Religion is it a Christian thing to do?


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Bible Belt USA
:p LOL I start this hoping it will stay light and humorous in all the posts.

I just now did a search on the word religion in the Bible wasnt really sure what I would find. I was thinking maybe a path to strict up holding of doctrine what to do everyday in a religious way to draw closer to God.

What I found was shocking to me in some ways. Religion is not spoke of highly Paul refers to it as his old way the way he was raised. James says it is pure only when used to help others not as a show of faith.

I live in a country that was founded on " Religious Freedom " and cant find any good points being said in the Bible about religion???

I myself look to Abraham for my "religion" my deepest desire is to be considered a friend of God. If he tells me something Hard to believe I want to be able to Laugh and say "Ya right! whatever you say God" I also want to prove my level of devotion to this friendship by doing anything He asks of me no matter if it makes since or not.

At this point in my study I am not sure how to view religious behavior. Is it something Gods really wants? Would a friend want the same thing Day after Day week after week?
I want to Be a good friend to God. I right now am not sure if being religious is the way to do that.

I would like to see others thoughts on this. But remember I am not knocking anybodies religion faith or how they serve God.
Kindest Regards, Basstian, and welcome to CR!
Basstian said:
I just now did a search on the word religion in the Bible wasnt really sure what I would find. I was thinking maybe a path to strict up holding of doctrine what to do everyday in a religious way to draw closer to God.

What I found was shocking to me in some ways. Religion is not spoke of highly Paul refers to it as his old way the way he was raised. James says it is pure only when used to help others not as a show of faith.
I am not certain I understand what it is you are asking. That is, what exactly do you mean by "religion?"

I live in a country that was founded on " Religious Freedom " and cant find any good points being said in the Bible about religion???
A lot depends on what it is you mean. If by religion, you mean following a path or tradition of wisdom, then religious freedom is a beautiful thing. That is, by allowing for differing views on what constitutes religion/wisdom, it allows for greater sharing of beliefs, ideally raising those who seek to a higher level of freedom. Although in practice I think religious freedom as practiced in the US is not absolute, there are after all certain religious practices and customs that are outlawed (such as smoking peyote or ghost dancing, or animal sacrifice, for example). But a lot I believe is in creating a more tolerant atmosphere for the "melting pot" or "patchwork quilt" that is America. And it also helps with the separation of church and state, so that no one religion is officially authorized while other paths are ostracised. My opinion anyway.

Now, if you mean religious observances, or better said "going through the motions," then I think there is something to your point on what Jesus, Paul and James had to say on the matter. It seems to me there are many "religious" people in the world who go through the motions of being faithful, but forget or never learn to apply the wise truths in their daily lives, especially towards other people of different paths. That I think, is the distinction between "legalism" and "blind faith." Neither alone is good. Simply hearing the word of wisdom is not enough, in my opinion regardless of what path one chooses to follow. One must DO what the wisdom teaching says. Or as James put it, "faith without works is dead."

At this point in my study I am not sure how to view religious behavior. Is it something Gods really wants? Would a friend want the same thing Day after Day week after week?
I want to Be a good friend to God. I right now am not sure if being religious is the way to do that.
For what it is worth, I think some religious observances, say baptism and communion, are our way of demonstrating to God our dedication towards Him on the path we have before us. But even though we may be very devoted in our demonstrations like this, if we do not apply the wisdom taught on a daily basis, then we kinda lie to ourselves - and to God. At least, that is how I see it.

I would like to see others thoughts on this. But remember I am not knocking anybodies religion faith or how they serve God.
I think you have a very valid question, and I hope others will reply with their thoughts. But again, I have to ask, what it is you mean by the term "religion?"
And I ask because it is very easy to mix up the meanings in one's mind and heart, perhaps never realizing there is a difference.
Ok good point I will try to make it clear.

Religion to me is not Faith or denomination it is like you said going through the motions.
Now as to baptism and communion that is obdience and not what I would consider as part of what I am in question about.
Abraham was obedient to God whatever was asked He did but I see also he made deals with Him like a friend would see the story of Lot and sodom.

I guess I just dont want to be a Christian in deed but not one in heart.

