The Death of Jesus In The Qur'an

Postmaster said:
There is chemical produced by only monogamous (Greek for = Only Marriage) creatures.. And humans produce it, I watch a lot of the science channels.. If I come a cross a link I'll PM it you.

Want to be an animal? Or a human?.. your choice.. The word Barbaric didn't come out of the ground.

Anyway Jesus wasn't a Prophet he was the son of God... So you can't even compare him to anyone else. Nor can Islam.
Oxytocin is used by females for birth and milk production but is released in the body in both males and females. And it certainly has a calming and pleasurable effect on both sexes. But in human males, oxytocin is released at orgasm as a side effect of sex. So it doesn't predispose humans to being monogamous in sexual behavior even though it may correlate to pair bonding.
i ve posted this before in another thread and thought i would again post it here, just to give you a litte insight PostMaster....

Islams position on polygamy

Muslims are often accused of being promiscuous because polygamy is legal in Islam.
  1. Islam did not introduce polygamy. Unrestricted polygamy was practiced in most human societies throughout the world in every age. Islam regulated polygamy by limiting the number of wives and establishing responsibility in its practice.
  2. Monogamy of the West inherited from Greece and Rome where men were restricted by law to one wife but were free to have as many mistresses among the majority slave population as they wished. In the West today, most married men have extramarital relations with mistresses, girlfriends and prostitutes. Consequently the Western claim to monogamy is false.
  3. Monogamy illogical. If a man wishes to have a second wife whom he takes care of and whose children carry his name and he provides for he is considered a criminal, bigamist, who may be sentenced to years in jail. However, if he has numerous mistresses and illegitimate children his relation is considered legal.
  4. Men created polygamous because of a need in human society. There is normally a surplus of women in most human societies. The surplus is a result of men dying in wars, violent crimes and women outliving men. The upsurge in homosexuality further increases the problem. If systems do not cater to the need of surplus women it will result in corruption in society. Example, Germany after World War II, when suggestions to legalize polygamy were rejected by the Church. Resulting in the legalization of prostitution. German prostitutes are considered as workers like any other profession. They receive health benefits and pay taxes like any other citizen. Furthermore, the rate of marriage has been steadily declining as each succeeding generation finds the institution of marriage more and more irrelevant.
  5. Western anthropologists argue that polygamy is a genetic trait by which the strongest genes of the generation are passed on. Example, the lion king, the strongest of the pack, monopolizes the females thereby insuring that the next generation of lion cubs will be his offspring.
  6. Institutional polygamy prevents the spread of diseases like Herpes and AIDS. Such venereal diseases spread in promiscuous societies where extra-marital affairs abound.
  7. Polygamy protects the interests of women and children in society. Men, in Western society make the laws. They prefer to keep polygamy illegal because it absolves them of responsibility. Legalized polygamy would require them to spend on their additional wives and their offspring. Monogamy allows them to enjoy extra-marital affairs without economic consequence.
  8. Only a minority will practice polygamy in Muslim society. In spite of polygamy being legal in Muslim countries, only 10-15% of Muslims in these countries practice polygamy. Although the majority of men would like to have more than one wife, they cannot afford the expense of maintaining more than one family. Even those who are financially capable of looking after additional families are often reluctant due to the psychological burdens of handling more than one wife. The family problems and marital disputes are multiplied in plural marriages.
  9. Conditions have been added for polygamy in many Muslim countries. For example, in Egypt, the permission of the first wife must first be obtained. This and similar conditions are a result of colonial domination. No woman in her right mind will give her husband permission to take a second wife. Such a condition, in fact, negates the permission given by God in the Qur'an.
  10. Others have accepted polygamy on condition that it not be for “lust”. That is, if the wife is ill, or unable to bear children, or unable to fulfill the husband’s sexual needs, etc., taking a second wife is acceptable. Otherwise it becomes “lust” on the husband’s part and is consequently not acceptable. The reality is that “lust” was involved in the marriage of the first wife. Why is it acceptable in the case of the first and not the second? As has already been pointed out, men are polygamous by nature. To try to curb it by such conditions will only lead to corruption in society.
  11. Feminists may object to this male right by insisting that women should also be able to practice polygamy. However, a woman marrying four husbands would only increase the problem of surplus women. Furthermore, no child would accept his or her mother identifying the father by the “eeny meeny miney mo” method. The question which remains is, “If God is good and wishes good for His creatures, why did he legislate something which would be harmful to most women?” Divine legislation looks at the society as a whole seeking to maximize benefit. If a certain legislation benefits the majority of the society and causes some emotional harm to a minority, the general welfare of society is given precedence.
written by: Dr. Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips
Salaamu alyckum
Originally Posted by Postmaster
There is chemical produced by only monogamous (Greek for = Only Marriage) creatures.. And humans produce it, I watch a lot of the science channels.. If I come a cross a link I'll PM it you.

