same chemical found in certain rodens that have one mate for the rest of there lives. Humans are design for one love, suppose in this sense God is nature. What has multiple sex caused the world? From east to west, south to north. There's no better book then the bible, yeah and so called Christians did kill many people, but the bible didn't, you compare that to other religious teachings and people still carrying on the trends.
Postmaster wrote:

Some say that Alexander the Great is mentioned in the Old Testament, I read some of what's mentioned it's hard to say he's not mentioned.. Personally I refuse to believe Muhammad was a Prophet. The Bible considered anyone not Greek or Roman barbaric. What did the Romans give the world? First of all they gave us the idea of one monogamous love (Romantic). How can you justify having more then one wife othern then for plesure?

My comment:

Postmaster wrote:

"What did the Romans give the world? First of all they gave us the idea of one monogamous love (Romantic). How can you justify having more then one wife othern then for plesure?"

Well, you may be right about the monagamy but they also had slaves and were known for their cruelty and violence so I wouldn't necessarily hold the Romans up as that good a role model....

Post wrote:

"The Bible considered anyone not Greek or Roman barbaric."

I'd like to know what chapter and verse where you found that. Or what Bible? There's a lot of translations around these days.

What about the "chosen people"? Was Jesus a "barbarian"?

If you accept the Apocrypha (in some Bibles the middle books) as most Catholics and Orthodox do, you'll see a lot is recorded in there about the resistence of the Jewish nation to Hellenization by the Greek Seleucids. The Maccabees were the "good guys" and led the charge against the Greeks. Alexander is mentioned in First Maccabees 1:1-4 but he was described as follows:

"He advanced to the ends of the earth, plundering nation after nation; the earth grew silent before him and his ambititious heart swelled wth pride."

- Art
Postmaster said:
This has been proven, we release a chemical in our body when we make love.. The same chemical found in certain rodens that have one mate for the rest of there lives. Humans are design for one love, suppose in this sense God is nature.
Where is this research?

The most prevalent recent research on the subject is from zoologist Dr. David Barash and psychiatrist Dr. Edith Lipton, M.D., whose review of the current science is published in their book "The Myth of Monogamy."

From the forward to their book:

When it comes to mammals generally, monogamy has long been known as a rarity. Out of 4,000 mammal species, no more than a few dozen form reliable pair-bonds, although in many cases it is hard to characterize them with certainty, because the social and sexual lives of mammals tend to be more furtive than those of birds. Monogamous mammals are most likely to be bats (a few species only), certain canids (especially foxes), and a few primates, notably the tiny New World monkeys known as marmosets and tamarins, a handful of mice and rats, several odd-sounding South American rodents (agoutis, pacas, acouchis, maras), the giant otter of South America, the northern beaver, a handful of species of seals, and a couple of small African antelopes (duikers, dik-diks, and klipspringers).

Even females in seemingly solitary species such as orangutans, gibbons, and black bears have been found to copulate with more than one male; hence, observations of social organization alone clearly can be misleading . Until recently, lacking the appropriate genetic techniques, we had little choice but to define monogamy by the social relationships involved; only with the explosion of DNA fingerprinting technology have we started to examine the genetic connections, those most important to evolution. Thus, according to the highly-respected book by David Lack, Ecological Adaptations for Breeding in Birds, fully 92% of bird species are monogamous. Socially, this figure is still accurate; sexually, it is way off. The highest known frequency of extra-pair copulations are found among the fairy wrens, lovely tropical creatures technically known as Malurus spendens and Malurus cyaneus. More than 65 percent of all fairy wren chicks are fathered by males outside the supposed breeding group . Here is another eye-opener. Warblers and tree swallows are purportedly monogamous, yet when genetic analyses were conducted on six different offspring in two different species, they were found to have been fathered by five different males!

Although such cases are admittedly extreme, we now know that it is not uncommon for 10 to 40 percent of the offspring in "monogamous" birds to be fathered by an "extra-pair" male; that is, one who isn't the identified social mate of the female in question. (It is much less common for offspring to be "mothered" by an extra-pair female; that is, for an outsider female to slip one of her eggs into the nest of a mated pair. More on this later.)