I strongly believe it is not what you do or dont do but what Christ Did for you that matters.
People often get sucked into denominations that use there religion to show the world how devout they are. I am not sure that is in line with what I read about in the Bibles view of religion.
I dont want to end up being a Biblical Robot that serves God based on scripture that is entered like Data in my mind lol that kind of religion ;)
People often get sucked into denominations that use there religion to show the world how devout they are. I am not sure that is in line with what I read about in the Bibles view of religion.
I dont want to end up being a Biblical Robot that serves God based on scripture that is entered like Data in my mind lol that kind of religion ;)
So ya don't want to be a Christian Pharisee, eh? :p

Come to think of it, there are alot of those nowadays...
I guess it depends how one views and interprets religion in one's own life, without doubt Jesus did not ask for blind faith and I feel he was inter-faith, born a Jew but yet embraced all people without exception.

Paul said: ‘There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus’ Gal 3:28.

I like your term friend and also beloved of GOD, bride and bridegroom resonates with my heart, to obey and be obedient infers inequality but yet we can choose willingly and lovingly to surrender to GOD and align our will with God's will.

A thought to ponder upon we have a ceremony that marries human man and woman but yet I know not of a ceremony within the Christian faith where we become the Bride of Christ. (although is this in the Catholic faith when the little girls dress up as brides?) It as been made clear to me that the love of GOD is more important then love of humans; love humans with all your hearts but the soul belongs to GOD.

I found a passage in the bible the other day when th disciples ask Jesus how they will know when he is coming again and he says all the temples (church) will be destroyed prior to his arrival, does he mean church/religious doctrine too? And so what did Jesus really mean when he asked Paul to start a church in his name? How would you feel and what would you do if Jesus came before you with the same request?

It was also very interesting for me doing research on all of the minor prophets through them God's will was to teach humanity a new social perspective, an improved morality and ethics. It did not include spiritual or religious practice which also reminds me of some of the early philosopher's like Socrates and Plato who were basically doing the same as the minor prophets in the bible. So from this it was self evident that God's will is that we live the principles of the will-to-good, equality, sharing, caring, loving and the brotherhood of man, our good and charitable deeds being the way to demonstrate our love for GOD and this being more important to GOD then any spiritual practice or religious doctrines. Friends helping each other through the maze of life and its obstacles.

Here is what I found in the internet dictionary

Found 5 hits - Term: religion, Database: *, Strategy: exact

[1] : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Ghost dance \Ghost dance\
A religious dance of the North American Indians, participated
in by both sexes, and looked upon as a rite of invocation the
purpose of which is, through trance and vision, to bring the
dancer into communion with the unseen world and the spirits
of departed friends. The dance is the chief rite of the

Ghost-dance, or


religion, which originated about 1890 in the doctrines of
the Piute Wovoka, the Indian Messiah, who taught that the
time was drawing near when the whole Indian race, the dead
with the living, should be reunited to live a life of
millennial happiness upon a regenerated earth. The
religion inculcates peace, righteousness, and work, and
holds that in good time, without warlike intervention, the
oppressive white rule will be removed by the higher
powers. The religion spread through a majority of the
western tribes of the United States, only in the case of
the Sioux, owing to local causes, leading to an outbreak.

See also: [Ghost-dance] [Messiah] [religion]

[2] : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Religion \Re*li"gion\ (r[-e]*l[i^]j"[u^]n), n. [F., from L.
religio; cf. religens pious, revering the gods, Gr. 'ale`gein
to heed, have a care. Cf. Neglect.]
1. The outward act or form by which men indicate their
recognition of the existence of a god or of gods having
power over their destiny, to whom obedience, service, and
honor are due; the feeling or expression of human love,
fear, or awe of some superhuman and overruling power,
whether by profession of belief, by observance of rites
and ceremonies, or by the conduct of life; a system of
faith and worship; a manifestation of piety; as, ethical
religions; monotheistic religions; natural religion;
revealed religion; the religion of the Jews; the religion
of idol worshipers.

An orderly life so far as others are able to observe
us is now and then produced by prudential motives or
by dint of habit; but without seriousness there can
be no religious principle at the bottom, no course
of conduct from religious motives; in a word, there
can be no religion. --Paley.

Religion [was] not, as too often now, used as
equivalent for godliness; but . . . it expressed the
outer form and embodiment which the inward spirit of
a true or a false devotion assumed. --Trench.

