What is the soul? A question that has plagued humans since the dawn of time. If you were to ask a Buddhist what a sould is, he would tell you the soul is the man himself, his heart, his mind, his spirit, and in some cases his honor. If you were to ask a scientist what a soul was, you would get told that it was some philosophical entity that had unknown energy patterns, that is; if he didn't laugh at you first.
If you ask a christian, he/she would tell you that this is the eternal embodiement of your inner being. The thing that which god gave to us in the beginning.
If you ask a Taoist, he/she would say something to you about karma and the afterlife.
The question shouldn't be "what is the soul?"...the question should be...What is a soul to you? Personally. To each of us, words that have spiritual sentiment usually mean different things to different people. Even the generalized "angels" of todays popularity contests.
Each generation are born people who KNOW what spirituality means. What it really means. Not what someone's idea of spirituality means. In other words, even though we may not believe something, doesn't make it true or false. It makes it true or false to us.
So for each one of us every single day...we wake up, we have our morning/daily/nightly rituals without so much as a second thought to the world that is beneath the surface of the eyes of man.
Those people that are born try to sway others to the realization, but for some reason, over the centuries, these teachings, right or wrong get swayed themselves by the very people who brings the message to others.
Either way, when you ask a question as such, you should also ask others, and yourself, what is it I BELIEVE? When you truly know that, you will be ahead of the game.
Just a few thoughts of my own. And seeing as this is my first official post, here, I was invited here by a friend, so I bid you all a good and fond hello. I hope to be around a while.
Thanks wh.
Aerylon Blackwolf.