The Law and the Ages

Dear Basstian

There is no confusion in my life, the foundations of the temple have been laid every stone by GOD, each step led by GOD, the self healing, the self mastery, and the wisdom all as come from GOD and with GOD's hand, voice and love. It as been a long journey spanning 50 years, the GOD I know and love as no need for doctrines or spiritual practise.

I know that I am not explaining myself very well here, as I am tired and it is late but when one changes one evolves with each guided step there is a rising of consciousness.

For instance when Archangel Michael gave me the 'Mirror of Consciousness' dictation I then had to integrate these words into my daily life and begin to see all through the eyes of GOD up to that point I did not, but GOD decided I was ready for the next level of consciousness I then get the next dictation, discourse, message or conversation.

For instance last year when Archangel Michael came and said I must raise my consciousness further, if I do not resonate with someone's energy then it means I must love them more. Another time he came and said that instead of calling him if someone desired to hurt me (which he always responded to) I must now pray to GOD and ask that this person be forgiven and that they find the light, love and wisdom of GOD in their hearts. Prior to that I would call AM and ask him to sort the problem out!

Jesus taught me zero judgement and the way of salvation, he taught me how to save myself and then how to save others from the darkness of the wilderness.

So my soul's evolution is guided to change at each step on the journey and with this type of connection with the Holy Spirit one does not feel the need/sustenance for what one might call the food of GOD in the bible.

GOD bless

and sweet dreams

kim xx
Basstian said:
...SS You have great potential great intellect and faith that could indeed move mountians. I respect you as a person and you may or may not care about my views. But in my view you need to look for the lighthouse and drop anchor drifting ships are sometimes refered to as lost. God Bless
"Foundering" is the term...
Ok I am lost I have read that post several times

Did you just say you didnt need the Bible or the Food out of It ?
Please explain how you meant that statement.

Are you refering to this the same way Jesus said man shall not live by bread alone?

SS Did Jesus Die for your sins?

I am trying hard here to find one small piece of common ground.
Dear Basstian

Basstian said:
Ok I am lost I have read that post several times
Did you just say you didnt need the Bible or the Food out of It ?
Please explain how you meant that statement. Are you refering to this the same way Jesus said man shall not live by bread alone? SS Did Jesus Die for your sins? I am trying hard here to find one small piece of common ground.

Jesus taught me to heal the need for anything. I have no needs, yes there are things that are essential like a roof over the head and an inner sanctum of peace but I have no needs only a few essentials. Is the bible essential to my well-being no it is not. Does Jesus and GOD's messengers inspire me to study scripture and show me new insights yes they do. Just this week I was asked to look at the passages in Galatians and Acts to share here, I do not question him on the reason why I just do as he asks.

My direct communion with Jesus Christ is all that is required, he asked me to continue to listen to him and his mother and I willingly and lovingly surrender to his will. His will, will be done.

Our common ground is our love of Jesus Christ and GOD.

Did Jesus die for our sins, Jesus as told me he did not. He said that he did come to remove the sin of the world and the sin was the teaching of original sin that became the foundation of the world. He says he came to replace the teaching of sin with the wisdom of love and lay a new foundation for humanity based upon love.

Is there injustice in the world yes he came after the Iraq war began with his mother and said this 'there is no justice while suffering remains'. So he speaks of justice and I must continue to listen to him and his way of love, light and life.

This message I received from GOD at dawn last year says it all for me

GOD is love and love is the way to live life forevermore.

If you wish to know exactly where I am at; the 'Enlightenment' thread sums it up. I have moved beyond duality of opposites and beyond any duality found within religions. I am truly blessed to walk hand in hand with the source of supreme love and light but yet like Jesus I have to learn to walk between the worlds of different realities and consciousness, while humanity goes through the biggest transition since the history of time. I am human and divine and just like Jesus I also have human weakness at times, but he is always here to comfort me should I require it.

I have no expectation or attachment to you or anyone else believing me for I ceased proving my reality a long time ago. I had no aspiration to do what I do all as been a divine plan that I feel I must have agreed to pre-incarnation. Jesus has been my rock, he is my heart, Jesus as taught me transparency and spiritual independence and he as also taught me to ignore those that might shout blasphemy. I am on a mission from GOD the next step of the journey is to launch the Christ Vision of Peace, a Mission of Compassion to inspire others to create a Love Union around the globe. He plans to energise people to innovate change by inspiring their hearts to change the face of humanity and create the Kingdom of Love, a new world for our children he says this is the true passion of Christ.

These messages from Christ is what inspires me and his love compels me.

6th June 2004

"You are the light of the world,
the flame of love that purifies
whatever stands in the way
of complete oneness with GOD"


18th May 2004

I woke up to hearing the words Sychamore tree, go to Damascus

Late afternoon I sat down in contemplation and he spoke these words.

Yes child we are here
There will be no antipathy or obstructions in the way of the mother.
Lo and behold the Grace of God for you are one
Relationships with all beloveds
Unity in clarification
Run not before you can walk

Faith, hope and charity is the way forward
Salvation is the road
When one walks with me
Across the new yonder
Blessed BE

The roots have been planted
The role will be defined
Hallow be thy name as it is in heaven
Justice will be done

The roses will come and solidify the divine plan
Trust in us always we will never guide you wrong
Blasphemy ignore!
You are on track
Salutation on high

My Rose of Sharon and Lily of the valley
Violets are put into your hands
GOD bestows the miracles so that you can reap what you have sown
Gently we move you to a different land
And you will hold the baby in your hand
Rejoice, rejoice, rejoice!

The mother cradles you and will never let you down.
So stand in your truth and allow it to glow.
You have walked the path to peace, you found your way home.
Now you are ready for the mission in hand
So raise yourself to the source, knowing that we are one.


Christ the Lord

Glory BE to GOD for I am just a humble servant

Love beyond measure

Kim xxx
Bandit said:
yes I believe they are Basstian. I think it is pretty obvious the world does not really care about being faithful to the commandments. I believe the same book we have right now is the same book that will be opened at the last judgement.The world does not want to hear about Jesus or the bible. They have there own agenda about themselves. I believe this remnant is the seed of Israel, but I also think that it is in part refering to the engrafted church.
The times are just too mixed up for me to accept we live in a fairy tale world of love.
Idols, adultery, the Lords name in vain, MURDERs every single is all there. we are all guilty of some of these things but I think the few who take his commandments to heart and love Him, and not treat them like just some traffic light law, are the remnant of his seed.

I think that is pretty ironic i posted the parable of the seed and the sower (the first sower) and you posted the remnant of the seed at the very same time. Right On brother:)
Amen to that! There are also prophets to guide us through these last days that guide us and give us commandments!