Religions, by which are meant the modes of divine
worship proper to different tribes, nations, or
communities, and based on the belief held in common
by the members of them severally. . . . There is no
living religion without something like a doctrine.
On the other hand, a doctrine, however elaborate,
does not constitute a religion. --C. P. Tiele

Religion . . . means the conscious relation between
man and God, and the expression of that relation in
human conduct. --J.

After the most straitest sect of our religion I
lived a Pharisee. --Acts xxvi.

The image of a brute, adorned With gay religions
full of pomp and gold. --Milton.

2. Specifically, conformity in faith and life to the precepts
inculcated in the Bible, respecting the conduct of life
and duty toward God and man; the Christian faith and

Let us with caution indulge the supposition that
morality can be maintained without religion.

Religion will attend you . . . as a pleasant and
useful companion in every proper place, and every
temperate occupation of life. --Buckminster.

3. (R. C. Ch.) A monastic or religious order subject to a
regulated mode of life; the religious state; as, to enter
religion. --Trench.

A good man was there of religion. --Chaucer.

4. Strictness of fidelity in conforming to any practice, as
if it were an enjoined rule of conduct. [R.]

Those parts of pleading which in ancient times might
perhaps be material, but at this time are become
only mere styles and forms, are still continued with
much religion. --Sir M. Hale.

Note: Religion, as distinguished from theology, is
subjective, designating the feelings and acts of men
which relate to God; while theology is objective, and
denotes those ideas which man entertains respecting the
God whom he worships, especially his systematized views
of God. As distinguished from morality, religion
denotes the influences and motives to human duty which
are found in the character and will of God, while
morality describes the duties to man, to which true
religion always influences. As distinguished from
piety, religion is a high sense of moral obligation and
spirit of reverence or worship which affect the heart
of man with respect to the Deity, while piety, which
first expressed the feelings of a child toward a
parent, is used for that filial sentiment of veneration
and love which we owe to the Father of all. As
distinguished from sanctity, religion is the means by
which sanctity is achieved, sanctity denoting primarily
that purity of heart and life which results from
habitual communion with God, and a sense of his
continual presence.

Natural religion, a religion based upon the evidences of a
God and his qualities, which is supplied by natural
phenomena. See Natural theology, under Natural.

Religion of humanity, a name sometimes given to a religion
founded upon positivism as a philosophical basis.

Revealed religion, that which is based upon direct
communication of God's will to mankind; especially, the
Christian religion, based on the revelations recorded in
the Old and New Testaments.

See also: [Neglect] [Natural religion] [Natural theology] [Natural] [Religion of humanity] [Revealed religion]

[3] : WordNet (r) 2.0

n 1: a strong belief in a supernatural power or powers that
control human destiny; "he lost his faith but not his
morality" [syn: faith, religious belief]
2: institution to express belief in a divine power; "he was
raised in the Baptist religion"; "a member of his own
faith contradicted him" [syn: faith]

See also: [faith] [religious belief]

[4] : Jargon File (4.3.0, 30 APR 2001)


Agnostic. Atheist. Non-observant Jewish. Neo-pagan. Very commonly, three
or more of these are combined in the same person. Conventional
faith-holding Christianity is rare though not unknown.

Even hackers who identify with a religious affiliation tend to be relaxed
about it, hostile to organized religion in general and all forms of
religious bigotry in particular. Many enjoy `parody' religions such as
Discordianism and the Church of the SubGenius.

Also, many hackers are influenced to varying degrees by Zen Buddhism or
(less commonly) Taoism, and blend them easily with their `native'

There is a definite strain of mystical, almost Gnostic sensibility that
shows up even among those hackers not actively involved with neo-paganism,Discordianism, or Zen. Hacker folklore that pays homage to `wizards' and speaks of incantations and demons has too much psychological truthfulness about it to be entirely a joke.

[5] : THE DEVIL'S DICTIONARY ((C)1911 Released April 15 1993)

RELIGION, n. A daughter of Hope and Fear, explaining to Ignorance the
nature of the Unknowable.
"What is your religion my son?" inquired the Archbishop of Rheims.
"Pardon, monseigneur," replied Rochebriant; "I am ashamed of it."
"Then why do you not become an atheist?"
"Impossible! I should be ashamed of atheism."
"In that case, monsieur, you should join the Protestants."

It seems that the Christian religion is based upon realisation, revelation spiritual practice and ethical principles in the bible.