Want to be an animal? Or a human?.. your choice.. The word Barbaric didn't come out of the ground.

If you want to be more logical you should looking carefully ,how people realy become like animals? .......

Actually ,Monogamy was introduced into Christianity at the time of Paul when many revisions took place in Christianity. This was done in order for the church to conform to the Greco-Roman culture where men were monogamous but owned many slaves who were free for them to use: in other word, unrestricted polygamy

Polygamy has been practiced by mankind for thousands of years. Many of the ancient Israelites were polygamous, some having hundreds of wives. King Solomon(S) is said to have had seven hundred wives and three hundred concubines. David(S) (Dawood) had ninety-nine and Jacob(S) (Yakub) had four. Advice given by some Jewish wise men state that no man should marry more than four wives.

No early society put any restrictions on the number of wives or put any conditions about how they were to be treated. Jesus was not known to have spoken against polygamy. As recent as the17 th century, polygamy was practiced and accepted by the Christian Church. The Mormons (Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints) has allowed and practiced polygamy in the
United States.

There are three kinds of polygamy practiced in societies:

(1) serial polygamy, that is, marriage, divorce, marriage, divorce and so on any number of times;
(2) a man married to one woman but having and supporting one or more mistresses;
(3) an unmarried man having a number of mistresses. Islam condones but discourages the first and forbids the other two.

Some men take the position that monogamy protects the rights of women. But are these men really concerned about the rights of women? The society has many practices that exploit and suppress women, leading to women’s liberation movements from the suffragettes of the early twentieth century to the feminists of today.

The truth of the matter is that monogamy protects men, allowing them to " play around" without responsibility. Easy birth control and easy legal abortion has opened the door of illicit sex to women and she has been lured into the so-called sexual revolution. But she is still the one who suffers the trauma of abortion and the side effects of birth control methods.
Taking aside the plagues of venereal disease, herpes and AIDS, the male continues to enjoy himself free of worry. Men are the ones protected by monogamy while women continue to be victims of men’s desires. Polygamy is very much opposed by the male dominated society because it would force men to face up to responsibility and fidelity. It would force them to take responsibility for their polygamous inclinations and would protect and provide for women and children.

the regulations concerning polygamy limit the number of wives a man can have while making him responsible for all of the women involved.

For more information about the reality about polygamy in Islam those whom interested can visit this site :


Postmaster ,Why you Jumped from the original subject of this thread ?the original issue was about Jesus(PUH) in the Qur' can disbelieve in the Islamic point of view about Jesus(PUH) and discuss in persuasive and logical ways .
postmaster, please explain your comment that christians killed many but the bible didn't. How does this apply to your arguement against Islam?
I have to chime in here. First, because the "science" proving monogamy is so off from what science actually says these days. Second, because I want the Muslims here to know that, as a Christ-follower, I still find beauty and truth in the Qu'ran and think of Muhammed as a great teacher and prophet (as I also find Buddha, the Dalai Lama, etc.).

1. Monogamy: I'm currently finishing my PhD in cultural anthropology, and all recent scientific findings have shown that humans are not naturally monogamous. Pair bonding and attachment to another does not preclude bonding with others. It should be evident not only from science but also simply by looking at human history and current statistics that human beings do not find monogamy easy or natural. After all, as soon as divorce was acceptable in the United States, rate of divorce sky-rocketed and it is now over 50%. The trend in many "monogamous" cultures such as the United States is not monogamy by scientific standards. It is "serial monogamy," which means you have one partner at a time, not one partner for life. Furthermore, recent studies on what appeared to be monogamous birds and mammals have shown that there is a great deal of extra-monogamous sex going on. Just because there is a core pair-bond apparently does not preclude sex outside the pair. Bottom line of where science is at- yes, chemicals released during sex can produce attachment and bonding effects, but that doesn't mean you can't have the same chemicals produced with other people. It's biochemistry, not ethics. As for monogamy "protecting" women... I'd suggest doing some serious research in gender studies. We have known for over a decade in science that monogamy has nothing to do with the protection of women. In fact, women are pretty good at protecting themselves. Look at most animal species- who protects the young? Mama. Who feeds the young? Mama. Then look at human history- in hunter-gatherer bands (the first and longest form of social organization), women provided an average of 70% of the food for the group. What are men protecting women from? Finally, it may illuminate things to just look at the cross-cultural statistics. Forms of polygamy or temporary monogamy have been exceptionally common in cultures throughout the world and throughout human history. It is culture that tells us how marriage works, and not biology.

