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I love your website. It's very informative and well done. I'm an Interfaith Minister and of course am very interested in all religions and dialoguing.
Hello, Lightkeeper! Welcome to CR. Glad to have another interfaith proponent aboard. :) Please tell us more about what an Interfaith Minister does.

lunamoth said:
Hello, Lightkeeper! Welcome to CR. Glad to have another interfaith proponent aboard. :) Please tell us more about what an Interfaith Minister does.

Thankyou lunamoth,

Many Interfaith Ministers are chaplains. They aren't bound by any particular religion so they can minister to just about anyone. They can perform all acitivties that any minister performs. Some work to help the needy, some teach, I know one that is a Unity Church minister,etc.
Lightkeeper said:
Thankyou lunamoth,

Many Interfaith Ministers are chaplains. They aren't bound by any particular religion so they can minister to just about anyone. They can perform all acitivties that any minister performs. Some work to help the needy, some teach, I know one that is a Unity Church minister,etc.
Welcome Keeper of the light...;)

Sounds like a military chaplain, what you do I mean. I have tremendous respect for those folk.


Namasté Lightkeeper

Welcome to these wonderful forums. I would like to learn more on what an Interfaith Minister does. Is there any code of ethics that you follow, fundamental teachings, etc.?

P.S. Actually, I am also new here and I have already wrote a few posts in the Eastern Thought sub-forum. I love the equality and tolerance here. I am a recently converted buddhist but I love to indulge myself in interfaith discussions as well.
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Padipa said:
Namasté Lightkeeper

Welcome to these wonderful forums. I would like to learn more on what an Interfaith Minister does. Is there any code of ethics that you follow, fundamental teachings, etc.?

P.S. Actually, I am also new here and I have already wrote a few posts in the Eastern Thought sub-forum. I love the equality and tolerance here. I am a recently converted buddhist but I love to indulge myself in interfaith discussions as well.
An interfaith minister has the same code of ethics any minister would have. Since an Interfaith Minister honors all religions he/she can teach anything. They are not bound by any dogma or theology. Thanks for asking.:)
hey, Lightkeeper-

welcome to the forum! what a cool profession! how did you come to be an Inter-Faith minister to begin with?
ISFP said:
hey, Lightkeeper-

welcome to the forum! what a cool profession! how did you come to be an Inter-Faith minister to begin with?
It evolved over time. I attended a school for Interfaith Ministers.
Hi Lightkeeper, and welcome to CR. :)

Interfaith Minister sounds interesting, though dangerously close to being something of an oxymoron though. What made you choose that title, rather than one with less organised overtones, if you don't mind my asking?
I didn't choose the title. Interfaith minister is a profession and you study to become a interfaith minister.
Welcome, Lightkeeper,

I have just seen this thread and your posts. Are you amazed that so many people are amazed that you are here?:)

See you down the road. Keep the Light.

Lightkeeper said:
I didn't choose the title. Interfaith minister is a profession and you study to become a interfaith minister.
Sorry to sound ignorant (which I am) on this subject, but what sort of profession and study does one have to actually carry the title of an interfaith minister?? Is it a case of requiring a theology degree first? Or is it a certificate that anyone can take course/buy to achieve??
Hi Brian,

I attended an Interfaith instute, studied world religions, ethics, dialoguing, ceremony development, comparative religion, leadership ministerial counseling, grief counseling, etc. When I received that degree and license, I attended another Interfaith Institute and took additional courses, more comparative religion and metaphysics. I also studied at a Bible studies institute. I continue to study on a daily basis. You can never know it all.

[Edit - site link removed - present in post signature]