Love beyond measure

Kim xxx
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I see this is kind of on the same lines as bloodlines and beliefs, so I am going to post them together in this same thread. Ok?.
i think we can search for a good home church. i do believe that even in the midst of all the turmoil today there are a few pastors, missionaries and churches that are doing the best the can in the truth they have. Not all of them, but there are some and I cant say that every town offers one, so you may have to search.

Traditions of men and vain repitions do not allow for the truth that the bible holds to become a reality in spirit and in the flesh. I am seeing like what you have mentioned, baptism and communion to be a simple part of obedience to the scriptures, but there is more to it. Praise and Worship. Prayer, bible studies, practical living, preparation for a succesful life, faith, repentance, fellowship with other denominations...

I would stay away from the mainstream of what is popular at the current time and through History as in organized religion, but that does not mean that some churches and some leadership within a denomination is not trying. I have also learned that we do not have to believe everything exactly the same way another leadership teaches it, and still get along and learn.

For the kids, I would look for something that offers a good sunday school with meetings for the young people that offers fellowship and outings. Memory verses and a childrens choir are two of the best ways to get the Word instilled into the children today.
Also a church that offers outings for the young married and that try to take care of the widows and elderly.

I came up in a very well rounded church with good leaders and a lot of caring people, where the bible was used for everything in spiritual matters and every day living. I have visited a lot of relgions, but found what I came up with to be 99% true. I am blessed because I dont think everyone gets the same opportunity.

Is religion a Christian thing to do? To a point yes but I dont think there is a single religion out that has it all. But within that, I feel there are some that are trying with the best that they know who keep searching and rising. Seems to me when we put a cap on it, most of them adhere to a couple of principles and STOP. Then they never get higher than the second step. So religion kind leaves people stuck when they claim "We have it all and we are the only right ones".

I am seeing two paths. Not many as some claim. One that is straight and narrow that leads to life. And one that is wide and crooked that leads to destruction.
Kindest Regards, Bandit!
Bandit said:
I am seeing two paths. Not many as some claim. One that is straight and narrow that leads to life. And one that is wide and crooked that leads to destruction.
It might surprise you to learn I see things much the same. The difference being that *some* other wisdom paths teach the same basic truths, in effect to love God (however one happens to view Him) with all of your heart, mind, soul and strength; to love others as yourself; to do unto others as you would have done unto yourself; to exercise faith, hope and charity; and to forgive that you may be forgiven. Obviously, the words used to teach these truths are different in the different paths, but if the individual following those paths properly and truly applies them in their daily lives, then it is my opinion they are still on the "straight and narrow road," whether or not they be Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Pagan or whatever. I state this with the full knowledge that it is not my place to judge any, that we all have One Judge in the end who will separate the wheat from the chaff.

juantoo3 said:
Kindest Regards, Bandit!

It might surprise you to learn I see things much the same. The difference being that *some* other wisdom paths teach the same basic truths, in effect to love God (however one happens to view Him) with all of your heart, mind, soul and strength; to love others as yourself; to do unto others as you would have done unto yourself; to exercise faith, hope and charity; and to forgive that you may be forgiven. Obviously, the words used to teach these truths are different in the different paths, but if the individual following those paths properly and truly applies them in their daily lives, then it is my opinion they are still on the "straight and narrow road," whether or not they be Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Pagan or whatever. I state this with the full knowledge that it is not my place to judge any, that we all have One Judge in the end who will separate the wheat from the chaff.

Yes Juan there are many religions. But I still do not see many different paths. I see two.
I feel the biggest problem facing the Christian religion today is that the religion cannot respond to the young people's fundamental questions? I have received many reports from intelligent young people attending the new 'Alpha' programme offered by the church in the UK. They say they came away very disappointed, they found closed minds and hearts and a lack of open discussion.

These young ones do not have blind faith but they do have a strong belief in GOD, they want to know who the giants are who are mentioned in the bible, how did people manage to live for 900 year's etc etc the religion does not respond to these questions, so for them it throws the whole religion into the air of uncertainty and unknowing.

So then they happily returned to the GOD they know and love and their direct communion with all of GOD's creation.

Dear Bandit

Did Jesus not say my father has many mansions?