Finally, let me add that successful monogamous relationships are not based on "romantic love," but rather friendship, commitment, shared spirituality, and trust. Sex and the associated "feel good/bonding" chemicals are not love and do not make a successful marriage. Ask nearly any couple that's been married a long time in any culture. They'll all tell you that people fall in and out of love/romance, but what holds a marriage together is friendship and spiritual love.

2. To the best of my knowledge and what I have read of the Qu'ran, it is a beautiful text and promotes peace and gentleness. Just as the Bible has been used to justify, among other gross injustices to humanity: the Crusades, the Inquisition, Witch Hunts, slavery, the forced conversion of the New World... so too has the Qu'ran been used to justify injustices. Every religion and holy book has, because people get greedy and use religion to justify their own desires, hatreds, and fears rather than turning toward God. The Qu'ran never killed anyone, just as the Bible has not. It can't. It is a book. Religions don't kill people. People kill people.
path_of_one said:
Finally, let me add that successful monogamous relationships are not based on "romantic love," but rather friendship, commitment, shared spirituality, and trust. Sex and the associated "feel good/bonding" chemicals are not love and do not make a successful marriage. Ask nearly any couple that's been married a long time in any culture. They'll all tell you that people fall in and out of love/romance, but what holds a marriage together is friendship and spiritual love.
Now to that, I'll give a hearty . . . AMEN!
Friend said:
Men are the ones protected by monogamy while women continue to be victims of men’s desires. Polygamy is very much opposed by the male dominated society because it would force men to face up to responsibility and fidelity. It would force them to take responsibility for their polygamous inclinations and would protect and provide for women and children.
I would concur on this point, with the caveat that polygyny (one man married to more than one woman) still presents a double standard. Polygamy is simply the marriage of more than one man and one woman, but we are really discussing polygyny, which does not allow one woman to marry more than one man (which is termed polyandry). There is still a focus on restricting women's sexuality and confining the woman to only one partner, her husband. While some maintain that this is "natural" and that men generally want more than one partner while women do not, that has little basis when we look to cross-cultural studies and animal behavior studies. If free to do so, females typically will mate with more than one male, hence human males' preoccupation with coming up with a system that keeps them from doing so.

However, I do agree that in polygynous cultures at least the children are provided for and the relationships are socially acknowledged, a step up from cultures that are monogamous but have widespread adultery, in my opinion. The dishonesty and clandestine nature of adultery is so very damaging, not only because illegitimate children are often neglected (this has been improved somewhat with legal action in the U.S.), but also because it completely destroys a marriage. For many couples I've known that dealt with this problem, the loss of trust was what ended the marriage and was far more devastating than the actual sexual act outside it.
I suppose I'm just looking for an excuse, although this thread is in the Islam forum originally it wasn't until moved.. I'm just pissed off about Islam I suppose, I have nothing against the people, I don't even have anything against Muhammad, but in my view it's like looking at all people of the Islam countries have taken a wrong path, in many case's you probably find better Muslims then Christians and vice versa it's not even about race. But looking at Islam and how it twists it's version of Christ really does make feel abit... I don't even have the word. Fact of the matter is Jesus Christ was literally Gods son that's why there is not even a tomb of his on earth which further shows the mystery surrounding the man, you can say it was political games you can say whatever you want, but in the view of Christianity Muhammad was a false prophet. Why would God send a second "messenger" after 600 years or less? (although Christ was more then a messenger, he was healer, saviour, teacher and many other miraculous workings ect ect..) Chrisitianity is a religion that is blessed by God that's why it remains so strong.

