Original sin

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ever so gently to transform Christ back into the soothsaying god of the vine, which he was, and in this way absorb those ecstatic instinctual forces of Christianity for the one purpose of making the cult and the sacred myth what they once were - a drunken feast of joy where man regained the ethos and holiness of an animal.

umm eww? Thats horrible. How is that even scholarly? Sounds like trash to me. Its strange to me that someone who uses big words is considered a scholar.
Faithfulservant said:
umm eww? Thats horrible. How is that even scholarly? Sounds like trash to me. Its strange to me that someone who uses big words is considered a scholar.
You aren't interested in reading or understanding it, so calling it "trash" really doesn't make any point other than to demonstrate that you don't understand it and don't want to make an effort to do so (not even for the purpose of intelligently expressing your disagreement).

So Jung's work is heretical, "anti-christ" and "trash." Funny, I've actually read it and disagree on all three counts.

Oh well. To each his own.
[font=Arial, Helvetica]The Psychoanalytic Theory of Psychology teaches that 1) Man is a biological machine or biologic-psychic determinism. Man is merely a product of genetics and his environment. He is driven by forces in his subconscious mind that he can neither understand nor control, such as sexual repression and the repression and hindering of free expression. Only by psychoanalysis can these things be uncovered and dealt with so the individual can have freedom and peace. 2) As just mentioned, the key to freedom and peace is uncovering repressed memories. This is done by hypnotism and psychoanalysis. Psychoanalysis is a combination of dream analysis and free association techniques. 3) The psychoanalytic view of right and wrong is, right and wrong are only what you determine them to be.[/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica]It should be obvious that this psychological model is in conflict with the Bible and MUST be rejected. The Bible says, Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. 1 Thessalonians 5:21 and Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good. Romans 12:9[/font]

So I have read it, I do understand it and I still stand by the trash name. )

Ok for the sake of discussion show me one thing Jung wrote that wasnt anti christian....remember he stated it was all a myth.
its certainly anti-christ.. anti-bible therefore anti-christian. I find it offensive and would have preferred not reading that someone wish that I reverted to drunken feast of joy where I regained the moral character and holiness of an animal. Im curious as to what your point is in posting that persons work on here is? This is a Christian forum discussing the Christian viewpoint of original sin. Are you trying to promote someone or something? That man is obviously teaching contrary to Christianity. Enlighten us please.
Faithfulservant said:
its certainly anti-christ.. anti-bible therefore anti-christian. I find it offensive and would have preferred not reading that someone wish that I reverted to drunken feast of joy where I regained the moral character and holiness of an animal. Im curious as to what your point is in posting that persons work on here is? This is a Christian forum discussing the Christian viewpoint of original sin. Are you trying to promote someone or something? That man is obviously teaching contrary to Christianity. Enlighten us please.
Why is it "certainly anti-christ"? You've taken one line out of context and apparently prescribed a meaning to it. What do you think that line means?

You obviously think you know.

Let's hear it.
Dor said:
[font=Arial, Helvetica]The Psychoanalytic Theory of Psychology teaches that 1) Man is a biological machine or biologic-psychic determinism. Man is merely a product of genetics and his environment. He is driven by forces in his subconscious mind that he can neither understand nor control, such as sexual repression and the repression and hindering of free expression. Only by psychoanalysis can these things be uncovered and dealt with so the individual can have freedom and peace. 2) As just mentioned, the key to freedom and peace is uncovering repressed memories. This is done by hypnotism and psychoanalysis. Psychoanalysis is a combination of dream analysis and free association techniques. 3) The psychoanalytic view of right and wrong is, right and wrong are only what you determine them to be.[/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica]It should be obvious that this psychological model is in conflict with the Bible and MUST be rejected. The Bible says, Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. 1 Thessalonians 5:21 and Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good. Romans 12:9[/font]

So I have read it, I do understand it and I still stand by the trash name. )

Ok for the sake of discussion show me one thing Jung wrote that wasnt anti christian....remember he stated it was all a myth.
Dor said it all here..
Dor said:
[font=Arial, Helvetica]The Psychoanalytic Theory of Psychology teaches that 1) Man is a biological machine or biologic-psychic determinism. Man is merely a product of genetics and his environment. He is driven by forces in his subconscious mind that he can neither understand nor control, such as sexual repression and the repression and hindering of free expression. Only by psychoanalysis can these things be uncovered and dealt with so the individual can have freedom and peace. 2) As just mentioned, the key to freedom and peace is uncovering repressed memories. This is done by hypnotism and psychoanalysis. Psychoanalysis is a combination of dream analysis and free association techniques. 3) The psychoanalytic view of right and wrong is, right and wrong are only what you determine them to be.[/font]
This should go without saying, but the excerpt I quoted and the book it is taken from isn't about psychoanalysis.

The method employed here is label something as "evil" or "unchristian" to ignore it. I see the same method at work judging and minimalizing actual people.

Just a tip, it's not accomplishing what you think it is.
Ok since we are playing word games.... I said the mans writings are anti-christ and I preferred to not be reverted to the state of animals considering I am made in Gods image.. I think you know exactly what my point was and are being difficult because you know exactly how heretical Jungs writings are.. Why you would post them on the Christian forum is answered by knowing what your name means.. are we finished yet? Or do you want to continue baiting me?
Oh I dont label things "evil" or "anti-christian" to ignore them. I label them that after I have read and seen enough to where there isnt a doubt in my mind what they are trying to pass off...I would still like to see one thing Jung said that would be considered beneficial to Christianity.
Faithfulservant said:
Ok since we are playing word games.... I said the mans writings are anti-christ and I preferred to not be reverted to the state of animals considering I am made in Gods image.. I think you know exactly what my point was and are being difficult because you know exactly how heretical Jungs writings are.. Why you would post them on the Christian forum is answered by knowing what your name means.. are we finished yet? Or do you want to continue baiting me?
I'm not baiting you. But nevertheless, I'm not wasting any more time responding to your insults.

Nor will I lower myself to your level.

So this "dialogue" (such as it was) is over.
Dor said:
It should be obvious that this psychological model is in conflict with the Bible and MUST be rejected.
My impression is that Psychoanalysis - in its original Freudians form at least - is not particularly well accepted within psychology either, other than as an important historical part of the development of the discipline.

Dor said:
show me one thing Jung wrote that wasnt anti christian....remember he stated it was all a myth.
If I remember right, a key part of Jung's work was particularly focussed upon trying to interpret the human perception of God in the form of accessible symbols - so it was more a general approach to religion and spirituality in general.

Anyway, it seems that this thread has wandered in a way not preferred and I'll close it.

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