Blessings in abundance

Kim xx
we do respond, you just dont like the answers. if i listened to half of the stuff you say Star, I would be throwing the bible out the window, including the blood of Jesus and as Savior for the remission of sin, of course because you believe there is no such thing as sin... and I am not going to do that for you or anyone else.

so maybe it is you and some who turn the deaf ear so they can eat candy.
and stop blaming the Christians and bible believers in your postings for everything because you think you can make them look bad like you are some special hero messenger sent from God to heal the world as if you have all the God specially delivered answers.

Did Jesus not say my father has many mansions?
no that is not exactly what Jesus said.
And here we go again :D

I am not falling for it this time though. You could build a "religion" off Stephen Kings writings if you wanted to doesnt mean it would be God inspired.

If encouraging youth to leave sound doctrine based on the Bible for fairytales created in the human mind is what your in to than that will be on your head not mine.

My post was not to shoot down everything about religion (Christianity we see today) But rather to reflect on what religion should mean or Be to a Christian today.
Does religion lead us to the poor to those in need or does it simply lead us to a weekly service. Does it bring us to the weak and broken hearted or does it Cause us to sit ourself apart from "those type" people.

I live close to a small town where all most all the population goes to the same chruch. They are devout people and deserve respect for being willing to live by their strict code. But on the other hand they seperate themselves from the world and even going into a store in this town makes those who are not of their "faith" feel very unwelcome. Hard to see Christ in attitudes that cold.

I am not sure that type of "religion" is the "Christian" thing to do. I could see that type being nessesary in a hostile persecuting enviroment. IE why the pilgrims came to new world. But to draw away from the people we are sent to tell the story of salvation I believe is wrong.

Now please no more posts that make us have to defend our core beliefs that was not what this thread was intended for.
And here we go again :D

I am not falling for it this time though. You could build a "religion" off Stephen Kings writings if you wanted to doesnt mean it would be God inspired.

If encouraging youth to leave sound doctrine based on the Bible for fairytales created in the human mind is what your in to than that will be on your head not mine.
:D ha ha hee hee:D . well what is a man supposed to do? everytime i log into the Christian Forum I keep seeing the **^%$#!@#$%^&*** DOCTRINE and for some reason it just does not sound right.:D
I think there is a new religion called the MAN from MARS and he holds all power to the universe. He is writing a new bible for the world to follow with all the power of Venus and Mercury put together with a later edition of the power of Jupiter expected in 2007.

I am not falling for it either.
Dear Bandit please calm down I was only sharing reports from other people who have already found GOD and that was nothing to do with me, but I did feel it was appropriate for this thread because it was about Christian/Catholic children going to the their own religion so that they could fit in, but yet they felt they did not. Whether we like it or not society is changing due to the new world children and so is Christianity it is becoming more liberal in its thinking and this is borne out by the Pope in Rome.

I will leave this thread now because member bashing does you no justice.

being love

Kim xx
Sacredstar said:
Dear Bandit please calm down I was only sharing reports from other people who have already found GOD and that was nothing to do with me, but I did feel it was appropriate for this thread because it was about Christian/Catholic children going to the their own religion so that they could fit in, but yet they felt they did not. Whether we like it or not society is changing due to the new world children and so is Christianity it is becoming more liberal in its thinking and this is borne out by the Pope in Rome.

I will leave this thread now because member bashing does you no justice.

being love

Kim xx
then say nice things about Christians and about the Bible instead of bashing them every in 5th post you put out.

Here is one from the Christian Post

Christians Rebuild Houses Destroyed by Tornado

Saturday, Mar. 27, 2004 Posted: 7:17:02AM EST

JACKSON, TN -- Christians from across the nation and Canada have come to Tennessee with many Christian outreach groups, such as Habitat for Humanity, to reconstruct houses that were destroyed during the May 4 tornadoes.

Maggie Hunt, whose house was destroyed by the tornado, is receiving help from the Christian organizations.

''I feel good about the work they're doing,'' Hunt said. ''I didn't know that there was that much help in the world. I'm not able to do it myself.''

This week, the Care-a-vanners, a Christian group that travels around the country in recreational vehicles and builds houses, will be building homes in Jackson, TN.

''Our main goal is to eliminate substandard housing throughout the world,'' said Paul Shiveley, a build team leader with the Care-a-vanners. ''We want to eliminate poverty housing one house at a time.'' Shiveley and his wife Charlene have helped build around 12 houses across the U.S.

He also added that working on the houses and helping others is part of the Christian spirit.

John Zook, a volunteer with the Mennonite Disaster Service from Lancaster, Pa., said he came to Jackson with a purpose - to help those in need.