Who was Muhammad? Poor guy was living with his uncle as a merchant and as many people at the time were paganisms, he slowly learnt about Christ and the idea's of one God when he met travellers... And the rest they say is history. And because he was an Arabian man they loved him.. Jesus Christ was a Jew and the Romans were racists agaisn't them, imagine that. In my view Muhammad was true prophet for the Arabian people.
Postmaster wrote:

I suppose I'm just looking for an excuse, although this thread is in the Islam forum originally it wasn't until moved.. I'm just pissed off about Islam I suppose, I have nothing against the people, I don't even have anything against Muhammad, but in my view it's like looking at all people of the Islam countries have taken a wrong path, in many case's you probably find better Muslims then Christians and vice versa it's not even about race. But looking at Islam and how it twists it's version of Christ really does make feel abit... I don't even have the word.

Fact of the matter is Jesus Christ was literally Gods son that's why there is not even a tomb of his on earth which further shows the mystery surrounding the man, you can say it was political games you can say whatever you want, but in the view of Christianity Muhammad was a false prophet. Why would God send a second "messenger" after 600 years or less? (although Christ was more then a messenger, he was healer, saviour, teacher and many other miraculous workings ect ect..) Chrisitianity is a religion that is blessed by God that's why it remains so strong.

My comment:

You know Postmaster.. You can certainly continue in your beliefs...It's your choice but i sense in you a real lack of tolerance when it comes to Islam...It's hard for you to put it into words, as you wrote above: "I don't even have the word." And i think you are also truthful when you wrote: "I suppose I'm just looking for an excuse". That to me sounds a lot like what you were looking for about a week or so ago on another forum here.

So you're trying to resolve these issues but having a very difficult time, so i think you deserve some credit and maybe some space just to try to explore what it is you really have against another religion. I don't think you're entirely to blame for this either because I've seen this attitude before and I think it goes back maybe centuries in time in Europe...

Postmaster wrote:

Who was Muhammad? Poor guy was living with his uncle as a merchant and as many people at the time were paganisms, he slowly learnt about Christ and the idea's of one God when he met travellers... And the rest they say is history. And because he was an Arabian man they loved him.. Jesus Christ was a Jew and the Romans were racists agaisn't them, imagine that. In my view Muhammad was true prophet for the Arabian people.

My comment:

Now don't you think it's rather remarkable that such a "poor guy living with his uncle as a merchant" would have such an impact on history? How do you suppose someone who "slowly learnt about Christ and the idea of one God when he met travellers" unassisted and alone by himself could account for the revelation of Islam? And your final statement seems to recognize "Muhammad was true prophet for the Arabian people."

I don't know for sure but it seems to me your trying to resolve some of these issues...

You hear what your church and culture is saying on one hand, but it seems to me you're actually acknowledging that there's probably more out there than what they can offer. If I were you, I would just take some time out and really do some reflecting and meditating on these things.

- Art
path_of_one said:
I'm currently finishing my PhD in cultural anthropology
Cool. I love anthropology. During my first two years as an undergrad, I intended to major in it. What is your thesis? (If you don't mind my asking)
Originally Posted by Path_of_One
but we are really discussing polygyny, which does not allow one woman to marry more than one man (which is termed polyandry). There is still a focus on restricting women's sexuality and confining the woman to only one partner, her husband. While some maintain that this is "natural" and that men generally want more than one partner while women do not, that has little basis when we look to cross-cultural studies and animal behavior studies. If free to do so, females typically will mate with more than one male, hence human males' preoccupation with coming up with a system that keeps them from doing so.
Hi there

Why Not Polyandry (plurality of husbands for the same women?)
It is evident that the nature of women is physiologically and psychologically different from that of men. Psychologically speaking, the woman is monogamous by her very nature. Furthermore, in all cultures, new and old, the headship of the family is normally man’s. One can imagine what would happen if the family had two or more heads. Furthermore, if the woman was married to more than one husband, which would be the father of her children?

my friend as much as the science progress and provide us new knowledges my faith in my religion become stronger....We all know about the genes map of the human being and that each one of us have his own map and the people in the same family have common or similar genes,when close people or enates whom are from the same family like cousins are marry the possibility of the genetic diseases will increase
so what will happened if two human being make relation with each other without knowing that they are very close like brothers ????( Which may be happened when women make many relations ,and the children doesn't know their fathers ).the marriage organization save the society from many problems including the healthy problems......and the most important issue behind the prevent or unacceptable of woman Polyandry is to save the Pedigrees or Lineages .( so we as humans be different from animals).
Postmaster said:
I suppose I'm just looking for an excuse, although this thread is in the Islam forum originally it wasn't until moved.. I'm just pissed off about Islam I suppose
In which case, please respect the Muslims here by not posting inflammatory comments against Islam.

