New Thought

Paladin said:
... About the materialistic world though, I am not sure how you define that idea, but Ernest Holmes in The Science of Mind points out that there is no dividing line between the spiritual and material, as one is an expression of the other.

From what little I understand about Quantum Physics, these ideas seem to be born out quite nicely...
To concern one's self with acquiring material, instead of concentrating on what is important (life, the welfare of others, learning about the Divine), is distracting and often leads to a shallow, or hollow existence.

It's like trying to live on candy, when there is a seven course meal sitting right in front of has a purpose, but isn't the main purpose. ;)

Physics states that energy and matter can be neither created nor destroyed, only changed. Nothing is lost, only transformed. In my occupation I have seen this law proven true thousands of times. It wasn't hard to apply it to the energy of life, and observe that the same holds true. ;)


Thanks again Q, I see now what your definition of material is, more a wrong placement of priorities it would seem. I couldn't agree more. What facinates me about Quantum Physics is the idea that there isn't really any separation between us at all, and in reality we truly are one in the spirit.
Paladin said:
Thanks again Q, I see now what your definition of material is, more a wrong placement of priorities it would seem. I couldn't agree more. What facinates me about Quantum Physics is the idea that there isn't really any separation between us at all, and in reality we truly are one in the spirit.
(chuckle) case in point. I expend energy to reach out to you through this internet web...and eventually contact is made. But then the link between us was and is already there. Time (our own construct) makes it appear to be slow. In reality, however contact was already there. Even now as you read this, I am thinking about your personage, entity. Hence another thread of energy is sewn into the fabric of life.

See what I mean? ;)


Thats beautiful Q,
I'd say God connects the same way.
And every now and then a new taste of something truly sublime is produced on the table of the seven course meal, it may appear to be known ingredients but the freshness is exquisite.
Ciel said:
...I'd say God connects the same way.
And every now and then a new taste of something truly sublime is produced on the table of the seven course meal, it may appear to be known ingredients but the freshness is exquisite.
Yes He does, doesn't He...I hadn't considered that Ciel. (well my Mom did, but I wasn't ready to listen back then...) ;)

