1. 1990--Terri's heart stopped because of a dangerous drop in potassium and sodium from and eating disorder. Her brain deprived of oxygen resulting in immediate and IRREPARABLE BRAIN DAMAGE. Her doctors failed to diagnose and treat her bulemia nervosa.
2. 1991--Terri's husband and parents sent her for aggressive therapies and treatments to various clinics, had multiple brain scans and tests done, and many specialists workiing with them to see if anything could be done to restore her brain loss.
3. 1993--Terri's husband sued her doctors for failing to diagnose and treat her condition. They settled out of court for
$750,000 for Terri and $300,000 for Michael. The 750K was managed by the Terri Shiavo Foundation to pay for her medical expenses...most of it was eaten up by litigation and legal fees
4. Michael stuck by her side and did everything in his power to find any possible help. ALL the experts agreed that there was NOTHING that could be done to help her.
5. Her CEREBRAL CORTEX was completely gone and her brain filled up with spinal fluid. (The CC is the will/consciousness/decison-making/thought/ sensation/memory centre of the brain). Unless science has a way to regenerate new brain tissue, the doctors unanimously agree that she is in a persistent vegetative state.
6. 1998--Michael and her parents disagree on what should be done for Terri, Michael saying that Terri's wish was not to be kept on artificial life support if recovery were not possible. The parents disagree.
7. Michael went to court to bring all the evidence, hear all testimony and make the final decision about Terri's unwritten will. The parents were defendents and had their own medical experts testify, Michael had 2 experts to testify, and the court appointed one objective expert. THE COURT declared that Terri's will was "no artificial life support", and the court was then in the position to be Terri's proxy, her "guardian ad litem" under "Terri's Law".
8. This means that her husband no longer has a say about what happens to Terri--IT IS THE COURT, acting on her behalf.
9. Any $$ left in Terri's trust fund goes to her parents after her death, not her husband.
10. There is and has never been any evidence of spousal abuse as those trying to smear her husband have been saying--it was never an argument that ever came up by anyone in all the years he dedicated to trying to medical help for her, rather than abandoning her and getting a divorce. In fact, it was her parents who in 1998 encouraged him to move on with his life and see other women.
All the court ruling and legal opinions can be found here, as well as a lot of other facts that the public are not hearing about:
Also, the St Petersburg Times coverage details the history:
http://www.sptimes.com/2003/10/28/T...g_Terri_S.shtml <http://www.sptimes.com/2003/10/28/Tampabay/Understanding_Terri_S.shtml>
Given the facts then, this poor woman has been kept alive by a tube for 15 years with part of her brain missing and no hope of recovery. Much is made about the agony of starving to death...yes, for the millions of children around the world who are healthy, food deprivation is indeed a painful and immoral scandal in a world rich enough to feed all the hungry.
But she is 1) unlikely able to feel pain or discomfort because her cerebral cortex is gone, and 2) most people at the end of their lives with terminal illness or just old age, refuse food and water, not having the strength or will to eat, and they die. Should all these people be force to stay alive by feeding tubes even though they will never recover?
She has become a pawn in an ugly political game. The president and his brother are trying to overturn legal ruling and interfere in state laws, not to mention the American public invading the private lives of a family in trauma. And poor, poor Terri who cannot think or utter the words herself..."please just let me die!" The court is trying to fight for her.
Who stands to gain anything from this??? Maybe the government on some kind of misguided moral crusade? Who really gets any money out of this? Will this be setting a terrible precedent for government interference in lives of private citizens?
From information on the web