Most of the Christians and Muslims here show great restraint by allowing one another to express their own opinions regarding their own faiths, without challenging them directly from a different faith perspective.

Please post more responsibly, otherwise I may have to pre-moderate your comments before they are published.
Postmaster, what exactly pisses you off about Islam? are you even reading material that the muslims are posting? how can we help clear up any misconceptions? do you realize that Islam is all about submitting to God, about family, equality, peace, charity? please, seek facts.
I didn't mean it out of offence, I meant it out of honesty, I'm aware of the tension between both the faiths, I'm not talking about it on a humanise level, I'm talking about it on a religious level. I'm sure many Muslims are annoyed with Christianity too, I haven't got a problem with it, or the people... I suppose I should pick my words better, or maybe explain myself better. Fact is Christianity is older then Islam and then you get Islam twisting the bible, sure it would annoy Christians or am I mistaken here? Jesus was sent by God to die on the Cross and he knew his mission well before it happened, God did not do it because he was preaching falseness.. Other wise, why would it be the largest religion in the world? Our Gods people really reading falseness? All the technology of the west is being used in the east and our world is a great place, our we really that evil? Is majority vote evil too?

God has shown who is right anyway..

Postmaster wrote:

Fact is Christianity is older then Islam and then you get Islam twisting the bible, sure it would annoy Christians or am I mistaken here? Jesus was sent by God to die on the Cross and he knew his mission well before it happened, God did not do it because he was preaching falseness.. Other wise, why would it be the largest religion in the world? Our Gods people really reading falseness? All the technology of the west is being used in the east and our world is a great place, our we really that evil? Is majority vote evil too?

My comments:

Maybe there's something we can learn Postmaster from this,

if you consider that Judaism is older than Christianity and many Jews are annoyed that Christians are "twisting the Bible"..... "or am i mistaken here?"

Each dispensation does in some ways reinterpet the preceding one. Actually, what i think is occuring is that it isn't really a reinterpretation so much as a restoration of the original truths for the age the new dispensation is revealed in.

So it's like you're in a train car that is actually stationary and another train is passing nearby. You have this sensation looking out the window of your train of movement seeing the other train passing by, but in reality you're not moving at all.

Now as to your second comment I also find interesting and possible something we can explore:


"....why would it be the largest religion in the world? Our Gods people really reading falseness? All the technology of the west is being used in the east and our world is a great place, our we really that evil? Is majority vote evil too?"

My Comment:

Today, numerically, Christianity is the largest religion in the world, but it was not always the case. At one time it was largely restricted to Europe... later as the European powers expanded through colonialism and Empire building, Christian missionaries travelled throughout these newly conquered lands.

First came explorers and traders...then the military came to protect the traders and later the missionaries followed...of course the order could be different in some cases...maybe missionaries came with the traders, or whatever.

The point is Christianity often spread through conquest and trade.

What accounted for the technological "advantages" of Europe? We're pretty sure today that what fueled the Renaissance was the translation of Arabic texts into Latin in the Universities of Italy, Spain, etc. In other words, Europe stood on the shoulders of the advances made by Islamic civilization.

And in turn, Islamic civilization combined earlier contributions from India, China, Persia, Egypt and Greece....

So that's how Europe achieved some advantages that were used to build the old colonial empires. I wouldn't think this expansion though was always commendable or exemplary as there was acompanied with it a lot of racism and puffed up nationalist ideas of superiority.

I would say that Christianity while it is currently the largst religion today, it is fractured into thousands of sects and denominations and continues to split itself... so there is lack of cohesion. In time, this process of splitting will in my view actually cause the collapse of Christianity as we know it today...Just as many of the previously old line churches are emptying their membership so will the popular chuches today become the empty hulks of tomorrow and so on...So for all it's numbers Christianity is in many ways very weak and fragmented.

