Dear robocombot
I respond as a Christian Spiritualist, Past Life Healer, Reiki Healer and Soul Retrieval Therapist.
1. Is there any (spiritual) life after death?
For some yes, others come straight back to do it all again. Friends that have passed over tell me that they still have a beer etc over the other side but yet there is no pain or suffering. A friend who passed a few months ago was so happy to announce that he is already in the Q to come back again.
3. Whats it like?
A field of dreams, good to research OBE's to get a cross section of views from people who have been there in this lifetime.
4. Do you need to follow a particular way or god to attain afterlife?
Is the place someone goes at death dependant on:
* knowledge gained in life (like Eygptian book of the dead which gives knowlegde necessary for the dead),
* what you believed in life (if you worshipped a particular god in life)
* How you lived youre life (morality)
* Powers you obtained in life (majickical defense in spirit world)
* or anything else?
As I understand it when you reach the other side some go immediately to what we call the hall of the healing first, especially if very sick when they left the earth plane.
The first thing that happens is that you watch the film of your life, you witness everyone and everything from yours and other's experiences and perceptions, so that the soul can recognise for themself any injustice and what was not overcome. From this the soul chooses what needs to be overcome in the next life to purify the soul.
The soul is very fragile and carries memories in consciousness of pain and suffering. And these memories shapeshift like miasms (homeopathy) energetic disease, for instance a person that suffered an inferiority complex in a past life could shapeshift to being a workaholic in this life, still proving they are good enough. Another person raped in a wheat field have been known to manifest wheat allergies in this lifetime. Past Lives have a tremendous impact on unconscious behaviour and repeating cycles. Knowledge is integrated into wisdom through experiencing the knowledge. All the knowledge we need is already within when we are totally in tune with our soul.
Many souls have carried karmic debt, but we are now coming to an age where most karmic debt as been repaid, wheel of rebirth is being broken and so it is that many souls will not choose to reincarnate and if they do it will be without pain and suffering because the souls have learnt how not to suffer or hurt others.
The more that souls purify and evolve the more the soul merges with the spirit until one reaches the point of complete oneness with the GODhead, so as I understand it at this point one is just pure consciousness.
The afterlife is not the goal but complete oneness with the GODhead is.
The afterlife is not such a high plane of existence that many might think but then again I guess we will all know the truth for ourselves when we pass over.
Rudolf Steiner and Edgar Cayce did a lot of work with the afterlife, so might be worth reading their books also the series of books from the Christian Spiritualist church mediums under the name White Eagle.
Apologies for not being able to share more but it as not been my role this lifetime to work specifically with the afterlife dimension.
being love
Kim xx