Given how much we have been learning about non-monogamy and extra-pair matings among animals, and considering the new-found availability of such testing, it is remarkable how rarely genetic paternity tests have been run on human beings. On the other hand, considering the inflammatory potential of the results, as well as, perhaps, a hesitancy to open such a Pandora's Box, perhaps Homo sapiens' reluctance to test itself for paternity is sapient indeed. Even prior to DNA fingerprinting, blood group studies in England found that the purported father is the genetic father about 94% of the time; this means that for six out of a hundred people, someone else is the genetic father . In response to surveys, between 25% and 50% of United States men report having had at least one episode of extramarital sex . The numbers for women are perhaps a bit lower - around 30% - but still in the same ballpark . Many people already know quite a lot - probably more than they would choose to know - about the painful and disruptive effects of extramarital sex. It wouldn't be surprising if a majority would rather not know anything more about its possible genetic consequences, extramarital fatherhood. Maybe ignorance is bliss. (If you feel this way, better stop reading here!)

Until quite recently, multiple mating was hidden from biologists' purview. It wasn't so much invisible as unacknowledged, a perfect example of the phenomenon that even in such a seemingly hard-headed pursuit as science, believing is seeing. More to the point, not believing is not seeing. Sexual infidelities among ostensibly monogamous species, when noticed at all by biologists, were generally written off as aberrant, not worth describing, and certainly not suitable for analysis or serious theory. Distasteful as it may have been, Geoffrey Parker's work changed that, along with this important recognition by evolutionary theoretician Robert Trivers. A "mixed strategy" should be favored, at least among males: Maintain a pair bond with a female, who you might well assist in rearing offspring, but be ready and available for additional copulations if the opportunity arises. The next step was to ask: What about the female? Is she merely a passive recipient of male attentions, an empty tank to be filled with the sperm of various competing paramours? Or does she choose among the eager male prospects? Might she even actively solicit extra-pair copulations, generating sperm competition among different males?

Early work, both empirical research and theorizing, took a decidedly male-centered perspective on multiple mating, emphasizing how males maximize their paternity by being sexually available to more than one female whenever possible, also competing with each other directly (by bluffing, displaying, and fighting) and indirectly by guarding their mates, as well as by using an array of anatomical, physiological and behavioral techniques - such as frequent copulations - to give them an advantage over other males.

More recently, biologists have begun to identify how females partake of their own strategies: mating with more than one male, controlling (or at least, influencing) the outcome of sperm competition, sometimes obtaining direct, personal benefits such as food or protection in return for these extra-pair copulations, as well as gaining indirect, genetic benefits that eventually accrue to their offspring. A penchant for non-monogamy among males is no great surprise, but as we shall see, the most dramatic new findings and revised science brought about by recent demolitions of the myth of monogamy concern the role of females. Freud spoke more truth than he knew when he observed that female psychology was essentially a "dark continent." A well integrated theory of female sexuality in particular still remains to be articulated; perhaps a reader of this book will be suitably inspired.
Postmaster said:
The Bible considered anyone not Greek or Roman barbaric.
Every Bible I've seen is composed mostly of Jewish writings and scriptures. And analysis and application of those writings to the story of Jesus.

This should go without saying, but Jews are not Greek or Roman.
There is chemical produced by only monogamous (Greek for = Only Marriage) creatures.. And humans produce it, I watch a lot of the science channels.. If I come a cross a link I'll PM it you.

Oxytocin, in females, and vasopressin, in males are the two chemicals which help prairie voles to be monogamous. (4) These same chemicals are present in montane voles, but do not have the same effect. (5) Oxytocin and vasopressin are released after the prairie voles mate, so that they form an "attachment." (1)
Want to be an animal? Or a human?.. your choice.. The word Barbaric didn't come out of the ground.

Anyway Jesus wasn't a Prophet he was the son of God... So you can't even compare him to anyone else. Nor can Islam.