We are fast becoming a world civilization and have many challenges to meet and we can no longer afford nationalism that ignores interdependence on other nations.

- Art
if you consider that Judaism is older than Christianity and many Jews are annoyed that Christians are "twisting the Bible"..... "or am i mistaken here?"
How did Jesus twist the bible? We still use the exact same Hebrew old testament... Jesus in fact verified it as truth, did he say Moses wasn't the chosen prophet, ect ect..? The New testament is different book and that's what Islam twisted.
i|?Ah?tmaster]How did Jesus twist the bible? we still use the exact same Hebrew old testament... Jesus in fact verified it as truth, did he say Moses wasn't the chosen prophet, ect ect..? Islam in my view was a step back from peace or maybe a step foward from Paganism.[/QUOTE]

Wait a minute there Postmaster!

I never wrote that Jesus twisted the rather the Torah.

In my view Jesus restored the main spiritaul message of Torah.

Ask your Jewish friends though how they feel about Christians reinterpreting their scriptures...

The point is, every dispensation does this.

Take some time to explore this!

- Art
Nope wrong... Christianity never did that with Judaism. If you compare heresy of Judaism compared to Christianity you haven't got much because it's an extension, some would argue that there isn't even any at all. However you compare heresy from Christianity to Islam, you got something really wrong..
Postmaster said:
Nope wrong... Christianity never did that with Judaism. If you compare heresy of Judaism compared to Christianity you haven't got much because it's an extension, some would argue that there isn't even any at all. However you compare heresy from Christianity to Islam, you got something really wrong..
I have to admit, as a Christ-follower, this has not been my experience. In my comparative studies of Judaism and Christianity, and talking things over with Jews, the following often are considered heretical or "wrong interpretations" by Jews:

1. Jesus as God, which is the dominant way of thinking about him in Christianity. To a Jew, God is a One Divine Entity. There can be no trinity, because God is always One and One only. Jewish people tell me that to worship Jesus is to break the first commandment.
2. Jews believe that God made all things perfect and as they should be. They say that Christians view of Satan makes God's creation of the angels imperfect, because the angels were messengers of God and had no free will according to Judaism. Thus, the Christian Satan, who has free will and fights God and is often framed as God's enemy and "winning" in some people's hearts, appears as a pseudo-deity compared to the Jewish Satan, who is the angel of temptation and death and judgment, the "adversary" and "prosecutor," an entity that is just doing his job as God commands him. Jews believe that God created both good and evil in order that we may grow spiritually, and OT scripture supports this (even the translations in English).
3. Jews do not believe in an eternal hell. They believe that those who fail to put spirituality and righteousness as a strong priority in life will spend time away from God after death in order to learn the lessons they missed. Some Jews believe reincarnation may occur to learn lessons. Hell ("Gehenna") is a metaphor for this separation from God for us to learn our lessons and attain righteousness and a spiritual connection to God.
4. Jews do not believe that the OT God is wrathful, judgmental, and unyielding. They believe their Father God is just but also merciful, and if one tries hard in life to be righteous, one will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. They did not have the idea that perfection was required, which is how many Christians view it: that Jesus is mediating between humans and the Father, who is unable to let them into heaven without the covering of Jesus.
5. Jews do not believe God is gendered. In the Torah, the Hebrew words for God alternatively are masculine, feminine, and plural. This was to show that God was not gendered. God was beyond gender and had no physical form. Some Christians believe in the non-corporeal Jewish version of God, others I know believe in the masculine, corporeal God as Father and Son.
6. Jews never had the idea that Gentiles had any obligation to follow the law. They tell me that Gentiles are judged based on cultivating spirituality and ethical action (righteousness), just as Jews are, but they are not judged under the law because that was exclusive to the Jewish people. One can convert to Judaism, but they do not believe that non-Jewish people automatically cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven. This is one of the reasons many of them have problems with Christianity, which typically professes to be the only way for everybody in the world.
7. Jews never saw the Messiah as God. The Messiah was King. This gets back to #1.

That's just a few off the top of my head, and some Jews definitely consider central tenets of Christianity to be heretical. If Jews considered the NT to be simply an extension of the OT, as Christians do, they would likely be Christians and not Jews. The fact that they reject many teachings and/or interpretations of the NT is evidence that they do not agree that it is a simple extension.