''We're just here to give people a lift,'' Zook said. ''We're Christians, and the way we look at it is our purpose in life is to help each other.''

The Disaster Response Services branch of the Christian Reformed World Relief Committee is also in Jackson helping those who lost a home to the tornadoes. CRWRC will be working through out the summer in Jackson.

Joyce Visser, a construction supervisor for the CRWRC group, said the members are working in response to what Jesus has called them to do.

''It's a very rewarding experience to help to get the people back into their home,'' Visser said. ''They've been through so much, we want to let God's light shine through us to them. I think it's a commandment of God - love your neighbor as yourself. It doesn't matter where they are. Jesus taught us that - to serve others.''

Many Christian volunteers came to Jackson without knowing each other. But after working together building houses, they say they form a big family under Christ.

''You come in as a stranger and become one family,'' she said.
Sacredstar said:
Did Jesus not say my father has many mansions? ...
Kim xx
I believe Jesus said his Father had a Mansion with many rooms...


i hope im doing this right (being a newbie and all). I want to respond to the original question if I may..

i view religion as a group of people agreeing on common worship traits. Your religion doesnt mean anything to God, its your relationship. Christianity has to do with believing Jesus died for the sins of all mankind. Believing that he made this sacrifice for you (and me) is the big point. Once we get over that obstacle.....we are inspired to be better people. religion doesnt get you into heaven, a right relationship does.
i truly believe that anyone who is sincerely searching for God with an openheart will find him, no matter where they are now. people in remote corners of the earth find God without being able to read the Bible. If you check your Bible, it says that God makes himself known in the very essesnce of nature and life so that no one can say "well nobody ever told me about it" once you get that....all you have to do is ask God where he wants you to him first always...hes a great map 4 your life
truth644 said:
i truly believe that anyone who is sincerely searching for God with an openheart will find him, no matter where they are now. people in remote corners of the earth find God without being able to read the Bible. If you check your Bible, it says that God makes himself known in the very essesnce of nature and life so that no one can say "well nobody ever told me about it" once you get that....all you have to do is ask God where he wants you to him first always...hes a great map 4 your life

Dear Truth totally agree the evidence of experience of an intimate relationship with GOD.


Kim xx
Nice Post welcome Truth.
I guess I am seeing religion in two different lights.

1 leads you to a church pew where you listen for an hour and go home feeling better than the rest of the world because you atend The _______ Church

2 leads you out from The _______ Church into the world to spread the joy and love you have found helping others to also find this.

One of those the Bible talks negatively about the other it supports. I was raised religious #1
I strive now to be religious #2

True Story
A paster started a prison ministry inmates where given bibles and other things needed for their stay and invited to the church on release.
This angered the congregation because the church now had more ex-cons than regular members. He was instructed By the Church Board to continue to Give and Preach to them in jail but (Hush Hush) Dont bring them to the church.

Religion or rather acting Religious can take us out of the will of God and I have seen many times and cases where we go as a group. What is sad is my own dear sweet mother who I love and respect was the ringleader of that Boards Choice. I respect devotion I respect purity and holiness all the things that do make Christians different from the world. But when religion seperates us from where and what our mission here is I cringe at the thought.
Ok, here's how I see it...

Religion is a tool. Now, before anyone jumps me ;), I'm not saying religion is this false thing manipulated by "the Man" (as many atheists would lead us to believe). I'm not saying religion is the opiate of the masses.

The Church is a means to an end, and not an end unto itself. We don't go to church because we enjoy the pretty architecture (although, I enjoy the Catholic churches here in Europe for precisely that reason, lol). We don't go to church to here the pastor's sermon (although some pastors can be quite entertaining.) We go to Church to pray, to grow spiritually.

That is what I mean when I say "religion" is a tool. It is nothing more than the method by which we spend quality time with Our Father. All the little rituals we do - we don't do them for their own sake, we do them to strengthen our relationship with God. All the time we go to church - that's just the time we set aside to pray, and to reflect upon His Word. Religion itself is pointless unless we are doing it for GOD.

Once we get hung up on religion - once we start going to church for the Church's sake and not God's - we begin to worship a false idol. The Church is not God - it is a waypoint to God. If we get hung up on religion, we are focusing more upon the tool than we are the reason for the tool.

Yeah, so anyways, that's just my thinking on religion...