Which came first the Chicken or the Egg?


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So you need a chicken to make an egg but you need an egg to make a chicken, however we know that one of must have came first :D

Common psychological problem, which one do you think came first?

As a religious person I would say the chicken.
very clever :D which came first the egg or the egg layer? :D

Now it seems clearer that a mutant gene went on to make the first egg. What was before egg laying; asexual reproduction (how boring)? Bacteria turned to fish, fish to land animals, then to human. How did matter turn to Bacteria? How can anything be created to have minimal conscious choice? Do Bacteria have conscious choice?

It’s not hard too see why religion is so popular but of course that is a cynical point of view. Once you answer all those questions, you still have infinite more to discover and as the old Chinese proverb goes you might travel the world to find something only to come back and discover it’s in your kitchen. (or something like that :D )

To me everything in life shows something greater then us, the clouds in the sky, the sun, the breaths we take. It's not hard to see there is a creator, it's staring right at us.
I see your looking at it from a different perspective :) are you looking at it from the literal sense? Chicken / egg question to me is more like which came first the creator or the created. Of course it's always the creator :)

Birds indeed did come from Dinosaurs (so we presently think) but of all animals the first to lay an egg was the creator of course. If we follow that line of creators does it lead to God the ultimate and infinite creator? Is that who God is?

As time goes on, the bible seems to make more and more sense and for each generation there is different message that is just as potent.
Oh, Dear--here I am just new to this place, but I feel compelled to interject that perhaps the egg was with the chicken in the beginning?

Forgive me?
I won't wait to get in trouble here by someone else. I will admonish myself. I think I may have edged on religion there, but I did not mean to--it just came out in a sense of humor that I don't quite know what to do with sometimes.

I am new here--I keep saying that. Someone help me, please? I don't even know how to get to the places I want to go. I would appreciate any kind person who is willing to direct me.

Going now to enable more resources. God help me.
InLove said:
Oh, Dear--here I am just new to this place, but I feel compelled to interject that perhaps the egg was with the chicken in the beginning?

Forgive me?
I tend to agree :)
Postmaster said:
I see your looking at it from a different perspective :) are you looking at it from the literal sense? Chicken / egg question to me is more like which came first the creator or the created. Of course it's always the creator :)

Unless, of course, the "created" created the "Creator." And if the created didn't, who or what did?
The only way i can get my mind out of this problem is by looking at the assumtion that there has to be a cause for an effect. Isn't it a possibility that there have always been chickens and eggs.

Before the big bang could have been the big crunch so time is going around in a circle like the world.

My analogy is this: Which came first Night or day? Neither they are relative.
Kaspar said:
The only way i can get my mind out of this problem is by looking at the assumtion that there has to be a cause for an effect.
Indeed, at the quantum level this breaks down, as I understand it. I'm not a physicist, so I could be wrong, but after watching several PBS specials on string theory, it seemed to be saying time and cause/effect break down at the quantum level and under certain circumstances, like the horizon of black holes. So cause/effect and time is subject to our being in a physical reality and perceiving it to be so.

For God, being outside cause/effect and time, and outside physical reality, who knows how it all looks?

Of course none of this gets to chickens and eggs, which are in our physical reality and thus also subject to cause/effect and chronological time.

As a scientist I would go with the egg came first, since birds evolved from reptiles, but that just begs the question about where the reptiles came from.

As a druid and monotheist I would say that all nature not only speaks of Creator, but also is the Creator manifest and immanent. But of course, that's just one gal's take on the universe (multiverse? heh).
I believe that something had a clutch(SP?) of eggs and in these eggs were mutations of the perants and these became known as chickens.
Keep in mind too that eggs don't have to have hard shells. There are many species (like frogs, fish, etc.) that lay eggs that do not have shells at all.

I suspect that at some point some primitive species evolved eggs that had tougher outsides as a way to ensure the egg survived longer and produced a viable offspring. And then the evolution lead to hard shelled eggs, which we know existed among dinosaurs and other ancient reptiles and amphibians... which lead to birds and eventually our well-known chickens.
As a buddhist I would say the Egg (although other buddhists may disagree)

Physical form is created by the consiousness and the consiousness is always evolving, therefore, in between two subsequent lives, the consiousness evolved somewhat and created the physical form of the chicken.


Each new life is begun as an embryo within the mother, and the mother (which was almost, but not quite a chicken) produced the egg of what would hatch to become an actual chicken.

Does anyone know what Im talking about?